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Resend Enrollment

In some cases, invalid student membership data submitted to SAIS is difficult to correct. Possible causes might be changing attendance calculation methods or cutoffs mid-year or transferring the wrong student out of school. PowerSchool can reset a student’s enrollment in SAIS by deleting the student and sending new transactions with the current enrollment and attendance information.

To resend student school enrollment:

  1. On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  2. Click Interfaces to other systems. The Interfaces to Other Systems page appears.
  3. Click SAIS – Arizona Student Accountability Information System. The SAIS page appears.
  4. Click Resend Enrollment under Administration. The Resend Enrollment page appears.
  5. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



Resend enrollment information for

Select whether to send enrollment information for the Current student, the Current Selection of students, or the following three options:

  • Last Name, First Name (the most recently selected student)
  • All students who ever attended or currently attend this school
  • The selected [number] students
  • All students who attended this school and are not Active or Inactive
  • All students who withdrew during the year for the current and associated school(s).

Select All Membership and Needs Data (only selected items sent)

Do one of the following:

  • Select the checkbox to resend all membership and needs data for the students.
  • Leave the checkbox blank to use the separate “Resend Membership Data” and “Resend Selected Needs Data” checkboxes.

Resend Membership Data

Select the checkbox to resend membership data for the students.

Resend Selected Needs Data

Select one or more checkboxes to resend specific SAIS needs data.

Build SAIS upload file when complete

Select the checkbox to build a new upload file after preparing the new enrollment information, which can be downloaded and submitted to SAIS immediately.

The upload file will include transactions for the students selected in the “Resend enrollment information for” option.

Note: This function will delete the current enrollment and all associated information, including attendance, for the specified student(s) from the SAIS database for the selected school only. New enrollment and attendance information will be generated to replace it. You must select the checkbox to verify you want to complete this process.

7. Click Submit.

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