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The SAIS menu is organized into functional groups listing the most commonly used options at the top of the page. Additionally, detailed descriptions of the options within each functional group are provided. Use this page to navigate through SAIS within the PowerSchool application.

To access the SAIS menu:

  1. On the Start page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  2. Click Interfaces to Other Systems. The Interfaces to Other Systems page appears.
  3. Click SAIS. The SAIS page appears.
  4. Use the following table to determine which option to choose:




Build SAIS Upload File

Use this option to build a file including unprocessed SAIS transactions. PowerSchool stores a record of the file, which can also be saved to your hard drive. See Build Upload Files for more information.

View SAIS Upload Files

Use this option to view all of the SAIS files built during the current school year. Download the files to your desktop for easy access when uploading files to SAIS. PowerSchool sorts the files in reverse chronological order; the file built last appears first. See View Upload Files for more information.

Import SAIS Student IDs

Use this option to import SAIS IDs that were downloaded from the SAIS system. See Download SAIS IDs for more information.

Import status file

Use this option to import the SAIS status file into PowerSchool. Transaction errors are provided in the status file as feedback on the file uploaded from PowerSchool.


Submission status

Use this option to view the submission status for recent uploads.

Event Queue records with errors

Use this option to view records with invalid data detected during the SAIS upload file validation process. The errors display until corrected and a new SAIS file is built. See Event Queue Records with Errors for more information.

Transactions with errors

Use this option to view and correct errors for transactions rejected from SAIS. See View Transactions with Errors, Troubleshoot Transaction Errors, and Update Transactions with Errors for more information.



Use this option to access settings for automatic PowerSchool–to-SAIS communication. See SAIS Settings for more information.

Download SAIS IDs

Use this option to automatically download and import SAIS student ID. See Download SAIS IDs for more information.

Download Status File

Use this option to automatically download and import the status file for the most recent upload. See Import Status File to PowerSchool for more information.


Activate/Deactivate SAIS Transaction Engine

Use this option to manually turn Off or On the SAIS Transaction Engine.

This item only displays on servers where AzEDS Reporting has been enabled. The SAIS Transaction Engine may need to be temporarily activated after AzEDS Reporting is enabled in order to perform certain SAIS functions (like a Resend Enrollments).

Assign Default SAIS Student Field Values

Use this option to mass-populate SAIS student fields. This function will not overwrite values that are already populated.

Edit SAIS Upload File Sequence Number

Use this option to view or change the SAIS sequence number for the school. The file sequence number is a value used to identify whether each SAIS submission is uploaded in order. It is recommended that every SAIS file be uploaded to ADE until successfully processed. Log into the ADE website and check the sequence number that was last processed successfully. To determine if PowerSchool is in sequence, verify that the number in this field matches the number on the ADE website.

Enrollment Validation Tool

Use this option to review each initial enrollment record sent to ADE and validate that the student records contain the necessary data for SAIS. This option minimizes errors returned from SAIS.

Initial Enrollment/Activate SAIS

At the beginning of the school year, use this option to create a file of the students to be uploaded to SAIS for the current year. This option also turns on the transaction engine, which forces PowerSchool to automatically gather all appropriate attendance transactions, including any necessary retroactive transactions, and alerts PowerSchool to begin to tracking transactions that need to be reported to SAIS. See Activate SAIS for more information.

Note: Use this option to upload the initial enrollment file to SAIS by the tenth day of the school year.

SAIS End-of-Year Validation

Use this option to validate data before running the SAIS End-of-Year process.

SAIS End-of-Year Process

Use this option to run the SAIS End-of-Year process. See SAIS End-of-Year for more information.

This option generates end of year status transactions for students and exits students from their SAIS Needs enrollments.

Reenroll in SAIS Needs

Use this option to reenroll students in SAIS Needs from the previous school year after completing the SAIS End-of-Year process.

Reporting Unit

Use this option to set up the reporting unit for this server. This option is used by districts with multiple SAIS reporting systems. In most cases this field is blank.

Resend Enrollment

Use this option to resend data for a selection of students. See Resend Enrollment for more information.



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