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MCESA Student Teacher Course Report

This report extracts Student Section Enrollment, Course Section, and Section Teacher information for all sections in the District that occur within the report date range. It is used by the MCESA group of Districts to populate daily student roster information for teachers.
The report will produce a zip file containing the Course, Teacher, and Student files for upload to the MCESA sftp site.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

 Course Selection

 The report selects records from the [Sections] table based on the following criteria:

  • The section term dates must overlap the report parameter date range.

Teacher Selection 

The report selects records from the [Sections] table based on the following criteria:

  • The section term dates must overlap the report parameter date range.

Student Course Enrollment Selection

 The report selects records from the [CC] table based on the following criteria:

  • The course enrollment dates must overlap the collection window date range.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Start Date

Enter the Start Date of the Report.

  • Typically the earliest schools start date for the school year.

End Date

Enter the End Date of the Report.

  • Defaults to today's date.

LEA Entity ID*

Enter the District LEA Entity ID (Required).

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The report produces one zip file containing three separate output files. See below for a description of each file.

Course File

Data Element



School Year


The school year for this course section in '2012' format.




Pulls the 4 digit year number of the last day of the full year term of the term year set at the top of the page at run-time.

AZ LEA Entity ID


The state assigned unique LEA entity identifier


Entered at report run-time.

AZ School Entity ID


The state assigned public or charter school entity identifier


Course Identifier


The identifying code for the course content.

If the Course Identifier Section field is blank, report pulls from the Alternate Course Number Course field.  If the Alternate Course Number field is blank, report pulls from the Course Number field.




Course Title


The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in a school or other institution or organization. In departmentalized classes at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels (and for staff development activities), this refers to the name by which a course is identified (e.g., American History, English III). For elementary and other non-departmentalized classes, it refers to any portion of the instruction for which a grade or report is assigned (e.g., reading, composition, spelling, and language arts).

If the Course Name Section field is blank, report pulls from the Courses Course name field.





A description for the term or session for the course section, for example 'Fall semester' or '2nd Trimester'


Pulls term name of term associated with the section.

Section Identifier


Unique identifier for a section.


Session Type


The type of term or session this is.

Note:  Use the Student Course Enrollment / Final Grade mapping page to populate Session Type.


[StuTchCrsConnection]user_defined_integer (termid)

[StuTchCrsConnection]user_defined_text (session type)


Course Begin Date


The date of the first day of instruction

Report pulls the first in-session day of the term.



Course End Date


The date of the last day of instruction

Report pulls the last in-session day of the term.



Course Duration


The total number of minutes of instructional time for the course.

If the Section ‘Course Duration’ field is blank, the report pulls from the Course ‘Course Duration field.

If both Course and Section fields are blank, the report calculates the number of instructional minutes based on the total number of minutes in the Bell Schedule for the period(s) the section meets.

** If the Section’s Period is not in the Bell Schedule or the Bell Schedule minutes do not accurately reflect the correct Instructional Minutes, the Course Duration field must be entered at either the Course or Section level.




Instructional Setting


The instructional setting for the course

Defaults to ‘Regular Departmentalized Classroom’ if course or section are blank



Course Level Characteristic


An indication of the level of rigor in a course

Defaults to ‘General or Regular’ if course or section are blank)



Teacher File

Data Element



School Year


The school year for this course section in '2012' format.




Pulls the 4 digit year number of the last day of the full year term of the term year set at the top of the page at run-time.

AZ LEA Entity ID


The state assigned unique LEA entity identifier


Entered at report run-time.

AZ School Entity ID


The state assigned public or charter school entity identifier


Section Identifier


Unique identifier for a section.


Teacher Last Name


The last, family or surname for the primary teacher for the course section as reported in the HQT system

PS 7.5 and higher:

The most recent active Section Lead Teacher within the collection period is always reported as Teacher 1.

Note: When External Provider Teacher 1 Last and First Name are entered, the teacher(s) associated with the section will not be reported unless the ‘Include both External Provider and Internal Teacher…’ box is checked.

[Sections]teacher or





Teacher First Name


The first or given name for the primary teacher for the course section as reported in the HQT system

[Sections]teacher or





Teacher Middle Initial


The middle initial for the primary teacher for the course section as reported in the HQT system

[Sections]teacher or





Pulls first character.

Teacher Birthdate


The primary teacher's birthdate as reported in the HQT system

[Sections]teacher or





Teacher Role


The role of the primary teacher for this course section

PS 7.5 and higher:

Reports the Reference Code value associated with the Role assigned to the teacher. See Co-Teaching Roles Setup - Student Teacher Extract for more information.

A teacher’s Role code value may be overridden by entering a valid Role Code value in the Notes field of the Actions Co-teaching column.

See Appendix for a list of valid Role Code values.

PS 7.2.3 and previous:

Report pulls a Role Code of R for all teachers.


Teacher Begin Date


The date when Teacher 1 begins being associated with this section

PS 7.5 and higher:

Report pulls either the Section Teacher Start Date, or the first in-session day of the term, whichever is the most recent.

PS 7.2.3 and previous:

Report pulls the first in-session day of the term.





Teacher End Date


The Date upon which the primary teacher is no longer associated with this section

PS 7.5 and higher:

Report pulls either the Section Teacher End Date, or the last in-session day of the term, whichever is less recent.

PS 7.2.3 and previous:

Report pulls the last in-session day of the term.




Educator Stakeholder ID


The Arizona Educator Stakeholder Id (if available)

Per state guidelines, all Educator Stakeholder IDs are reported with a single quote before the 16-digit number so that the number will display correctly in excel. SRM will strip out the single quote upon submission.



[Sections]teacher or



Student File

Data Element




School Year


The school year for this course section in '2012' format.




Pulls the 4 digit year number of the last day of the full year term of the term year set at the top of the page at run-time.


AZ LEA Entity ID


The state assigned unique LEA entity identifier


Entered at report run-time.


AZ School Entity ID


The state assigned public or charter school entity identifier



Section Identifier


Unique identifier for a section.



SAIS Student ID


The state assigned student ID in SAIS




Student Last Name


The last, family, or sur name for the student as reported in SAIS



Student First Name


The first or given name for the student as reported in SAIS



Student Middle Initial


The middle initial of the student as reported in SAIS


Pulls first character.


Student Birthdate


The student's birthdate



Course Entry Date


The date of the first day the student received instruction in this course. Or, in the case of reentry, the date this particular membership segment began.



Course Exit Date


The date of the last day the student received instruction in this course. Leave blank if the student is still enrolled at the time of reporting. If a student exits and re-enrolls, each enrollment segment should have its own record with its own entry and exit date.

A value will be reported if the Exit occurs within the report date range.


Reports the last in session date before the exit date.


Course Entry Type


The way the student entered this course section, either as a new enrollee or as a transfer from another section at the same school


Reported Values:

N – New course enrollment

R – Student reenrolls in the same section (same sectionid) after an exit.

T – Student transfers from one class section to another class section of the same course at a school (same course number, different sectionid) within the school year.


Course Exit Type


The type of exit the student had from this course. Required if the exit date is not empty.

Valid Values:

  • CF – Content Complete (Full Credit)
  • CP – Content Complete (Partial Credit)
  • CN – Content Complete (No Credit)
  • SC – Schedule Change
  • LS – Left the School
  • OE – Open Ended Course

The value entered on the student’s Section Enrollment page (All Enrollments) will be reported. If blank, Course Exit Type will be calculated (see next column).

Calculated Values:

LS – Student does not complete class because he left school (class exit date equals school exit date and school exit date is less than the end of the year)

SC – Student drops class before class completes and student has not left school on the drop date.

CN – Student completed the course, but received no credit where credit was offered (the sum of the potential credit for stored grades associated with the section is greater than 0 and the earned credit for stored grades associated with the section equals 0.

CP – Student completed the course, but received partial credit where credit was offered (the sum of the potential credit for stored grades associated with the section is greater than 0 and the earned credit hours for stored grades associated with the section is greater than 0 but less than the sum of the potential credit).

CF – Student completed the course with full credit (the sum of the potential credit for stored grades associated with the section is greater than 0 and the earned credit hours for stored grades associated with the section is greater than or equal to the sum of the potential credit).

Note: CF is reported at course completion for students in grade levels below grade 9.

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