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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-234456AzEDS - Course Offering Local Course Code Update for Sections With a Course Identifier Value Populated

When sections have the 'Course Identifier' field populated with a State Course Code to override a course's Alternate (State) Course Code, then the LocalCourseCode published value must include a Sections DCID value along with CourseNumber to make the value unique.

The following resources are updated to implement new logic for the element LocalCouseCode.

  • Course Offering
  • Sections
  • Student Sections
  • Staff Sections
  • Student Transcripts (alternate course code has been modified in this resource)

Note: For any schools having sections with the 'Course Identifier' field populated (to override the state course code set at the Course level), it will be necessary to run a Publish All for the above resources from the AzEDS 2019-20 dashboard.

PSSR-235825AzEDS Courses and Sections Publishing Update to Remove Erroneous Records

AzEDS Courses and Sections Publishing is updated to no longer publish course offering and section records for sections corresponding to a student's previous school from the student's current school.
Previously the sections would attempt to publish, but get caught in dependency with a dependency reason of 'Class Period' or 'Course Offering'.

Note: PowerSchool recommends running a Publish All or Publish Missing for Courses and Sections at impacted schools.

PSSR-235705AzEDS Student Demographics 2020-2021 Data Collection Changes

The following data collection changes are implemented to support 2020-2021 AzEDS Student Demographic changes:

  • A new field: 1/4 or More Degree Indian Blood is added to the following student pages:
    • Arizona Student Demographics (under Tribal Affiliation)
    • Arizona Enroll New Student Page (under Tribal Affiliation)
    • Student Demographics (under Tribal Affiliation)
  • The Tribal Affiliation field is updated to be a smart search and new tribal affiliation codes are added.
  • The Tribal Affiliation field is added to the following student pages:
    • Arizona Enroll New Student Page (under Race and Ethnicity information)
    • Student Demographics (under Tribal Race and Ethnicity information)
  • The following fields are added to the 'Arizona Student Demographics' page:
    • Ethnicity
    • Race
    • Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity
    • Street, Apt/Suite, City
  • Single Parent is updated to read: 'Student is a Single Parent' on the Arizona Student Demographics page.
PSSR-231786Student SDADMS72 Audit Updated to Include All Published JTED Enrollments

Student SDADMS72 Audit: Version 3.9

The Student SDADMS72 Audit is updated to resolve an issue with reporting JTED Enrollments. The report now extracts all JTED Enrollments published to AzEDS within the selected date range and duplicate records are no longer reported.
While working on the above issue, it was noticed that ExitDate for JTED enrollments was not reporting correctly in some scenarios. This issue is also corrected.

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