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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-309568All States/Provinces: ReportWorks Startup Time Update

The ReportWorks/SRP config files have now been modified to be called only through the re-initialization cycle. This improves the SRP startup times and avoids previously reported failures.

PSSR-311828All States/Provinces: State Validation Tab Visible for All States

The State Validation tab that was introduced in SR 22.12.2 in error is now removed from the System Reports area of PowerSchool.

PSSR-308481All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report Update

Incident Profile Report: Version 1.3

The Incident Profile report has been updated and will no longer duplicate incident data.

PSSR-309610AzEDS: Student Identification Records Stuck for No Show Students

The Student Identification Records are no longer stuck under dependencies for No Show Students.

PSSR-220861Code Value updates for Language

The Home, Spoken, and First Acquired Language fields are standardized to a 2-digit code. The numbers 0 to 9 will have a preceding 0 and the same will be used for importing as well.

PSSR-309969Display YearID field for Student Program Records

To avoid the confusion caused during the publishing of the student programs records, a read-only YearID field has been added to the Student Program Records Screen.

PSSR-303708JTED Ranking Screen Update

The JTED Ranking Screen has been updated to include the columns, ‘section expression’ and ‘instructional hours’. Additionally, a rank-by-hours button has been added, which generates a rank automatically based on instructional hours.

PSSR-303709AzEDS - 2022-23 Updates: Student School Association Updates for CTED Records

As per the latest AZ DOE guidelines, the publishing of the totalPlannedInstructionalHours and totalCommunityCollegeEnrolledCredits has been implemented for the Student School Association records for the following scenarios.

  • For school type CTED Central Campus, the above fields will publish every time and it will be calculated for all the JTED sections.

  • For all the other school types, they will get published for JTED enrollments and the value will be calculated as per the highest-ranking JTED sections.

  • For contiguous enrollment records, either both the values must be filled in both records or both the values must be left blank to ensure that the calculation is done automatically for proper publishing.

  • For automatic calculation of the values, both fields must be left blank.

PSSR-303189Pupil Withdrawal Data Report Updates

Pupil Withdrawal Data Report Version 1.7
A space has been added to the Guardian Signature section.

PSSR-307677Student SDADMS72 Audit Report Fixes

Additional Reference: PSSR-309180
The following issues for the Student SDADMS72 Audit Report have been resolved:

  • Generation of the Duplicate JTED records.
  • Incorrect membership value for JTED records.
PSSR-299854AZ AzEDS - 22-23 Changes: Student School Association Changes - CTED Updates

As per the latest DOE guidelines, the following fields have been added to the current, previous, and concurrent enrollment screens:

  • CTED Satellite FTE Value

  • Total Planned Instructional Hours (CTED)

  • Total Community College Enrolled Credits (CTED)

In addition, a JTED Course Led by a CTE Instructor checkbox has been added to the Courses Setup Screen.

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