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Instructional Setting Codes





Regular Departmentalized Classroom

This is regular instruction in a departmentalized environment. This applies to the typical high school or junior high setting, but may also apply to art, music, or PE elementary course taught in a specialized setting.


Resource Room

A pull-out or scheduled time where the students are receiving specialized supporting instruction.


Self-Contained Classroom

An environment where the student remain as a group and receive instruction in multiple subjects from the same teacher or teachers in the same classroom. This can still apply even when students are re- grouped for instruction in reading or math, for example.


Co Taught



Structured English Immersion



Distance Learning (All Students)

The instructor and all the students in the course are in different locations. The instruction interaction takes place in real time. Examples include video conferencing, Webex, etc.


Distance Learning (Some Students)

The instructor is in the classroom with some students, while other students are at another location. The instruction interaction is in real time. Examples include video conferencing and webex.

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