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District Setup - Student Teacher Extract

The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.
  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.
  3. Click District. The District Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on code values see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.



Course Number

Enter the course number.



Alternate Course Number

Enter the alternate course number.



Credit Hours

Enter the number of potential credit hours available for the course.



Instructional Setting

Enter the instructional setting for the course

Note: Defaults to “Regular Departmentalized Classroom”, if blank.

Drop down values:

  • Regular Departmentalized Classroom
  • Resource Room
  • Self-Contained Classroom
  • Co Taught
  • Structured English Immersion
  • Distance Learning (All Students)
  • Distance Learning (tome Students)
  • Virtual


Course Level Characteristics

An indication of the level of rigor in a course.

Note: Defaults to “General” or “Regular”, if blank.

Valid values:

  • Students with Disabilities
  • Basic
  • General or Regular
  • Enriched or Advanced
  • Honors
  • Gifted or Talented
  • College level
  • English Language Learners
  • High School Equivalent
  • Untracked


Low Grade Level

Select the lowest grade level of students either enrolled in the course or for which the course is targeted.


High Grade Level

Select the highest grade level of students either enrolled in the course or for which the course is targeted.


Standards Grades Identifier (Populate if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for course)

Enter Standard Identifier if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for course.

Ex: LA.11.3.12

(For information about Standards setup, please see the Standards User Guide for PowerSchool 7.x located on PowerSource.


Exclude from AZ Student-Teacher –Course Connection Reports

Click the checkmark to exclude From AZ Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports.


Is Dual Credit (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if students enrolled in the course are concurrently enrolled in a post-secondary institution and receiving credit at both levels.

Note: High School Course Only.


Concurrent Enrollment (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if students enrolled in the course are concurrently enrolled in a post-secondary institution and receiving credit at both levels.

Note: High School Course Only.


Is CTE Certificate (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if the course is part of a career or technical education program leading to a specific technical certification.

Note: High School Course Only.


Is Required for Graduation (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if the course is one of the required courses a student must take to meet graduation requirements.

Note: High School Course Only


Course Duration (Total Instructional Minutes)

The total number of minutes of instructional time for the course.

* Used by the MCESA Student Teacher Course Report.

If sections level setting is blank, course level settings will be used. If course and section settings are blank, value will be calculated based on Bell Schedule minutes for the section.



Enter the entry code.

Refer to the following link for current Arizona entry codes:

The code PS is required to be set up as an entry code to be used specifically with the Arizona student/change enrollment function.




Enter the entry code meaning.




Enter the exit code.

Refer to the following link for current Arizona entry codes:

The code PS is required to be set up as an exit code to be used specifically with the Arizona student/change enrollment function.

NS is a PowerSchool-specific exit code used to exit no-show students (a student who enrolled but never showed up at the school). A delete enrollment transaction is created instead of an add withdrawal transaction when the NS exit code is selected.




Enter the exit code meaning.



School Name

Enter the school name.


School Abbreviation

Enter the school abbreviation.


School Address

Enter the school’s street address.


School City

Enter the school’s city.


School Postal/Zip Code

Enter the school’s zip code.


School Number

Enter the school number.


Alternate School Number

Enter the alternate school number.


Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.



Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).



School Entity ID

The state assigned public or charter school identifier


Use this page to map the Store Code(s) which designates Final Grade(s) for the specified term.  You must map each term for each school, for which a Final Grade is to be reported to the state. 

To enter a new mapping: 

  1. Navigate to District > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School > Student Course Enrollment / Final Grade Mapping Page
  2. Working within the Year Filter shown on the AZ Final Grade Mapping page, click New to display the New AZ Final Grade Mapping Record page.
  3. From the Term Length Classes dropdown list of terms for the designated school year, select a scheduling term for which students have class enrollments, such as Semester 1 or 2011-2012.    
  4. Enter a Store Code into the ’40 Day Final Grade Store Code’ field if a final grade will be available for the 40 Day Collection for the Term Length Class selected. If entering a comma-separated list of store codes, the most recent grade is reported.
  5. Enter a Store Code into the ’100 Day Final Grade Store Code’ field if a final grade will be available for the 100 Day Collection for the Term Length Class selected. If entering a comma-separated list of store codes, the most recent grade is reported.
  6. Enter a Store Code into the ’EOY Final Grade Store Code’ field if a final grade will be available for the EOY Collection for the Term Length Class selected. If entering a comma-separated list of store codes, the most recent grade is reported.

Note: At least one final grade is required for each class upon class completion, but more may be reported if desired. For instance, year long high school courses may receive two final grades, an S1 and S2 grade. The S1 grade will be available for the 100 Day collection and the S2 grade will be available for the EOY Collection.

  1. Enter the Session Type Code.  This value represents the course length. 
  2.  Enter the Term Type Code. This value represents the specific term of the course.
  3. Click Submit to save the record.

Term Length Classes

Select a term for which final grades must be submitted, such as Semester 1.


40 Day Final Grade Store Code

If a final grade is available for the class at the 40 Day submission, enter the Store Code(s) used to store the grades.


100 Day Final Grade Store Code

If a final grade is available for the class at the 100 Day submission, enter the Store Code(s) used to store the grades.


EOY Final Grade Store Code

If a final grade is available for the class at the EOY submission, enter the Store Code(s) used to store the grades.


Session Type Code

Enter the session type code.


Term Type Code

Enter the term type code


Use this page to view the calculated 40th day and the 100th day for the school, which will be used in the Student-Teacher-Course Connection reports. The page provides calculated date override fields, which will be used by the STC reports if populated.

40th Calendar Day Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Enter a date to be used as the school’s 40th day.  If the field is blank, the calculated value will be used by the STC reports.


Name value: AZ_STC_40DayOvr<schoolid><yearid>

Example: AZ_STC40DayOvr10021


Value = date entered

100th Calendar Day Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Enter a date to be used as the school’s 100th day.  If the field is blank, the calculated value will be used by the STC reports.


Name value: AZ_STC_100DayOvr<schoolid><yearid>

Example: AZ_STC100DayOvr10021


Value = date entered

Name of School Year

Enter the name of the school year, such as 2012 - 2013.



Enter an abbreviation, such as 12-13.


First Day of School

Enter the first in session day of school.


Last Day of School

Enter the last in session day of school.


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