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SAIS and JTED FTE Validation Tool

This function will list all school enrollment records within the current term for your current selection of students.

All Course Counts and calculated FTE columns are calculated based on a snapshot date. The snapshot date used for each enrollment is the first day of that enrollment.
Use the Course Count Date Override parameter to calculate course enrollments as of a different snapshot date. All student enrollments not containing the overridden snapshot date will be calculated as of the first day of that enrollment.

This page allows for the update of a student’s SAIS FTE (FteId), JTED Indicator, JTED School CTDS, and JTED Concurrent CTDS values for each listed school enrollment record. It also lists various other calculated and static values for use in determining the correct FTE and JTED Indicator value for each enrollment.

This tool can be used to:

  • Update student JTED Indicators to 1 (Yes) in bulk at the beginning of the school year.
  • Validate a student’s SAIS FTE after setting the student’s JTED Indicator to Yes.
  • Verify a student is enrolled in enough classes not excluded from attendance (at the section level) for their FTE as of a snapshot date.
  • Check if students’ JTED Indicator values need to be adjusted after Semester 2 schedule changes.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the function. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the function does not return the correct records.

Student Enrollment Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be in the user’s Current Selection.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the current term end date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after the current term start date.
  • The student’s school exit date cannot equal the entry date (excludes no-shows).

Section Enrollment Selection

The report selects records from the [Sections] and [CC] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student’s section entry date must occur on or before the course count snapshot date (or school entry date).
  • The student’s section exit date must occur after the term start date (or school entry date).
  • The section is not flagged as ‘Excluded From Attendance’.”

Input Parameters

To generate the report, do the following:

  1. On the Start Page, select a group of students.
  2. Click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  3. Click Interfaces to other systems. The Interfaces to Other Systems page appears.
  4. Click JTED. The JTED – Arizona’s Joint Technical Education District Ranking and Reporting page appears.
  5. Click SAIS and JTED FTE Validation Tool. The SAIS FTE and JTED Validation Tool page appears.
  6. Enter information in the desired search parameter fields (none are required).
  7. Click Search to generate the results.



Course Count Date Override

Course counts for each listed enrollment are calculated as of the first date of the enrollment (the default snapshot date).

Enter a date in the ‘Course Count Date Override’ field to calculate course enrollments as of a different date for all applicable enrollments.

(School enrollments which do not contain the overridden date will still calculate as of the first day of the school enrollment)

SAIS FTE Course Counts

(Enter the minimum number of course enrollments required for each FTE amount. Used to determine SAIS FTE (Calc) column)

Enter the appropriate values:

0.25 – Enter the minimum number of ADM course enrollments to be considered a .25 FTE

0.50 - Enter the minimum number of ADM course enrollments to be considered a .5 FTE.

0.75 - Enter the minimum number of ADM course enrollments to be considered a .75 FTE.

1.0 - Enter the minimum number of ADM course enrollments to be considered a 1.0 FTE.

The SAIS FTE (Calc) column will compare the values entered with a student’s course count on the course count snapshot date and display a calculated FTE amount based on the values entered. Only the fields populated will be used in the calculation.

For example, if you enter a 2 in the .5 box and enter 4 in the 1.0 box, the SAIS FTE (Calc) column will display:

  • Any student enrollment with 4 or more courses will display as 1.0.
  • Any student enrollment with 2 or more courses but less than 4 will display as .5.
  • Any student with less than 2 courses will display as 0.00.

If all boxes are left blank, all enrollments will display as 0.00.

Function Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the function are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Set JTED Button

Click the ‘Set JTED’ button to set all students’ JTED Indicator values to Y whose JTED Eligible Courses column is greater than 0.

Note: All changes to values listed in the results will be applied upon Submit.

Student Name

The student’s first name.


Student Number

The student’s locally assigned student number.


Grade Level

The student’s grade level for the enrollment.



Entry Date and Exit Date of the enrollment.





Total ADM Courses

The count of courses on the Course Count Snapshot Date, where the section is not Excluded From Attendance.

Course Count Snapshot Date = The first day of the listed enrollment, unless:

  • A date is entered in the Course Count Date Override parameter and the overridden date falls within the listed enrollment.

Click the number to view the course enrollments included in the count.


SAIS ADM Courses

The total number of course enrollments on count date where the section is not excluded from attendance and the course enrollment is not counted towards JTED attendance.

(Total ADM Courses) – (JTED ADM Courses) = (SAIS ADM Courses)


JTED ADM Courses

The number of courses counting towards JTED ADM on the snapshot date.

Will display 1 if the student is enrolled in a JTED course on snapshot date and has a JTED Indicator value of 1 (Yes) for the current enrollment saved in the database.

Note: If a change is made to JTED Indicator, the value is recalculated on Submit.



The student’s calculated SAIS FTE based on the number of SAIS ADM Courses on count date as compared with the cutoff values entered in the ‘SAIS FTE Course Counts’ parameter.

If the ‘SAIS FTE Course Counts’ parameters are all blank, 0.00 will display.

The value displayed is not stored or used in reporting. It is a visual cue to aid in determining the correct FTE for each school enrollment.

If the SAIS FTE (Calc) value does not equal SAIS FTE (Current), the SAIS FTE (Calc) box will be colored Orange as an alert.

An orange alert is not a recommendation to update a student’s FTE, but a suggestion to check the student’s schedule and FTE, making adjustments if necessary and where appropriate.


SAIS FTE (Current)

Displays the student’s current Full Time Equivalency (FTEId) for the school enrollment listed.

Select a different FTE if desired.

Note: Changing a student’s Full Time Equivalency will apply the change to the entire enrollment. To update the value as of a certain date within the enrollment, it will be necessary to make this change using the Change Enrollment student screen.




Will display 0.25 if the student is enrolled in a JTED course on snapshot date and has a JTED Indicator value of 1 (Yes) for the current enrollment saved in the database.

Note: If a change is made to JTED Indicator, the value is recalculated on Submit.


Eligible JTED Courses

The number of JTED section enrollments on the snapshot date.



JTED Indicator

Displays the student’s current JTED Indicator value for the school enrollment listed.

Select a different JTED Indicator value if desired.

Note: Changing a student’s JTED Indicator value will apply the change to the entire enrollment. To update the value as of a certain date within the enrollment, it will be necessary to make this change using the Change Enrollment student screen.




The JTED School CTDS for the school enrollment.

Data entry field.



JTED Concurrent CTDS

The JTED Concurrent CTDS for the school enrollment.

Data entry field.



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