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SAIS Settings

PowerSchool can communicate directly with SAIS, eliminating the need to manually download status or student ID files. Click the appropriate link and PowerSchool will download and import the requested file. Additionally, PowerSchool can be set up to automatically build and send an upload file and then download the result file.

To enable the Automatic Communication features:

  1. On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  2. Click Interfaces to other systems. The Interfaces to Other Systems page appears.
  3. Click SAIS – Arizona Student Accountability Information System. The SAIS page appears.
  4. Click Settings under Automatic. The Communication Settings page appears.
  5. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



SAIS host name

Enter the host name for the SAIS database, which is currently

User ID

Enter the user ID you use to access the common logon system.


Enter the password you use to access the common logon system.

Note: The password is school-specific. You can enter different SAIS login information for each school.

Automatic submission interval

Choose Off, Daily, or Weekly for the automatic submission interval from the pop-up menu. Choose Off if you do not want PowerSchool to automatically build and send upload files directly to SAIS.

Note: This feature is set to OFF and disabled. Contact PowerSchool Technical Support with questions or concerns.

Automatic submission time

Choose the automatic submission time from the pop-up menu.

Note: You must choose Daily or Weekly from the "Automatic submission interval" pop-up menu for this selection to function correctly.

6. Click Submit.

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