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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-263484All States/Provinces: Asset Inventory Enterprise Report

A new Asset Inventory Enterprise Report is now available for Enterprise Report Managers to add to their list of published Enterprise Reports.

This Enterprise Report requires the Asset Tracking functionality in PowerSchool SIS 21.4.0 or newer.

PSSR-263489All States/Provinces: Asset Management Enterprise Report

A new Asset Management Enterprise Report is now available for Enterprise Report Managers to add to their list of published Enterprise Reports.

This Enterprise Report requires the Asset Tracking functionality in PowerSchool SIS 21.4.0 or newer.

PSSR-262117All States/Provinces: Compliance Pages Updates to Support the New User Experience

The Staff Information page is updated and displays correctly without any errors when New User Experience is enabled.

PSSR-260209All States/Provinces: Health Report Update - Vision and Hearing

Health Report: Version 1.2
The Report has been updated and now pulls the Display Value (rather than the State Name) when outputting Vision & Hearing (Color Blindness and Outcome) screening results.

PSSR-258099All States/Provinces: Medication List Report Update

Medication List Report: Version 2.0

The Medication List report updated and now runs and completes as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-260416AZ CTE Enrollment Report: Implement 20-21 Changes

CTE Enrollment Report: Version 1.2

The CTE Enrollment report is updated with the following additional changes-

  • Removed Start and End date parameters.
  • Added a 40D and 100D school day parameter to include all vocational class enrollments enrolled on the 40th or 100th school day (according to their track).
  • Updated to report either Articulated and Non-Articulated section enrollments.
  • Updated report output layouts to conform to the CTE Enrollment reporting specifications for the 2020-21 school year.

Known Issue: The CTE Enrollment Report version 1.2 has a known issue, causing records to pull multiple times for the same student course enrollment when multiple grades exist for the class. This issue will be resolved in a future state reporting release (targeted for early June).

PSSR-261984AzEDS - Create AzEDS 2021-22 Profile

An AzEDS 2021-22 profile is created in the PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) plugin, with the Plugin automatically set to Enabled.

  • The Profile is seeded with the following settings on the Data Exchange Setup screen:
  • All Code Sets existing for 20-21 are rolled forward into 21-22.
  • All Resource Configuration values existing for 20-21 are rolled forward into 21-22.
  • A district's Key and Secret are rolled forward into the 21-22 profile.

Note: This release does not include all 21-22 required publishing changes. The 21-22 profile is being released without these changes to allow for calendar submissions in June.

Important: It is recommended that districts continue to use the AzEDS 2020-21 UniqueID service until 21-22 UniqueID changes are implemented in the AzEDS 2021-22 profile (targeted for release in June 2021).

PSSR-261264CTE Aggregate Bulk Upload Report

CTE Aggregate Bulk Upload Report: Version 1.0

The CTE Aggregate Bulk Upload report is now available for use by CTE Main campuses. This new report was modeled after the previous CTE Enrollment report, and is implemented with the following additional changes:

  • Removed the Start and End date parameter.
  • Added 40D and 100D school day parameters. The report will include all vocational sections having students (at least 1) enrolled on the 40th and 100th school day (according to their track)
  • Updated report output to align with the 2020-21 CTE Aggregate Bulk Upload layout.
PSSR-257040Ed-Fi Framework: Definitions for Detecting Changes Error Messages Displays Incorrectly

On the Ed-Fi Dashboard, there is a message that says “Definitions for detecting data changes are out-of-date. Please restart PowerSchool when convenient to update definitions.” This message could continuously appear even after restarting PowerSchool. The cause of this has been corrected and will no longer display after a restart.

PSSR-256003Summer School 21st CCLC Demographics Update

AzEDS Student Demographics publishing is updated to no longer attempt to publish demographic records for Summer School 21st CCLC enrollments. Student Demographics information cannot be published for summer program records.

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