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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-237857AZ Safe and Drug-Free - Implement 2019-2020 Changes

The following Updates are implemented to the AZ Safe and Drug-Free report to align with 2019-2020 requirements:

  • The AZ Safe and Drug-Free report is renamed to ESS Discipline Data Collection.
  • The report is updated to align with the new XSD specifications.
  • Violation code and Action codes are updated to report according to an updated numbering scheme. Instead of reporting a code - sub-code pairing, each violation and action code has its own unique single code.

    Data collection for action and violation code has not changed, but the value reported to ADE has changed. The mapping is handled within the report logic.

PSSR-231217AzEDS 20-21 Student Transcript Updated to Publish with a FinalLetterGradeEarnedDescriptor

The AzEDS Student Transcripts resource is updated to publish all course transcript records (final grades) with a FinalLetterGradeEarnedDescriptor extension.

A new codeset mapping is implemented, allowing districts to map a grade scale color designation with a downloaded ADE Final Letter Grade Earned descriptor value.

If no codeset mapping exists, Student Transcript Publishing will report a Final Letter Grade Earned descriptor value based on the grade's grade scale color value according to the below mapping. If none are mapped, then it will default to Average.

  • Green: Above Average
  • Light Green: Average
  • Yellow: Average
  • Orange: Below Average
  • Red: Below Average
PSSR-236445DEX: Restore the State Reporting Page When DEX Is Disabled

When the DEX plugin is disabled, the name of the State Reporting tab under System reports will change to "State" and will move to the center tab, where it was previously located.

PSSR-237012Ed-Fi Framework: Dependency-Check Performance Improvementments

Performance improvements have been made in the Dependency-Check Processor for the Ed-Fi framework. This will greatly improve the efficiency at which dependencies are checked and processed.

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