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ESS Discipline Data Collection Report

The ESS Discipline Data Report (previously called the AZ Safe and Drug Free report) generates incident data for submission to the state. The report is run at the school level, as opposed to district-wide.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Incident Selection

The report selects records based on the following criteria:

  • At least one offender must be defined for each incident.
  • At least one behavior must be defined for each offender.
  • At least one action must be associated with each behavior.
  • At least one reporter must be defined for each incident (reporters should not be assigned any actions or behaviors).
  • Reportable incident data is limited by the Reporting Method selected on the Edit School page (Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School):
  1. All Data With SAIS ID – All incident data is reported, including the student’s SAIS ID.
  2. All Data without SAIS ID – All incident data is reported, excluding the student’s SAIS ID.
  3. Mandatory Data With SAIS ID – Only mandatory incidents are reported, including the student’s SAIS ID.
  4. Mandatory Data Without SAIS ID – Only mandatory incidents are reported, excluding the student’s SAIS ID.

Note: A mandatory incident is any incident involving bodily injury and/or a mandatory action and/or a mandatory violation. Mandatory actions include all actions in the “Removal” category, such as expulsion or suspension. See the Appendix for a list of mandatory violations.

  • ESS Discipline Data Collection does not include any incidents with non-reportable Action Codes. Only incidents involving a 'Removal', or incidents involving 'Actions with Due Process' are included.
  • When running the ESS Discipline Data Collection report, incidents are included that fall into the 'Removal' or 'Actions with Due Process' category. Incidents with all other Action Types are not included in the output.
    • Actions within Due Process ^
      • Appeal Review^
      • Board Review^
      • Disciplinary Hearing^
      • IEP Team Meeting^
      • Manifestation Determination^
      • Placement Review Committee^
    • Removal ^
      • Expulsion With Service
      • Expulsion Without Service^
      • In School Suspension- Long Term With Services^
      • In School Suspension- Long Term Without Services^
      • In School Suspension- Short Term With Services^
      • In School Suspension- Short Term Without Services^
      • Out Of School Suspension- Long Term With Services^
      • Out Of School Suspension- L-Term Without Services^
      • Out Of School Suspension- S-Term With Services^
      • Out Of School Suspension- S-Term Without Services^
      • Removal By H.O. - Likely Injury To Self Or Other^
      • Unilateral Removal to Interim Alt Ed Setting^
      • Reassignment To A Different Class^
      • Reassignment To Another School Within District^

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Start Date

First day of the reporting period used for the report.

End Date

Last day of the reporting period used for the report.

Transaction Type

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Replace All
Report Only SPED Students

Check this box to only include SPED students in the report output.

Note: Starting in the 2018-19 school year, only incidents for SPED students are required to be reported.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: The tables and fields used to store incident data are not accessible via Direct Database Export (DDE) or Direct Database Access (DDA).

Data Element

XML Field










School Incident Data
School Entity IDschoolIDThe entity ID of the school reporting the incident.


Incident ID


The incident ID.



Incident Date


The date that the incident was reported to a disciplinary authority.



Referral Date


The date that the incident was recorded.



Referring Individual First Name


The first name of the person who reported the incident.

Incident Role = Reporter




[Incident_Person_Role]role_code = 'Reporter'


Referring Individual Last Name


The last name of the person who reported the incident.

Incident Role = Reporter




[Incident_Person_Role]role_code = 'Reporter'


Referring Individual's Phone NumberrefphoneThe phone number of the person who reported the incident.







Offender State Student ID


The student's state assigned unique ID.

Incident Role = Offender


[Incident_Person_Role]role_code = 'Offender'




Violation ID


The violation identifier.



Violation Code


The violation code.

See Behavior Codes for valid values.

Behavior Code



No longer collected: Primary Violation Indicator 


Indicates whether this violation was the primary violation in the incident.



No longer collected

Violation Detail 1


The 1st tier violation subcode.

See subcodes in the Behavior Codes for valid values.

Behavior Code


Yes, based on the type of violation

Violation Detail 2


The 2nd tier violation subcode.

See one of the following for valid 2nd tier subcodes:

Behavior Code


Yes, based on the type of violation

Violation Detail 3


The 3rd tier violation subcode.

See Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Subcodes for valid 3rd tier subcodes.

Behavior Code


Yes, based on the type of violation

No longer collected: Free Form Text


Text used to describe the following violations:

  • Other Violation of School Policies
  • Other School Threat
  • Other Technology
  • Simulated Firearm
  • Other Aggression
  • Illicit Drug
  • Substance represented as illicit drug
  • Inhalant
  • Unknown Drug
  • Drug Paraphernalia
  • Over the Counter Drug
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Other firearm
  • Simulated firearm
  • DEPRECATED - Other (Dangerous Items)


No longer collected


Action ID


The action ID. There can be multiple actions for one incident.



Action Code


The type of disciplinary action taken as a result of the incident.

Note: If a student has an incident having two state reportable action codes for the same behavior, both action codes appear in the ESS DDC File as two separate records, with both records having the same behavior but different action codes.

See Action Codes for valid values.

Action Code




Number of Removal/Reassignment Days


The number of days the student is suspended/removed/reassigned on actions under Due Process.

Note: The report converts removal days to removal hours in the output, multiplying Assigned Duration (Days Removed) by 6.


Yes, based on the action

Assigned Action Start Date


The date that the action is due to begin.


Yes, based on the action

Assigned Action End Date


The date the action is due to end.


Yes, based on the action

Action Review Date


The date the action is due to be reviewed for further evaluation.


Yes, based on the action

Scheduled Hearing/Review Date


The date on which the action requires hearing or review, related to actions with due process.


Yes, based on the action

Date Action Decided


The date that the consequences to the violation was decided.



Name of Place a Student Moved To


The name of the class, school, agency, or alternative education setting where a student was moved to.


Yes, based on the action

Action Completed


Indicates whether the action has been completed.



Action Comments


Optional additional comments for the incident.

Truncated to 990 characters.



Other Action Description


The description for action code 86, Other Action.


Yes, based on the action

Service Declined


Indicates whether service was offered to the student, but declined by the parent or student.

This value is reported if the Action Code is one of the following:

  • 105 – Expulsion With Service
  • 103 – Out Of School Suspension – Long Term With Service
  • 101 – Out Of School Suspension – Short Term With Services

Valid values: 1 (Yes) or 0 (No)



Police Report #


The police report number as received from the law enforcement.


Yes, based on the action

Results of referral to law Enforcement


The result of law enforcement involvement.

See Action Attribute Codes for valid values.

Action Attribute Code


Yes, if law enforcement is involved

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