Legacy CTE Reporting Changes
Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, the CTE department will get their 40 and 100 day CTE enrollment numbers and participant concentrator information from data submitted through AzEDS. This article discusses new and existing setup items required for the successful submission of CTE data needed for CTE 40 and 100-day enrollment numbers and participant concentrator data.
Update 10/24/2019: Added information regarding reporting CTED Main Sections and Class Enrollments by member Districts. (NEW Requirement)
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Common Issues - AzEDS Publishing
New Data Collection to Support 2019-20 CTE Reporting
See below for detailed information (bolded items)
- Teachers: Email Address
- Teacher Email is not a new field but is newly reported for Staff in 2019-20.
- Sections: Site Location School ID (AttendingSchID, ArticSchID, School of Attendance ID)
- Sections: Minutes and Weeks
- Reported from CTE Class Bell Schedule dates in School Calendar.
- Reported from CTE Class Bell Schedule dates in School Calendar.
- Students: SingleParent Status
- Students: IsInFosterCare
Action Item: Populate the above information for your CTE Teachers, CTE Sections, and CTE Students, along with the below previously collected Teacher, Section, Course, and Student information if not already populated.
Action Item: Set up CTE Sections in your schools for all CTE Program courses offered.
From the state: 'Please remember that when your staff enters courses into the SIS system you must enter ALL courses that make up the Coherent Sequence of instruction for each CTE course offered to students. This includes all the required courses of each program, regardless of whether there will be student enrollment in those courses this school year.'
Action Item: Set up sections for all Articulated Courses (see below), then enroll students in those sections.
Articulated Courses
An articulated course is defined as: “A CTE course that is offered to students by an entity other than the school of residence in an approved CTE program.”
An Articulated course could be a course within your district, or outside of your district. Articulated courses are required to have a 'SiteLocationSchoolid' EntityID value of the Attending School, as opposed to the Resident School. In-District Articulated courses (Sections) can be set up in two ways in PowerSchool.
Separate Sections at Each School (In-district)
Scenario: The Nursing CTE Course is taught at School A, but is attended by students from both School A and School B.
Districts can create a Nursing Section at School A, and another Nursing section at School B, enrolling students from each school into the two sections. (Both sections taught by the same teacher in the same period at School A)
With this option, the School B section's 'Site Location School ID (entityID)' would need to be populated to have School A's entityID.
Single Section at School of Attendance (In-district)
Scenario: The Nursing CTE Course is taught at School A, but is attended by students from both School A and School B.
Districts can create a Nursing Section at School A, then use the 'Enroll Student in Remote/Summer School Class' Student Function for students in School B to enroll the students in the section at School A.
With this option, the School B section's 'Site Location School ID (entityID)' would NOT need to be populated. PowerSchool will automatically generate section and section enrollment records at School B for the students remotely enrolled in School A's section, having the correct 'SiteLocationSchoolid'.
Students Taking CTE Classes Out of District
CTED Main Campus Sections
Updated understanding of requirements: CTED Main Campus sections and section enrollments must be double reported. They must be reported once by the CTED Main Campus entity, and also reported by the student's Residence School entity. It is understood by ADE that the Residence District sections and section enrollments will not be 100% accurate, but they want as much information as you can provide.
Scenario: A student in the Vail School District is taking 50% of their classes at Pima County JTED. The student is taking Automotive Tech I and Automotive Tech II at Pima County JTED Main Campus.
Pima County JTED will report the two above sections and student enrollments to ADE through AzEDS, entering all of the required information like teacher information, schedule, period, room location, etc.
The Vail School district will also need to publish Automotive Tech I and Automotive Tech II sections (from the student's school of residence), having a Site Location ID of the Pima County JTED's school entityID. The information for the sections published from Vail School District does not need to be 100% accurate because ADE will consider the Pima County JTED's section the 'Section of Record'.
The Vail School District will also need to publish Student Section Enrollments for their students taking Automotive Tech I and Automotive Tech II at the Pima County JTED Main Campus.
Post Secondary Sections
If students are taking CTE classes out of the district, but the other district cannot report the student enrollments (for example at a community college), then the section will need to be created at the student's residence school, having a 'Site Location School ID' value of the attending school's entityID. Students will need to be enrolled in these sections and published through AzEDS just as you would other section enrollments.
CTE Elements Mapping
CTE Data Elements | Data Portal Area | AzEDS Mapping - SIS Vendor | PowerSchool Field | PowerSchool Location / Notes |
CourseNbr | Admin - Course | Edfi.Course.CourseCode | N/A - Courses are maintained by ADE in the state AzEDS database. | |
CourseDesc | Admin - Course | Edfi.Course.CourseTitle | N/A - Courses are maintained by ADE in the state AzEDS database. Note: Courses must be downloaded from ADE using the AzEDS 2019-20 Dashboard (Courses Download) | |
CTE Required setup not reported to AzEDS | ||||
Courses.Vocational | Courses Setup Page: Vocational (checkbox) | |||
Coherent Sequence information is published to AzEDS when publishing Courses and Sections on the AzEDS 2019-20 dashboard. | ||||
SchId | Coherent Sequence | [edfi].[CourseOffering].[SchoolId] | Sections.SchoolID | Sections Setup Page: School |
CourseNbr | Coherent Sequence | [edfi].[CourseOffering].[CourseCode] | Courses.AltCourseNumber | Courses Setup Page: Alternate Course Number This field must match a Course Code from the downloaded course code list on the AzEDS 2019-20 Courses download list. EX: AZ01023 |
LocalCourseTitle | Coherent Sequence | [edfi].[CourseOffering].[LocalCourseTitle] | CourseOffering | Courses Setup Page: Course Name |
ArticSchID | Coherent Sequence | edfi.Section.SiteLocationSchoolid | Sections.RemoteEntityID | Sections Setup Page: Site Location School ID (entityID) Note: Populate for sections taught at a different school than the student's home school. For more information on Articulated sections, see the below section. For more information on Articulated sections, see the below section. Defaults to Section's School EntityID if blank. |
Course Enrollment information is populated by publishing the following resources: Courses and Sections, Staff, Student Enrollments, Student Demographics | ||||
CourseNbr | Course Enrollment | [edfi].[CourseOffering].[CourseCode] | Courses.AltCourseNumber | Courses Setup Page: Alternate Course Number This field must match a Course Code from the downloaded course code list on the AzEDS 2019-20 Courses download list. EX: AZ01023 |
Period | Course Enrollment | edfi.Section.ClassPeriodName | [Sections]Expression [Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID | Sections Setup Page: Schedule Expression |
Minutes | Course Enrollment | az.CourseOfferingCourseSchedule | [Sections]Expression [Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID | Sections Setup Page: Expression Note: Course Offering Course Schedule information is published by looking at when the class meets in the Calendar Bell Schedule, publishing one record for each day the class meets. |
Weeks | Course Enrollment | az.CourseOfferingCourseSchedule | [Sections]Expression [Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID | Sections Setup Page: Expression Note: Course Offering Course Schedule information is published by looking at when the class meets in the Calendar Bell Schedule, publishing one record for each day the class meets. |
AttendingSchID | Course Enrollment | edfi.Section.SiteLocationSchoolid | Sections.RemoteEntityID | Sections Setup Page: Site Location School ID (entityID) Note: Populate for sections taught at a different school than the student's home school. For more information on Articulated sections, see the above section. Defaults to Section's School EntityID if blank. |
EducatorId | Course Enrollment | AZEDCertDM, edfi.StaffIdentificationCode. StaffIdentificationSystemDescriptor | Users.SIF_StatePrid | Staff Information Page: StatePrid |
TeacherLName | Course Enrollment | edfi.Staff.LastSurname | [Teachers]Last_Name | Staff Information Page: Name (Last) |
TeacherFName | Course Enrollment | edfi.StaffFirstName | [Teachers]First_Name | Staff Information Page: Name (First) |
TeacherMI | Course Enrollment | edfi.Staff.MiddleName | [Teachers]Middle_Name | Staff Information Page: Name (MI) |
TeacherEmailType | Course Enrollment | edfi.StaffElectronicMail.ElectronicMailTypeDescriptorId | N/A | Staff Information Page: Email Address Email Type 'Work' is automatically reported. |
TeacherEmailAddress | Course Enrollment | edfi.StaffElectronicMail.ElectronicMailAddress | [Users]Email_Addr | Staff Information Page: Email Address |
Term | Course Enrollment | Session.TermDescriptorid | [Sections]TermID | Section Setup Page: Term |
StudentID | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.StudentUniqueId Student Enrollment | students.State_StudentNumber | Student State Enrollment Information Page: SAIS Student Number |
GradeLevel | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.EntryGradeLevelDescriptorID Student Enrollment | Students/Reenrollments.GradeLevel | Student Transfer Info: Grade Level |
Ethnicity | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation. HispanicLatinoEthnicity Student Demographic | Students.Fedethnicity | Student Demographics Page: Ethnicity |
Race | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Race.RaceDescriptorId Student Demographic | StudentRace.Racecd | Student Demographics Page: Race |
Disabled Status | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | [S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C]ServiceCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a Student SPED Service Participation record for the school year. |
LEP Status | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | [S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C]ProgramCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a Student Language Program Participation record for the school year. |
EconDisadv Status | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C.NeedCode | Student Needs - Lunch Page: Students having a 28 or 29 Student Need record for the school year. |
SingleParent Status | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Characteristic | [S_STU_X]SingleParent | Student State Demographics Page: Single Parent |
IsHomeless | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C.NeedCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a 6 (Homeless) Student Need record for the school year. |
IsInFosterCare | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation StudentCharacteristicDescriptor | S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C.NeedCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a 33 (Foster Care) Student Need record for the school year. |
HasMilitaryParentActiveDuty | Course Enrollment | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation StudentCharacteristicDescriptor | [S_AZ_STU_X]ParentMilitaryStatus | Student State Demographics Page: Parent In Military = Y |
Gender | Course Enrollment | edfi.Student.BirthSexDescriptorId Student | [Students]Gender | Student State Demographics Page: Gender |
Participant-Concentrator information is populated by publishing the following resources: Courses and Sections, Staff, Student Enrollments, Identification, and Student Transcripts | ||||
SchoolID | Participant-Concentrator | [edfi].[StudentSectionAssociation].[SchoolId] Student Section association | CC.SchoolID | Student All Enrollments Page: SchoolID of CTE class enrollment record. |
Student Unique Identifier | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.StudentUniqueId Student School association | students.State_StudentNumber | Student State Enrollment Information Page: SAIS Student Number |
Ethnicity | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation. HispanicLatinoEthnicity Student Demographic | Students.Fedethnicity | Student Demographics Page: Ethnicity |
White | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Race.RaceDescriptorId Student Demographic | StudentRace.Racecd | Student Demographics Page: Race |
BlackOrAfricanAmerican | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Race.RaceDescriptorId Student Demographic | StudentRace.Racecd | Student Demographics Page: Race |
Asian | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Race.RaceDescriptorId Student Demographic | StudentRace.Racecd | Student Demographics Page: Race |
AmericanIndian | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Race.RaceDescriptorId Student Demographic | StudentRace.Racecd | Student Demographics Page: Race |
PacificIslander | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Race.RaceDescriptorId Student Demographic | StudentRace.Racecd | Student Demographics Page: Race |
Migrant | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C.NeedCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a Migrant Student Need record for the school year. |
Handicaped | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | [S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C]ServiceCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a Student SPED Service Participation record for the school year. |
EconomincallyDisadvantaged | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C.NeedCode | Student Needs - Lunch Page: Students having a 28 or 29 Student Need record for the school year. |
LimitedEnglishProficient | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | [S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C]ProgramCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a Student Language Program Participation record for the school year. |
CohortYear | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.ClassOfSchoolYear Student Enrollment | [Students]ClassOf If blank, derived based on student's current grade level | |
IsSingleParent | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Characteristic | [S_STU_X]SingleParent | Student State Demographics Page: Single Parent |
IsHomeless | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentProgramAssociation Student Need | S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C.NeedCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a 6 (Homeless) Student Need record for the school year. |
IsInFosterCare | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation StudentCharacteristicDescriptor Student Characteristic | S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C.NeedCode | Student Needs Page: Students having a 33 (Foster Care) Student Need record for the school year. |
HasMilitaryParentActiveDuty | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation StudentCharacteristicDescriptor Student Characteristic | [S_AZ_STU_X]ParentMilitaryStatus | Student State Demographics Page: Parent In Military = Y |
School of Residence ID (SORID) | Participant-Concentrator | [edfi].[StudentSectionAssociation].[SchoolId] Student Section association | CC.SchoolID | Student All Enrollments Page: SchoolID of CTE class enrollment record. |
School of Attendance ID (SOAID) | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.Section.SiteLocationSchoolid Section | Sections.RemoteEntityID | Sections Setup Page: Site Location School ID (entityID) Note: Populate for sections taught at a different school than the student's home school. For more information on Articulated sections, see the below section. Defaults to Section's School EntityID if blank. |
EnrollmentStatus | Participant-Concentrator | edfiStudentSchoolAssociation.ExitWithdrawalTypeDescriptor, edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.EntryTypeDescriptorId Student Enrollment | Students/Reenrollments.EntryCode Students/Reenrollments.ExitCode | Calculated by ADE based on reported Entry/Exit information of Student School Enrollments. |
LeaveCodePosted | Participant-Concentrator | edfiStudentSchoolAssociation.ExitWithdrawalDate, edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.EntryDate Student Enrollment | Students/Reenrollments.EntryDate Students/Reenrollments.ExitDate | Calculated by ADE based on reported Entry/Exit information of Student School Enrollments. |
CarnegieCurrentYear | Participant-Concentrator | EdFi.CourseTranscript.EarnedCredits Course Transcript | StoredGrades.EarnedCreditHours | Student Historical Grades Screen: Earned Credit Hours of CTE Courses reported in AzEDS Course Transcripts. |
Grade | Participant-Concentrator | edfiStudentSchoolAssociation.EntryGradeLevelDescriptorId Student Enrollment | Students/Reenrollments.GradeLevel | Student Transfer Info: Grade Level |
Student Unique Identifier | Participant-Concentrator | Edfi.Student.StudentUniqueId Student | Students.State_StudentNumber | Student State Enrollment Information Page: SAIS Student Number |
FirstName | Participant-Concentrator | Edfi.Student.FirstName Student | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name | Student State Demographics: Legal Name (First) |
LastName | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.Student.LastSurname Student | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name | Student State Demographics: Legal Name (Last) |
BirthDate | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.Student.BirthDate Student | [Students]DOB | Student State Demographics: Date of Birth |
Gender | Participant-Concentrator | edfi.Student.BirthSexDescriptorId Student | [Students]Gender | Student State Demographics: Gender |