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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-245401Arizona Student State Demographics Page - City Field Update

The Arizona State Demographics page is updated to save home address 'City' to the City field instead of the Mailing_City field.

PSSR-195728Attendance Preferences Page Update

The Attendance Preferences page is updated to correct an issue that would cause an invalid warning message to display for the 'Enable Per-Minute Meeting Attendance Times' pref.

PSSR-234998AZ Student Attendance Detail: Duplicate Records Issue Corrected

Student Attendance Detail: Version 2.9
The AZ Student Attendance Detail is updated to no longer report duplicate records when students have multiple overlapping enrollments for the same school.

PSSR-243442AzEDS - Implement Entry and Exit Code Mappings for 19-20 and 20-21 Profiles

The Data Exchange Code Set Mappings page is updated to include the following Code Sets for the AzEDS 2019-20 and AzEDS 2020-21 profiles:

  • Entry Type
  • Exit Type

This allows districts to create district-specific entry and exit codes that can be mapped to state-mandated entry and exit codes for reporting purposes.
For example, a district can create a new entry code (CV3 - COVID 3) to track entries to the school due to COVID and use the Code Set Mappings screen to report CV3 entry codes as E3 to the state.

PSSR-246587AzEDS - Include ExitDate and Default Exit Code for PS Change Enrollment Records

AzEDS publishing is updated to publish StudentSchoolAssociation records with all required ExitDates for students who have a Change Enrollment (PS Exit and PS Entry Codes) mid-school year.

PSSR-240610AzEDS - Session (Terms) Publishing - Update Default Value for Year Term

AzEDS Terms (Sessions) publishing is updated with the following changes:

  • When publishing a year long term (session) for the 2020-2021 profile, if there are no Final Grade mappings for the year long term set up on the Schools/School Info page at District Office, default the Term Type reported to 'Full School Year' instead of 'Year Round'.
  • Dependent resources should not be automatically deleted when Term Type is updated by users since it is not used anymore as part of the state's primary key.
  • Course Offerings publishing logic is also modified. Dependent resources will no longer be automatically deleted when Term Type is changed for a Session (Term).
PSSR-244112AzEDS - UniqueID Search Request Update

The AzEDS identities search request is updated to include 'search intent type' in the search request so as to identify if the user is searching for a student or staff uniqueID.

PSSR-192082AzEDS Course Offering Data Views Updated

The AzEDS Course Offering data view is updated to no longer report incorrect values for the 'Override School' column.

PSSR-205208AzEDS Student Attendance Updated to Account for Mid-Year School Type Changes

AzEDS Attendance is updated to account for a school changing from an alternative school (publishing minutes) to a non-alternative school (publishing absences) mid-school year.

PSSR-245395AzEDS Student School Association: Incorrect Default Exit Code Published for JTED Enrollments

The following changes are implemented for JTED/CTED Enrollment reporting through AzEDS:

  • A new School Type (CTED Central Campus) is added to the School/School Info page.
  • When a school is flagged as a CTED Central Campus, AzEDS Publishing of Student School Association Records will default a student's ExitWithdrawalReason as 'C' for grade 12 students and 'P' for other grade students.
  • For all other school types, when publishing JTED Enrollments, a student's ExitWithdrawal Reason publishes as 'C' for grade 12 students and 'P' for other grade students.
PSSR-244113Ed-Fi Framework: Purge Processor Degraded Performance

The performance of the Ed-Fi Purge Processor has been enhanced to complete its process much quicker than before.

PSSR-244161Ed-Fi: Records not processing when previous years disabled

Filters have been added on all the publishing steps to exclude the disabled years from publishing, so that the publishing for the enabled years would continue and not be interrupted by the disabled year records.

PSSR-241932JTED Attendance Exclusion Calculation for Change Enrollments Updated

The JTED Exclusion Calculation logic is updated to account for changed enrollments and multiple overlapping JTED class enrollments when calculating exclusion from regular school attendance when using 'Core Attendance Conversions' to report absences.

PSSR-240735State Student Fields: Spelling Errors Corrected

State fields containing spelling errors are corrected on the following student screens:

  • General Demographics - Spelling error corrected in the 'Preferred Name Type' drop-down
  • Health Immunizations - Spelling error corrected in the 'Conditional Admission/Catch-up' section header.
PSSR-192649Student Support Program Participation Page Update

The Student Support Program Participation page is updated to no longer revert 'Support Need Code' to 'Select One' after a 'Support Program Code' is entered.

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