Student Programs
This data category presents information about student needs along with student language, support, and special education program participation. The Student Program interchange includes the following data views and resources:
Student Needs
This view captures a detailed list of student needs successfully published to AzEDS in the StudentNeeds entity within the Student Program interchange. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and SAIS Number, along with the Entry Date, Exit Date, Primary Need indicator, Need Type, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.
This entity represents the Arizona collection of Student Needs. "Need" is a term used to indicate that a student requires special support, either within or beyond regular norms, to enhance their capabilities. Need types include language, special education (SPED), giftedness, economic, food service eligibility, behavioral, health, and academic StudentNeeds records are based on the AZ_StudentNeed virtual table and are also generated from student program participation records.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
- [AZ_StudentNeed] / [VirtualTablesData]
- [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation] / [VirtualTablesData]
- [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation] / [VirtualTablesData]
- [AZ_StudentSPED_Service] / [VirtualTablesData]
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
- The student has been published in the Student Parent interchange.
- StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The school reporting the need must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student has a record for at least one Need with a valid state code and a Need Entry Date that falls within the year for the term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
- The student has a participation record with a start date within the year for the term selected in the PowerSchool UI in one of the following program virtual tables: AZ_StudentLanguageProgram, AZ_StudentSupportProgram, or AZ_StudentSPED_Service.
- The need must refer to a StudentNeed descriptor value downloaded from the State.
Entity Output
- A StudentNeeds record is published per need for each student who meets the required criteria as long as the student has at least one need that also meets the selection criteria.
- If a student has more than one need, or more than one period of enrollment for a need, a separate record is published for each.
- The StudentNeeds entity is dependent on the prior publishing of the following entities: Student.
- StudentNeeds records are not published for Stand-alone programs with a Need Code of 'NOND' (CEIS and 21st Century are stand-alone programs).
- LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
ReportingEducationOrganizationReference | ReportingEducationOrganizationId – The school reporting the student need. | Integer | SchoolId Derived from: [AZ_StudentNeed]SchoolId [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation]SchoolId [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation]SchoolId [AZ_StudentSPED_Service] SchoolId [VirtualTablesData]SchoolID For Tuitioned-Out Students, SchoolID is output based on: EntityID_Ovr in [Students], [ReEnrollments], or [S_AS_STU_CONENR_C] | M |
StudentReference/StudentIdentity | StudentUniqueId - The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber Derived from: [AZ_StudentNeed]StudentId [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation] StudentId [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation] StudentId [AZ_StudentSPED_Service] StudentId [VirtualTablesData]ForeignKey | M |
StudentNeed | StudentNeedDescriptor – The student's Need condition or type of need. | Descriptor | Derived from: [AZ_StudentNeed]NeedCode [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_text Or, if the source is a program record derived from the Program Record Type. | M |
StudentNeedEntryDate | The date the student entered the state of having the need. | Date | Derived from: [AZ_StudentNeed]EntryDate [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation]EntryDate [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation] EntryDate [AZ_StudentSPED_Service] EntryDate [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_date | R |
StudentNeedExitDate | The date the student exited the state of having the need. | Date | Derived from: [AZ_StudentNeed]ExitDate [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation]ExitDate [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation] ExitDate [AZ_StudentSPED_Service] ExitDate [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_date2 | C |
PrimaryStudentNeedIndicator | For special education service records, an indicator of whether the record is the student's primary need for federal reporting purposes. | Boolean | [AZ_StudentSPED_Service]AZ_FederalPrimaryNeedIndicator [VirtualTablesData]Custom | C |
primaryNightTimeResidenceIndicator | Provides specific nighttime residence status for a homeless student. | [AZ_StudentNeed]AZ_PrimaryNighttimeResidence [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_text2
Populated when [AZ_StudentNeed]NeedCode is 'Homeless'. |
Student Programs
This view captures a detailed list of student program associations successfully published to the AzEDS in the StudentProgramAssociation entity within the Student Program interchange. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and Grade Level, along with the Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, Exit Date, Exit Reason, SAIS Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.
ELL, Grand Canyon Diploma, Dropout Recovery, and Support Programs are published within the StudentProgramAssociation entity. Special Education programs are published in a separate entity.
This association represents the program(s) that a student participates in or is served by.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
- ELL: [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation] / [VirtualTablesData]
- Support: [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation] / [VirtualTablesData]
- Grand Canyon Diploma: [S_AZ_STU_GCD_C]
- Dropout Recovery: [S_AZ_STU_DRP_C]
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
- The student has been published in the Student Parent interchange.
- StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The school reporting the Program must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The program record corresponds to a StudentNeeds record (note: not all StudentNeeds records require a program, but all program records, except standalone support programs, require a StudentNeed), or to a record for the Grand Canyon Diploma or Dropout Recovery Program.
- Student Needs records are not published for standalone support programs. These include CEIS and CCLC programs.
- The student has a record for at least one Language Program, Grand Canyon Diploma, Dropout Recovery Program, or Support Program with a valid state code and with an Entry Date that falls within the year for the term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
Entity Output
- A StudentProgramAssociation record is published for each student who meets the required criteria as long as the student has at least one Program that also meets the selection criteria.
- If a student participates in more than one Program, or has more than one period of enrollment in a Program, a separate ProgramReference is published for each.
- The StudentProgramAssociation entity is dependent on the prior publishing of the following entities: Student, published concurrently with StudentNeeds.
- LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
StudentReference/StudentIdentity | StudentUniqueId - The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber Derived from: [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation] StudentId [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation]StudentId [VirtualTablesData]ForeignKey [Students]StudentId | M |
ProgramReference/ProgramIdentity (1-many) The program(s) associated with the student. | M | |||
/ProgramType | ProgramType - The type of program. | Enumerated List | Derived from: [AZ_StudentNeed]NeedCode [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_text If LEPS: 'ELL'; else 'Support Program' [S_AZ_STU_GCD_C]ProgramCode 'GCD': 'Grand Canyon Diploma' | M |
/ProgramName | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | Varchar(60) | Language Programs: [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation]LangProgramCode [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_text2
Support Programs: [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation]SupportProgramCode [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_text2
Grand Canyon Diploma: [S_AZ_STU_GCD_C]ProgramCode
| M |
/ProgramEducationOrganizationReference/ | ProgramEducationOrganizationId – The Education Organization defining the program; reported as the LEAId. | Integer | LEAId - Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [Prefs] value where Name = AZLEAEntityId For Tuitioned-Out Students, output is based on: [S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]EntityID_Ovr | M |
BeginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation]EntryDate [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation]EntryDate [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_date [S_AZ_STU_GCD_C]EntryDate | M |
EndDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Date | [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation]ExitDate [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation]ExitDate [VirtualTablesData]user_defined_date2 [S_AZ_STU_GCD_C]ExitDate | O |
ReasonExited | ReasonExitedDescriptor - The reason the child left the program within a school or district. This element is required if the student exited the program. | Descriptor | [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation]AZ_ProgramExitReasonCode [VirtualTablesData]Custom [S_AZ_STU_GCD_C]ExitReasonCode | C |
EducationOrganizationReference/ | EducationOrganizationId - The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | SchoolId - Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [AZ_StudentLanguageProgramParticipation]SchoolId [AZ_StudentSupportProgramParticipation]SchoolId [VirtualTablesData]SchoolId [S_AZ_STU_GCD_C]SchoolId For Tuitioned-Out Students, SchoolID is output based on: EntityID_Ovr in [Students], [ReEnrollments], or [S_AS_STU_CONENR_C] | M |
Student Dropout Recovery Program
This view captures a detailed list of student program associations successfully published to the AzEDS in the StudentProgramAssociation entity within the Student Program interchange. The layout includes the School Name, Grade Level, Written Learning Plan Date, Entry Date, End Date, Exit Reason, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.
This association is an Arizona extension of StudentProgramAssocation reporting additional details for participants in the Dropout Recovery Program.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
- The student has been published in the Student Parent interchange.
- StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The school reporting the Program must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student has a published record for the Dropout Recovery Program reported in the StudentProgramAssocation entity.
Entity Output
- A StudentDropoutRecoveryProgramAssociation record is published for each student who meets the required criteria.
- If a student participates in more than one Dropout Recovery Program, or has more than one associated Progress record, a separate ProgramReference is published for each.
- The StudentDropoutRecoveryProgramAssociation entity is dependent on the prior publishing of the following entities: Student, StudentProgramAssocation.
- LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
StudentProgramAssociationReference/StudentProgramAssociationIdentity Relates the student and program associated with the | M | |||
/StudentReference/StudentIdentity | StudentUniqueId – The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber Derived from: [S_AZ_STU_DRP_C]StudentsDCID | M |
/ProgramReference/ProgramIdentity The program associated with the student. | M | |||
//ProgramType | ProgramType- The type of program. | Enumerated List | Derived from: [S_AZ_STU_DRP_C]ProgramCode DRP: 'Dropout Recovery Program' | M |
//ProgramName | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | Varchar(60) | Derived from: [S_AZ_STU_DRP_C]ProgramCode DRP: 'DRP Dropout Recovery Program'; else 'Unknown' | M |
//ProgramEducationOrganizationReference/ | ProgramEducationOrganizationId – The Education Organization defining the program; reported as the LEAId. | Integer | LEAId - Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [Prefs] value where Name = AZLEAEntityId For Tuitioned-Out Students, output is based on: [S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]EntityID_Ovr | M |
/BeginDate | Month, day, and year of the student's entry or assignment to the program. | Date | [S_AZ_STU_DRP_C]EntryDate | M |
/EducationOrganizationReference/ | EducationOrganizationId - The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | SchoolId - Data element downloaded from State Derived from: [S_AZ_STU_DRP_C]SchoolId For Tuitioned-Out Students, SchoolID is output based on: EntityID_Ovr in [Students], [ReEnrollments], or [S_AS_STU_CONENR_C] | M |
WrittenLearningPlanDate | The date the Written Learning Plan was approved. Note: A new Written Learning Plan date indicating preparation of a new plan must be submitted each academic (fiscal) year. | Date | [S_AZ_DRP_PROGRESS_C]PlanDate | M |
Month | MonthDescriptor – The month in which the LEA is reporting student enrollment in the DRP. This transaction must be submitted each month that the student is enrolled in the DRP regardless of the student's progress. | Descriptor | [S_AZ_DRP_PROGRESS_C]Month 1: July 2: August 3: September 4: October 5: November 6: December 7: January 8: February 9: March 10: April 11: May 12: June | M |
SatisfactoryProgress | Indicates whether student maintained satisfactory progress during the month prior to this transaction ("Y" or "N"). | Boolean | [S_AZ_DRP_PROGRESS_C]SatisfactoryProgress If 1: 'True'; else 'False' | M |
Student Special Ed Programs
This view captures a detailed list of student special education program associations successfully published to AzEDS in the Student Program interchange. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, and Grade Level, along with the Program Name, Begin Date, End Date, SAIS Number, Last Publish Date, and the Publishing ID.
This association represents the Special Education program(s) that a student participates in or receives services from.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
- [AZ_StudentSPED_Service] / [VirtualTablesData]
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
- The student was previously published in the Student Parent interchange.
- StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The school reporting the Program must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The program record corresponds to a StudentNeeds record (Note: Not all StudentNeeds records require a program, but all program records require a StudentNeed).
- The student has at least one record for a Special Education Program with a valid state code and with an Entry Date that falls within the year for the term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
Entity Output
- A StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation record is published for each student who meets the required criteria.
- If a student participates in more than one Special Education Program, or has more than one period of enrollment in a Special Education Program, the records are merged and reported as one resource if the following criteria is met:
- The programs have the same SPED code.
- The programs have the same MainSPEDSchool flag (Primary or Secondary).
- The program dates overlap.
- The merged records use the start date of the record with the earliest overlapping start date, and the exit date and exit code of the record with the latest overlapping exit date.
- For the 2016/2017 school year and greater: If the ExitDate of a SPED record has an ExitCodeReason of '99', then no exit date or exit reason is published for the Special Education Program. An ExitCode of '99' denotes the student is exiting the Need, but is continuing in the SPED program under another Need.
- If a student participates in more than one Special Education Program, or has more than one period of enrollment in a Special Education Program, and the records do not meet the above criteria, a separate record is published for each program.
- The StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation entity is dependent on the prior publishing of the following entities: Student, published concurrently with StudentNeeds.
- LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS on demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
StudentReference/StudentIdentity | StudentUniqueId - The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]State_StudentNumber | M |
ProgramReference/ProgramIdentity | M | |||
/ProgramType | ProgramType - The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | Enumerated List | 'Special Education' | M |
/ProgramName | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | Varchar(60) | [AZ_StudentSPED_Service] SPEDServiceCode
| M |
/ProgramEducationOrganizationReference/ | ProgramEducationOrganizationId – The Education Organization defining the program; reported as the LEAId. | Integer | LEAId - Data element downloaded from State | M |
BeginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [AZ_StudentSPED_Service]EntryDate | M |
EndDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Date | [AZ_StudentSPED_Service]ExitDate | O |
ReasonExited | ReasonExitedDescriptor - The reason the child left the program within a school or district. | Descriptor | [AZ_StudentSPED_Service]AZ_SPED_ExitReasonCode | C |
EducationOrganizationReference/ | EducationOrganizationId - The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | SchoolId - Data element downloaded from State | M |
ServedOutsideOfRegularSession | Indicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions. | Boolean | Derived from: | O |
SpecialEducationSetting | SpecialEducationSettingDescriptor - The major instructional setting (more than 50 percent of a student's special education program). | Descriptor | [AZ_StudentSPED_Service]SPEDServiceCode | R |
MainSPEDSchool | Identifies the school's role in providing SPED services to the student. The 'P' (primary) and 'S' (secondary) indicators identify the extent of the school's responsibility for determining and case managing the student's SPED needs and curriculum. | Boolean | [AZ_StudentSPED_Service]AZ_ConcurrencyType | C |