View Transactions with Errors
The Transactions with Errors page lists each SAIS upload file and the corresponding number of students with transaction errors. A transaction is a detailed record of a SAIS event that is built into a SAIS upload file. Transaction errors are provided by SAIS, in the form of a status file, as feedback on the transactions uploaded from PowerSchool.
The following pages can be used to view transactions with errors:
Transactions with Errors – Files with Errors
This page displays files with transactions errors. There should be only one file if every error is corrected prior to creating a new SAIS upload file. The following information is displayed on this page:
- File Name – The name of the SAIS upload file. Only files from the current year that contain errors are displayed.
- Number of Students with Errors – The number of students in the file with transaction errors. This is a link to the Transactions with Errors - Students with Errors page.
SAIS Transactions – All Students with Errors
To access this page, click the SAIS file name on the Files with Errors page. The page displays all students with errors in the file along with all of their errors. To view an individual error, click the Transaction ID. The errors are grouped by student, with the following attributes listed for each student:
- SAIS File Name – The SAIS file name.
- Student Name – The student's name.
- Transaction ID – This is also known as the Vendor Record ID, the unique identifier for the transaction.
- Status – Successful (processed in SAIS without errors), Uncorrected (processed in SAIS with errors and the errors have not been corrected), Corrected (processed in SAIS with errors, and the errors have been corrected).
- Event Type – The type of transaction that was sent to SAIS, such as Enrollment, Attendance, Withdrawal, etc.
- Event Action – Indicates whether the transaction was an add, a change, or a delete.
- Response – The error from SAIS indicating the reason the transaction failed.
- Action – A pop-up menu with the action options for this transaction. Use the following table to determine the best course of action:
Data Element | Additional Information |
No action at this time | This error will be addressed in the future. |
Acknowledge as OK | No corrective action is required. For example, no action may be required for an error message indicating that attendance for a particular day already exists in the SAIS database. |
Send transaction again as-is | Choose this option if a precondition in SAIS was not met prior to processing a specific transaction, such as sending attendance transactions prior to the student's enrollment transaction. Indicate that the precondition has now been met and this transaction should be sent again with no changes. |
Send transaction again with changes below | If the transaction type was appropriate, but the value in a specific data element was invalid, correct the data and send the transaction again. Note: Not all data elements may be edited. If the necessary change is in a field that cannot be edited, use the option to "Acknowledge error but will fix separately." |
Acknowledge error but will fix separately | Choose this option if a field contains invalid data, but the field cannot be edited, or the correction requires separate and possibly unrelated changes. |
SAIS Transactions – Students with Errors
To access this page, click the number of students listed after the SAIS file on the Files with Errors page. The page displays students with transactions errors as well as the number of transactions with errors per student. This page does not display students whose transactions processed successfully.
SAIS Transactions – Student with Errors
To access this page, click the number of transactions for an individual student on the Students with Errors page. The page displays transactions with errors for the appropriate student and file. The transactions are sorted in the same order as the original SAIS upload file. To view all transactions for a student (successful and unsuccessful) click View all transactions for file/student. Each transaction includes the following elements:
Transaction ID – This is also known as the Vendor Record ID, the unique identifier for the transaction.
Status – Successful (processed in SAIS without errors), Uncorrected (processed in SAIS with errors and the errors have not been corrected), Corrected (processed in SAIS with errors, and the errors have been corrected).
Event Type – The type of transaction that was sent to SAIS, such as Enrollment, Attendance, Withdrawal, etc.
Event Action – Indicates whether the transaction was an add, a change, or a delete.
Response – The error from SAIS indicating the reason the transaction failed.
SAIS Transactions – Transaction Detail
To access this page, click the Transaction ID on either the All Students with Errors page or the [individual] Student with Errors page. The page displays an individual transaction to be edited and resubmitted. Data edited on this page is not updated in the PowerSchool database. The purpose of this page is to create a duplicate transaction of the original transaction with the appropriate data. If the change should be made for the student, update the data on the appropriate page in PowerSchool immediately after making the change for the transaction. Use the following table to determine the best course of action:
Data Element | Additional Information |
No action at this time | This error will be addressed in the future. |
Acknowledge as OK | No corrective action is required. For example, no action may be required for an error message indicating that attendance for a particular day already exists in the SAIS database. |
Send transaction again as-is | Choose this option if a precondition in SAIS was not met prior to processing a specific transaction, such as sending attendance transactions prior to the student's enrollment transaction. Indicate that the precondition has now been met and this transaction should be sent again with no changes. |
Send transaction again with changes below | If the transaction type was appropriate, but the value in a specific data element was invalid, correct the data and send the transaction again. Note: Not all data elements may be edited. If the necessary change is in a field that cannot be edited, use the option to "Acknowledge error but will fix separately." |
Acknowledge error but will fix separately | Choose this option if a field contains invalid data, but the field cannot be edited, or the correction requires separate and possibly unrelated changes. |