Early Childhood Immunization Report
This school-level report includes immunization compliance data for early childhood students, including the number of doses they received and the most recent dose for DTaP/DTP/DT, Polio, MMR, Hib, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Varicella, and any exemptions on file.
The report generates two separate outputs for the Immunization Data Report Total Sheet Form 108 and the Immunization Data Report Form 108B for each early childhood age group.
The Form 108 groups students by their birth date: born on or after April 1, 2012 and born from October 1, 2008 through March 31, 2012.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:
- The student must be enrolled in the school on or between the School Start Date and Date of Report entered at report runtime.
- The student must be enrolled in a pre-kindergarten grade level, e.g. Grade_Level = -1.
Note: The report uses the Date of Report to determine the student’s age for immunization compliance.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Current Selection Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
School Start Date | Enter the first day of the school year. |
Date of Report | Enter the date of the report. This value is usually either the current date, or November 15th, the date the report is due. |
Contact Name | Enter the contact name to report in the header of the report output. |
Contact Email | Enter the contact email address to report in the header of the report output. |
Facility ID | Enter the facility ID to report in the header of the report output (usually starts with CDC or SGH). |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the reports are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Immunization Data Report Total Sheet Form 108
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
Name Of Child Care | The name of the school. | [Schools]Name |
License # | This value is not reported and should be entered manually. | N/A |
Phone | The school’s phone number | [Schools]SchoolPhone |
Fax | The school’s fax number. | [Schools]SchoolFax |
Mailing Address, City, Zip | The school’s address. | [Schools]SchoolAddress [Schools]SchoolCity [Schools]SchoolZip |
County | The county in which the school is located. | [Schools]CountyName |
Director or Contact Person | The name of the person completing the report. | N/A |
The email address of the contact person. | N/A | |
1. Attendance | The number of students enrolled in the school on the Date of Report, entered at report runtime. | [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate |
2. Immunization Records on File | The number of students with an immunization record on file. | [HealthStudImmRec]StudentID [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID |
3. DTaP/DTP/DT | The number of students who received zero, one, two, three, or four or more doses of the DTaP/DTP/DT vaccine. The total should equal the value for the number of students enrolled in the school. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose>=0,1,2,3,4 [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=DTaP_DTP or DT |
4. OPV/IPV | The number of students who received zero, one, two, or three or more doses of the OPV/IPV vaccine. The total should equal the value for the number of students enrolled in the school. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose>=0,1,2,3 [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=IPV_OPV |
5. MMR | The number of students who received zero, one, two, or more doses of the MMR vaccine. The total should equal the value for the number of students enrolled in the school. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose>=0,1,2 [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=MMR |
6. Hib | The number of students who received zero, one, two, three, four or more doses of the Hib vaccine. The total should equal the value for the number of students enrolled in the school. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose>=0,1,2,3,4 [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=Hib |
7. Hep A | The number of students who received zero, one, two, or more doses of the Hepatitis A vaccine. The total should equal the value for the number of students enrolled in the school. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose>=0,1,2 [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=HepA |
8. Hep B | The number of students who received zero, one, two, three, or more doses of the Heb B vaccine. The total should equal the value for the number of students enrolled in the school. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose>=0,1,2,3 [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=HepB |
9. Varicella | The number of students who received one or more doses of the Varicella vaccine, including students who have a history of the chicken pox. A history of chicken pox is determined by assigning the Exemption “History of Disease / Parental Recall of Disease” to the student for their Varicella vaccine. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose>=1 [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=VAR [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Hist_Recall |
How many children enrolled in a childcare setting before 9/1/11 with parental recall of chicken pox disease? | The number of students who enrolled in the school before September 1, 2011 and whose parents claim that the student had the chicken pox. A history of chicken pox is determined by assigning the Exemption “History of Disease / Parental Recall of Disease” to the student for their Varicella vaccine. After September 1, 2011, parents can no longer claim a history of chicken pox for the student; the student must receive the vaccination or provide laboratory evidence of immunity. | [Students]EntryDate [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Hist_Recall |
How many children have no doses of Varicella vaccine and did not establish parental recall of chicken pox disease before 9/1/11? | The number of students who have not received the Varicella vaccine and who also cannot establish a parental claim that they had the chicken pox. A history of chicken pox is determined by assigning the Exemption “History of Disease / Parental Recall of Disease” to the student for their Varicella vaccine. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose=0 [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=VAR [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Hist_Recall |
10. Religious Exemption | The number of students who have a Religious Exemption. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionExpiryDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Perm_Pers |
11. Temporary Medical Exemption | The number of students who have a Temporary Medical Exemption. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionExpiryDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Temp_Med |
12. Permanent Medical Exemption | The number of students who have a Permanent Medical Exemption. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionExpiryDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Perm_Med |
13. Laboratory Evidence of Immunity | The number of students who can provide laboratory evidence of immunity. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionExpiryDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Lab_Immun |
Immunization Data Report Form 108B
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
Full Name of Child Care or Preschool Facility | The name of the school. | [Schools]Name |
Facility ID # | ID number of facility (usually starts with CDC or SGH). Value entered at report run-time. | N/A |
Director/Contact Person | The name of the person completing the report. Entered at report run-time. | N/A |
E-mail Address | The email address of the contact person. Entered at report run-time. | N/A |
Phone | The school’s phone number | [Schools]SchoolPhone |
Fax | The school’s fax number. | [Schools]SchoolFax |
Mailing Address, City, Zip | The school’s address. | [Schools]SchoolAddress [Schools]SchoolCity [Schools]SchoolZip |
County | The school’s county. | [Schools]CountyName |
Date of Report | The date entered at report runtime. | N/A |
Children with birth dates on or after April 1, 2012 Or Children with birth dates from October 1, 2008 through March 31, 2012 | Indicates the age level of the students included in the report. | N/A |
Child’s Name | The name of the student. | [Students]LastFirst |
Date of Birth | The student’s date of birth. | [Students]DOB |
DTaP/DTP/DT How many doses on record? | The number of doses of the DTaP/DTP/DT vaccine on record for the student. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=DTaP_DTP or DT |
Polio How many doses on record? | The number of doses of the Polio vaccine on record for the student. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=IPV_OPV |
MMR How many doses on record? | The number of doses of the MMR vaccine on record for the student. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=MMR |
Hib How many doses on record? | The number of doses of the Hib vaccine on record for the student. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=Hib |
Hep A How many doses on record? | The number of doses of the Hepatitis A vaccine on record for the student. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=HepA |
Hep B How many doses on record? | The number of doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine on record for the student. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=HepB |
Varicella How many doses on record? | The number of doses of the Varicella vaccine on record for the student. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthVaccine]StateReportCode=VAR |
Exemptions Religious | Indicates if the student has a Religious Exemption. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionExpiryDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Perm_Pers |
Exemptions Temporary Medical | Indicates if the student has a Temporary Medical Exemption. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionExpiryDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Temp_Med |
Exemptions Permanent Medical | Indicates if the student has a Permanent Medical Exemption. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionExpiryDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Perm_Med |
Exemptions Lab Evidence of Immunity | Indicates if the student has laboratory evidence of immunity. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionExpiryDate [HealthImmExempt]StateReportCode = Lab_Immun |