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Arizona Announcements

Date Updated: July 27, 2019

Statewide User Call

Join us for a telephone conference call to discuss Arizona State Reporting. These calls are usually scheduled to occur on the 3rd Thursday of each month. In months containing an ASCUS Meeting, we conduct an in-person user group meeting at the ASCUS Conference, then schedule a make-up call the week after ASCUS, covering the same content as discussed at the PowerSchool user group meeting at ASCUS.

Next scheduled conference call

Date: Thursday August 15, 2019 
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Arizona Time

Zoom Information

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap: US:  +16699006833,,994646335# or  +19294362866,,994646335#
Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 669 900 6833 Canada: +1 647 558 0588

Meeting ID: 994 646 335
International numbers available:

Note: Recordings of previous meetings can be found on PowerSource.

AzEDS Publishing and Reporting

  • Issue: Ed-Fi 3.0 - Sessions do not publish for JTED enrollments.
    • Workaround: None.
  • Issue: AzEDS - Courses and Sections Error for Course Offerings - Validation of 'CourseOffering' failed.
    • Workaround: None.
  • Issue: AZ Ed-Fi 3.0 - New/Updates Not Publishing for Unpublished Data.
    • Workaround: Run a Publish All/Publish Missing for all Student Data categories.

Known Issues

AzEDS Publishing and Reporting

  • Issue: Data Exchange Transmission Summary is not properly updating with published data.
    • Workaround: None.
    • A fix is targeted for the July state reporting release.
  • Issue: Attendance, Courses, and Sections are being Removed after Publishing.
    • Results from updating Session primary key data (by updating Final Grade Mapping TermType) and republishing Sessions.
      • Working as expected. Sessions and all dependent data (courses, sections, attendance) must be unpublished and republished if TermType changes from previously reported value.
    • Page will be updated to notify user if a change will necessitate republishing sessions, courses, sections and attendance. 
  • Issue: Ed-Fi: Deletes are processing due to EOY processing for data that should not be deleted.
    • Run a Publish All for impacted categories of data.


  • Issue:  Polio dosage rules for Compliance not working properly for students.

    • The Immunization Reports work correctly, but the Immunizations page does not.


PowerSchool Community

AzEDS Publishing

  • Before publishing any data, it will be necessary to run the Downloads on the AzEDS 2019-20 dashboard.
    • Note: The Organization Directory does not download. The fix for this issue will be released in the July state reporting release.

2019-2020 CTE Reporting

CTE Reporting for 2019-2020 is now done through AzEDS. See the article below to find out how this change impacts your districts!

Legacy CTE Reporting Changes

State Reporting Changes - Recently Released

Fixes to Known Issues

AzEDS Publishing

State Mandated Changes and Enhancements

AzEDS Publishing for 2018-19

    • AzEDS: 2018-2019 Calendar Changes - Implement Ability to Submit Track Numbers between 1 and 99
      • Needed by JTED Main campuses

AzEDS Publishing for 2019-20

    • AzEDS: 2019-2020 Publishing - Sections LocationID Requirements Change

    • AzEDS: Courses and Sections Dependencies Updated
      • Updated to hold records in dependency if dependent data (periods and sessions) has not yet been published to AzEDS.
    • AzEDS: Publish CourseOfferingCourseSchedule Data for CTE Courses
      • Needed by CTE to determine course instructional hours.
    • AzEDS: Student Programs - Report Service Begin and End Dates for CEIS Programs
    • AzEDS: Student Section Enrollment Publishing Changes - Remote Enrollments
      • When publishing Student Section Enrollment records for students taking a class at another school, the record needs to be published from the student's home school instead of from the remote school if the student does not have a concurrent school enrollment at the remote school. 
    • AzEDS: Enhance JTED Data Collection and Publishing
      • For JTED publishing, users need the ability to set the JTED School entity ID at the school level, with the ability to override the JTED Entity ID value for some students in a school. 
      • Note: For districts reporting JTED through AzEDS, PowerSchool recommends clearing out the JTED_School_CTDS field for all 2019-2020 student enrollments and populating the new JTED School EntityID field on the School Setup page at the District Office level (Schools/School Info). This JTED School Entity ID will be the default value for all students in the school. To override the JTED School EntityID for individual students, use the JTED School CTDS field located on the student's Transfer Information page.

ReEnroll in Student Needs

    • Re-enroll in Student Needs - Remove SPED Fields No Longer Collected
      • The below fields are no longer collected and do not need to be rolled forward to 2019-20.
        – SPED Grade_Level 
        – SPED Special Enrollment Code 
        – District of Residence
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