Student Need Rules
The following rules apply to creating and updating programs and services related to Needs for students.
Activate SAIS
All Needs-related data entered in at the time SAIS is activated is submitted to SAIS along with the membership data.
Student Withdrawals
When a student is withdrawn during the middle of a school year, PowerSchool automatically withdraws the student from any existing Needs, Language Programs, Support Programs and SPED Services. The exit date for each program record is automatically populated with the student's school exit date.
Note: If a student plans to continue in a SPED service beyond their school enrollment exit date, it is necessary to access the inactive student (similar to how Needs-only students are handled) and edit the exit date for the SPED Service and the end date for the SPED district of residence. These Needs-related transactions can still be submitted after the student is inactive as long as they are not enrolled into another school within the district.
Summer Withdrawals
When a student is withdrawn from school as a summer withdrawal, all Needs that have an entry date on or after the summer withdrawal date are deleted from PowerSchool and SAIS.
Note: If a student continues enrollment in Needs programs after the summer withdrawal, the Needs should be re-entered. For more information see "Needs-only Students" in Student Setup - SAIS.
No Show Withdrawals
When a student is withdrawn from school as a no-show withdrawal, all Needs with an entry date on or after the no-show withdrawal date are deleted from PowerSchool and SAIS.
Note: If a student continues enrollment in Needs programs after the summer withdrawal, the Needs should be re-entered. For more information see "Needs-only Students" in Student Setup - SAIS.
Homebound Students
All enrollment and attendance/absence information for a homebound student is resent to SAIS when the following occur in PowerSchool:
- A Homebound Need with entry date prior to the current date is created.
- A Homebound Need with an entry date prior to the current date is deleted.
- An existing Homebound Need exit date is edited and both the entry date and the old exit date are prior to the current date.
- An existing Homebound Need exit date is edited and both the entry date and new exit date are prior to the current date.
Note: As of 2008-2009, SAIS only accepts Time-to-Day attendance conversions for PK and homebound students.
Student Transfers
When a student transfers to another school in the district, the previous school of enrollment cannot access and/or edit the student's Need-related records. However, the current school of enrollment can access and/or edit the student's Need-related records for both the prior and current school of enrollment. PowerSchool compares the dates of the Need-related record to the student's enrollment date at each school and saves the correct school for the Need-related record.
When a student is transferred out of school via Start Page > Student > Functions > Transfer Out Of School, the exit date entered for the school enrollment is automatically populated for any Needs, Language Program, SPED Service, and Support Program records. The new exit date can be seen on the SAIS Needs page for the student.
If the student is transferred back into the school, the option to re-enroll the student in any Needs, Language Program, SPED Service, and Support Program records is available. After selecting the checkboxes for the appropriate programs and submitting the page to re-enroll the student, new records are created for these programs on the SAIS Needs page for the student, with the school entry date as the entry date for each program.
Mid-Year Grade Level Transfer
When a mid-year grade level transfer is performed for a student with an SPED Service that is within the enrollment period or after the enrollment period, the SPED Service record is updated with the correct grade level. A new SPED Service record may be created or the existing SPED Service may be updated, depending on when the change takes place.
Resend Enrollments
When the Resend Enrollments functionality is triggered in PowerSchool, Needs and Early Childhood-related transactions are also resent. Use Resend Enrollments in order to correct erroneous Needs and Early Childhood information for a student.
End of Year
When the SAIS End of Year process is run, the student's school exit date is populated in the Need Exit Date field for all of the student's active Needs records. In addition, one of the following exit reason codes is populated for Student Support Program (13) and SPED (14) Needs records:
- Withdrawn From School – populated for Student Support Program (13) records for both graduated and non-graduated students.
- Graduated with Regular high school diploma – populated for SPED (14) records for graduated students.
- School is out – populated for SPED (14) records for non-graduated students.