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Course Enrollment Reports

The Course Enrollment reports included in PowerSchool are listed in the following table. This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

CTE Enrollment ReportThe CTE Enrollment Report extracts CTE enrollment information for all sections taught within the collection period. 
CTE Participant ConcentratorThe CTE Participant Concentrator extracts CTE Participant Concentrator information for all students. 
Course Section ReportThe Course Section Report extracts course section information for all sections taught within the collection period. 
Student Section Enrollment ReportThe Student Section Enrollment Report extracts student section enrollment information for all class enrollments attended within the collection period. 
MCESA Student Teacher Course ReportThe MCESA Student Teacher Course Report extracts Student Section Enrollment, Course Section, and Section Teacher information for all sections in the District for the current school year.
Used by MCESA Districts to populate daily student roster information.
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