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Student Setup - AzEDS


The following data elements are required for state reporting.

To perform student-specific tasks:

  • To add a new student, on the Start Page, in the left panel, click Enroll New Student. The Enroll New Student page appears.


  • To open an existing student record, on the Start Page search for the student. If the search results show multiple students, under Current Student Selection, click the student's name. The last accessed student page opens for the student selected.

Note: The following information describes the setup required for State Reporting. For information about general student setup, see Help > System Help.

Special Student Enrollments

Needs-Only Students (Program Only)

A SAIS “Need” is a term used to indicate that a student requires special support, either within or beyond regular norms, to enhance their capabilities. Need types include language, special education (SPED), giftedness, economic, behavioral, health, and academic. Needs submitted to SAIS are valid for one fiscal year. For all Needs other than Homebound, Free Lunch Eligibility and Reduced Lunch Eligibility, create a need record associated with a Support Program.

For AzEDS reporting, Needs-only students require:

  • A school enrollment having an EntryDate = the beginning of the service, and an ExitDate of the day after the service,

    • and with an Enrollment Type (Membership Type) of ‘P’ – Program Only

    • and a Tuition Payer code of ‘2’.

  • The applicable Need records entered for the student.

AOI (Online) Students

For accurate AzEDS reporting, AOI students require:

  • Enrollment in an AOI PowerSchool School, with an Enrollment Type value of (T) - Online.

  • AOI Attendance records entered (or imported) in PowerSchool for each day the student participated in Online Instruction.

    • For more information regarding entering and importing Time Attendance records, see the above PowerSource article.

Concurrent School Enrollments

Concurrent school enrollments for the purpose of AzEDS State Reporting are created using the ‘Create New Concurrent Enrollment’ student function. Concurrent Enrollments are stored in the S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C table.

For accurate AzEDS reporting, concurrently enrolled students require:

  • Enrollment in a concurrent school using the ‘Create New Concurrent Enrollment’ function (or through import).

  • Enrollment in classes at the concurrent school using the ‘Enroll In A Class At Another School’ function (or through import).

  • Attendance taken at the concurrently enrolled school (for traditional students).

Note: After the release of the new AOI Attendance table and data collection pages (released September 16, 2016), PowerSchool now supports the ability to concurrently enroll students in two AOI schools at the same time.

Tuitioned-Out Students

Tuitioned-out students refer to students who are residing in a member district but are receiving instruction by an entity that is not in the member district (usually a private care facility). The member district receives funding for Tuitioned-Out students and is required to report them to ADE.

Tuitioned-Out students can either be placed in separate schools within PowerSchool (one school for each separate entity), or can be placed in a single PowerSchool school (overriding the School EntityID at the student level). See Knowledgebase article 75918 located on PowerSource for more information on Tuitioned-Out schools and students.

Note: Typically Districts will use the Separate Schools model for their Head Start programs and the Single School model for their Private Care Facility students.

For accurate AzEDS reporting using the Single School model, Tuitioned-Out students require:

  • Enrollment in a Tuitioned-Out PowerSchool School, with a ‘School Entity ID Override’ value populated.

    • A Tuitioned-Out School is defined as a PowerSchool School with an School Entity ID value equal to 00000, as set on the District > Schools/School Info > Edit School page.

JTED School Enrollments

JTED School Enrollments and Attendance are currently handled in AzEDS Reporting as they were handled in SAIS Reporting. Most of the JTEDs will submit the student JTED School Enrollments and Attendance on behalf of the member districts to ADE based on JTED Class enrollment files submitted to the JTEDs using the PowerSchool JTED Student Information and Student Attendance Information reports.

For those member Districts who’s JTED required them to report JTED School Enrollments and Attendance directly to the state in a SAIS Build file, functionality has been put in place to have PowerSchool AzEDS Reporting generate the required JTED School Enrollments and Attendance records based on a student’s continuous enrollment in a JTED section at his home school.

PowerSchool will generate JTED Enrollments and Attendance through AzEDS under the following conditions:

  • The District is flagged to ‘Report JTED Enrollments and Attendance Through AzEDS (Ed-Fi)’ on the District Info (or sub-district setup screen) at the District Office.

  • The student’s ‘JTED Student Indicator’ flag is set to Yes on the applicable school enrollment record (Transfer Info).

  • The student’s ‘JTED School CTDS’ field is not blank. Populated with the Entity ID (NOT CTDS number) of the JTED School.

  • The student is enrolled in a JTED Section. A JTED Section is a PowerSchool section that:

    • Has its ‘JTED Section Led by a CTE Instructor’ value set to Yes.

    • Has been given a JTED Section Ranking using the JTED Section Ranking link on the section.

AzEDS Reporting will generate JTED School Enrollment records with a .25 membership value based on a student’s continuous enrollment in a JTED section at his Home school, along with applicable absence records.

  • A student may be enrolled in different subsequent JTED Sections. AzEDS reporting will report a single JTED school enrollment as long as there is no break (no in-session days) between the different JTED section enrollments.

  • If a student is enrolled in multiple JTED sections at the same time, enrollment in the highest ranked (lowest number) JTED section is counted towards his .25 JTED school membership. All other JTED section enrollments count towards his Home school membership.

JTED Attendance (Absence) information is generated based on the student’s highest ranked (lowest number) JTED Section Enrollment section ranking. For more information regarding JTED Section and Student setup, see the JTED Setup Elements.

On the Start Page, district can search for students in the child tables with the Student Number and State Student Number fields.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Entering General Demographics


Name (Last, First Middle Suffix)

Enter the preferred student’s name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName Suffix






Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract


Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix)

Enter the student's legal name. If the student's legal name matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. If the student's legal name does not match the student's preferred name, enter the student's legal name.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.





Preferred Name Type

Choose the type of name of the student's preferred name.

Valid values:

  • Alias

  • Nickname (default)

  • Other Name

  • Previous Legal Name


Home Address

Enter the student’s home address.







Mailing Address

If applicable, enter the student’s mailing address.







Home Phone

Enter the student’s home phone number.





Enter the student’s date of birth.


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract



Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify ethnicity (District level setting), then select this value, if appropriate.


Valid Values:

  • -1 – Default, no value

  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino

  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino

  • 2 – Decline to specify



Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race

Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify race then select this value, if appropriate.





Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity

Choose the student’s ethnicity, to be used in PowerSchool reports.


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract




Choose either female or male.

Valid values:

  • F – Female

  • M – Male


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract




Enter the student’s social security number.




Student Number

Enter the locally assigned student number.


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract



Entering Student Email

Student Email

Email Address

Enter the student’s email address.




Defining Arizona State Information

Entering State Enrollment Information

State/Province – AZ > State Enrollment Information

SAIS Student Number

Enter the student’s SAIS ID.

The value for State_EnrollFlag is updated to 1 (True) if a SAIS ID is entered and the page is submitted. The default value is 0 (False). This field indicates that the student is enrolled in SAIS.

The State_EnrollFlag field is also automatically updated when importing SAIS IDs using the Import SAIS Student IDs function from the SAIS Menu (Start Page > Special Functions > Interfaces to Other Systems > SAIS).

When importing SAIS IDs using the Quick Import function, include the State_EnrollFlag field with a value of 1 for each student.



AzEDS Pubishing

Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract

Previous District School ID

Enter the school ID of the student's previous school.

(Start typing the school name of an Arizona school.)

Used when requesting a new UniqueID (state student number) for students.


AzEDS: Get UniqueID

School Student Number

The student’s locally assigned identifier entered on the Demographics page.


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract

Grade Level Code

The student’s grade level entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.

Displays as:

  • PS = PK4, PK3, PK2

  • KG = KG

  • UE = Grade KG with the Ungraded Elementary field box checked.


AzEDS Publishing

Entry Date

The student’s entry date entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract

Entry Code

The student’s entry code entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.


AzEDS Publishing


The student’s track entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.


AzEDS Publishing

District of Residence

The student’s district of residence entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.


AzEDS Publishing

Full-Time Equivalency

The student’s FTE entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.


Tuition Payer

The student’s tuition payer status entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.

Valid values:

  • 1 – State Funded

  • 2 – Privately Paid or No Tuition

  • 3 – Foreign Exchange Student

  • 4 – NSE Students in Residential Treatment Centers

  • 5 – JTED/Non-Resident Charter (concurrent)

  • 6 – ISEP Student

  • 7 – Other State Funded Formula

  • 9 - Grade not fundable for a CTED

For students in Gade Level 9, the Tuition Payer code defaults to 9:

  • if the student’s School Type is CTED Central Campus and CTED Community College

  • if the student is enrolled in any other school type and the JTED Student Indicator is set to Yes


Required Setup

Special Enrollment Code

The student’s special enrollment code entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.

Valid values:

  • 1 – CECA

  • 2 – CECB

  • 3 – Open Enrollment


Required Setup

Enrollment Type

The student’s Enrollment (Membership) Type Codes, entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.

Note: The T (Online) option is only available if the School Type field is set to AOI School.


Required Setup

Exclude Student From State Reporting

Check the box to exclude the student from State Reporting.

If the box is checked, the student will be excluded from AzEDS and SAIS, as well as from all reports on the State Reporting tab on the System Reports page.

Valid values:

  • 1 = excluded

  • blank (null) = not excluded




All State Reporting Tab reports.

Concurrent School CTDS

Enter the ID of the school the student attends concurrently with (at the same time as) the current school.


Required Setup

Concurrent School Student Number

Enter the ID assigned to the student by the concurrent school.


Required Setup

Previous School State

Choose the state in which the student previously attended school, if applicable.


Required Setup

Previous School CTDS

Enter the CTDS of the school the student previously attended, if applicable.


Required Setup

Previous School Student Number

Enter the student’s identifier, assigned by their previous school, if applicable.


Required Setup

Normal Graduation Year

Enter the student’s expected year of graduation.


Required Setup

Initial Enrollment in Arizona School/Preschool

Enter the date of the student's initial enrollment in an Arizona school or preschool.


Immunization Record Card

Entering State Demographic Information

State/Province – AZ > State Demographics

Name (last, first MI)

Enter the student’s preferred last, first, and middle names.

Note: The values are populated from the Demographics page.




Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract

Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix)

Enter the student's legal name. If the student's legal name matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. If the student's legal name does not match the student's preferred name, enter the student's legal name.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.




Preferred Name Type

Enter the preferred name type entered in the Name field.



Student Demographics

Last name goes by

The field is obsolete as of the 2019-20 school year.

Enter the last name used to by the student, if applicable.



Tribal Name (Obsolete)

Enter the student’s tribal name, if applicable.




Tribal Affiliation

Search and choose the student's tribal affiliation.

If the option selected in the tribal affiliation field is Other, the Enter Tribal Affiliation field appears.

[ S_AZ_STU_X] TribalAffiliation


Student Demographics

Enrolled Tribe

Select the student's enrolled tribe.

  • This field is not mandatory.

  • If the Tribal Affiliation field has a single selection, this field automatically reflects the selection. If the Tribal Affiliation field has multiple selections, choose the applicable option for this field.

[ S_AZ_STU_X]Oth TribalAffiliation


Student Demographics


Choose the student’s gender.

Note: This value is populated from the Demographics page.


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract


Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino.


Valid Values:

  • -1 – Default, no value

  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino

  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino

Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract


Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category.



Student Demographics

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity

Choose the student’s ethnicity, to be used in PowerSchool reports.


No Longer Used

Tribal Affiliation

Choose the student's tribal affiliation.

Note: If the option selected in the tribal affiliation field is Other, the Other Tribal Affiliation field appears.

[ S_AZ_STU_X] TribalAffiliation


Student Demographics

Other Tribal Affiliation

Enter the student's tribal affiliation.

[ S_AZ_STU_X]Oth TribalAffiliation


Student Demographics

1/4 or More Degree Indian Blood

No longer collected.


No Longer Used

Date of Birth

Enter the student’s date of birth.

Note: This value is populated from the Demographics page.


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Early Childhood Extract

Country of Birth

Choose the student’s country of birth.


Required Setup

State of Birth

Choose the student’s state of birth.


Required Setup

Mother Name

Enter the name of the student’s mother in the format last, first.

Note: This value is populated from the Demographics page.


Required Setup

Father Name

Enter the name of the student’s father in the format last, first.

Note: This value is populated from the Demographics page.


Required Setup

Home Language

Choose the student’s home language.



Student Demographics

Spoken Language

Enter the language most often spoken by the student.



Student Demographics

First Acquired Language

Enter the language the student first aquired.



Student Demographics

Parent in Military

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student’s parent is active in the military.




Street, Apt/Suite, City

Enter the student's home address street and city.



Home Address State

Enter the name of the student’s home address state.

Note: This value is populated from the Demographics page.




Home Address Zip Code

Enter the name of the student’s home address zip code.

Note: This value is populated from the Demographics page.




Single Parent

Choose Yes if the student is a single parent.



Student Demographics

Defining Year-End Status

State/Province – AZ > Year-End Status

Next School

Choose the next school the student is scheduled to attend.

Note: Set up Next School values via Start Page > School Setup > Next School.


Next Year Grade Level

Enter the student’s scheduled grade level for the upcoming school year.


Exit Date

Enter the date the student is scheduled to exit school for this school year.


Exit Code

Choose the exit code scheduled for the student’s school enrollment for this school year.


Changing the Student's School Enrollment

State/Province – AZ > Change Enrollment

Grade Level

Enter the student’s grade level for the new school enrollment.


Ungraded Elementary

Displays when grade level KG is selected.

Check the box if applicable:

  • Per A.R.S. § 15-901(A)(5)(a)(i): Student must be 5 years old but less than 6 by September 1st and must have a Group B SPED service for each day of UE membership (A, EDP, HI, MD, MDSSI, MOID, OI, PSD, SID, and VI).



Student School Association

District of Residence

Choose the student’s district of residence for the new school enrollment.

The district of residence is used as the District of Funding for Arizona. Funding is provided to the district for each student whose school enrollment is associated with the district. The district of residence must be a nine-digit value that does not include dashes.

See for a list of the district of residence numbers.


Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the student’s FTE for the new school enrollment.



Required Setup

Tuition Payer

Choose the student’s tuition payer status.

Valid values:

  • 1 – State Funded

  • 2 – Privately Paid or No Tuition

  • 3 – Foreign Exchange Student

  • 4 – NSE Students in Residential Treatment Centers

  • 5 – JTED/Non-Resident Charter (concurrent)

  • 6 – ISEP Student

  • 7 – Other State Funded Formula


Required Setup

Special Enrollment Code

The student’s special enrollment code entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.

Valid values:

  • 1 – CECA

  • 2 – CECB

  • 3 – Open Enrollment


Required Setup


Enter a comment regarding the enrollment change.


Not Required

Career and Technical Educational District (CTED)

CTED Student Indicator

Choose Yes to include the student in JTED reports.

Choosing Yes indicates that the student attends an alternate enrollment scenario – the student attends career and technical education courses offered at another campus.



Student Information

Student Attendance Information

Attendance Audit Information


Student Enrollment

Student Attendance

CTED Satellite Tuition Payer

Enter the JTED Satellite Tuition Payer



Student Information


Student Enrollment

Student Attendance

CTED School CTDS/Entity ID

Enter the County Code-Type Code-District Code-Site Number (CTDS) of the student’s school.

If reporting JTED Enrollments through AzEDS, enter the JTED school EntityID (not CTDS).



Student Information


Student Enrollment

Student Attendance

CTED Concurrent CTDS

Enter the JTED Concurrent CTDS.



Student Information


Student Enrollment

Student Attendance

CTE Student Type

Select the CTE Student Type:

1 CTE participating public school/charter school
2 Homeschool (non-ESA recipient)
3 Non-CTE participating public school/charter school
4 Private school/private charter school
5 Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) recipient (only displays for SchoolType = CTED Main)

6 Continuation of Services/13th Year students

CTE Enrollment Report defaults to 1 if blank.



Student Information


Student Enrollment

Student Attendance

CTE Enrollment Report

CTE School of Residence CTDS

Enter the CTE School of Residence CTDS



Student Information


Student Enrollment

Student Attendance

CTE Enrollment Report

Effective Date of Change

Enter the date that the change in enrollment becomes effective.


Required Setup

Defining SAIS Student Needs

Entering Student Needs Not Associated with a Program (011)

State/Province – AZ > Student Needs > New/Edit 011 – Student Needs

A SAIS “Need” is a term used to indicate that a student requires special support, either within or beyond regular norms, to enhance their capabilities. Need types include language, special education (SPED), giftedness, economic, behavioral, health, and academic. Needs submitted to SAIS are valid for one fiscal year.

From the ADE’s ‘Transaction Requirements: Needs’ document: While this transaction may be used to report a need from any need group, it's only necessary for reporting a Need for a student who is not also receiving a Program or Service for that Need. For the needs associated with a program or service the student is receiving, it's far more efficient to simply use the 014 SPED Service Participation, the 013 Language Program Participation, or the 015 Support Program Participation transactions to add the need to SAIS.

When the Need record is saved, the School field automatically displays based on the value entered in [ S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] SchoolID.

Note: Students who participate in programs or services related to Needs require a SAIS ID. With the exception of Needs-only students, students must be enrolled in school and be included in SAIS Membership.

Need Code

Choose the appropriate Need Code, if applicable.


  • When you click Submit, this field becomes read-only. To edit the selection, delete the record and create a new record.

  • A student should not have an Immigrant Need in three or more fiscal years.


Student Needs Extract

Need Entry Date

Enter the day the student enrolled in the Need program. The entry date must fall within the current year term dates.

Note: SAIS uses entry dates as record keys. After you click Submit, this field is read-only. To edit the date, you must delete the record and create a new record.


Student Needs Extract

Need Exit Date

If applicable, enter the day after the student’s last day in the Need program. The exit date must occur within the year term dates and after the entry date.

Note: It is recommended to leave Exit Date blank or 0/0/0 until the student actually exits the Need. A student is automatically exited from Needs when transferred out of school and by the SAIS End of Year Function.


Student Needs Extract

Primary Nighttime Residence

If the Need Code is Homeless, choose the appropriate code.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Sheltered

  • 2 – Doubled Up

  • 3 – Unsheltered

  • 4 – Hotel/Motel

Note: Primary Nighttime Residence is required for a need code of Homeless.

[S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C] PrimaryNighttimeResidence

Student Needs Extract

Defining Student Assessment Needs (012)

State/Province – AZ > SAIS Needs > New/Edit 012 – Student Assessment

When the Need record is saved, the School field automatically displays based on the value entered in [S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C]SchoolID.

Note: Student Assessment data can be entered for any school year, however as of fiscal year 2008-2009, 012 transactions are not generated for SAIS.

Oral – Assessment Date

Enter the date of the oral assessment.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.


Student Needs Extract

Oral – Assessment Score

Enter the oral assessment score.

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] OralAssessmentScore

Student Needs Extract

Oral – Proficiency Level

Choose the appropriate oral proficiency level.

Valid values:

  • PE – Pre-Emergent

  • E – Emergent

  • B – Basic

  • I – Intermediate

  • P – Proficient

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] OralProficiencyLevel

Student Needs Extract

Reading – Assessment Date

Enter the date of the reading assessment.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] ReadingAssessmentDate

Student Needs Extract

Reading – Assessment Score

Enter the reading assessment score.

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] ReadingAssessmentScore

Student Needs Extract

Reading – Proficiency Level

Choose the appropriate reading proficiency level.

Valid values:

  • PE – Pre-Emergent

  • E – Emergent

  • B – Basic

  • I – Intermediate

  • P – Proficient

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] ReadingProficiencyLevel

Student Needs Extract

Writing – Assessment Date

Enter the date of the writing assessment.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] WritingAssessmentDate

Student Needs Extract

Writing – Assessment Score

Enter the writing assessment score.

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] WritingAssessmentScore

Student Needs Extract

Writing – Proficiency Level

Choose the appropriate writing proficiency level.

Valid values:

  • PE – Pre-Emergent

  • E – Emergent

  • B – Basic

  • I – Intermediate

  • P – Proficient

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] WritingProficiencyLevel

Student Needs Extract

Overall Assessment Result

Choose the overall assessment result.

Valid values:

  • 3 – Reclassified Fluent English Proficient

  • 4 – Initial Fluent English Proficient

  • 5 – ELL After Reclassification

  • 6 – Continuing Fluent English Proficient

  • 7 – English Language Learner

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] OverallAssessmentResult

Student Needs Extract

Overall Total Composite Scaled Score

Enter the overall total composite score.

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] OverallTotComposScaledScore

Student Needs Extract

Overall Proficiency Level

Choose the appropriate overall proficiency level.

Valid values:

  • PE – Pre-Emergent

  • E – Emergent

  • B – Basic

  • I – Intermediate

  • P – Proficient

[S_AZ_STU_ELLASSESSMENTFY06_C ] OverallProficiencyLevel

Student Needs Extract

Defining Language Program Participation (013)

State/Province – AZ > SAIS Needs > New/Edit 013 – Student Language Program Participation

When the Need record is saved, the School field automatically displays based on the value entered in [S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C]SchoolID.

Note: All students who participate in programs or services related to Needs require a SAIS ID. With the exception of Needs-only students, all students must be enrolled in school and be included in SAIS Membership.

Program Need Code

Choose English Language Learner, if applicable.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C ] ProgramNeedCode

Student Needs Extract

Program Code

Choose the appropriate program code, if applicable.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C ]ProgramCode

Student Needs Extract

Program Entry Date

Enter the day the student entered the language program.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C ]EntryDate

Student Needs Extract

Program Exit Date

If applicable, enter the day after the student’s last day in the Need program. The exit date must occur within the year term dates and after the entry date.

Note: It is recommended to leave Exit Date blank or 0/0/0 until the student actually exits the Need. A student is automatically exited from Needs when transferred out of school and by the SAIS End of Year Function.

[S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C ]ExitDate

Student Needs Extract

Program Exit Reason Code

Choose the appropriate exit reason, if applicable.

[S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C ]ExitReason

Student Needs Extract

Defining Special Education Service Participation (014)

State/Province – AZ > SAIS Needs > New/Edit 014 – Student SPED Service Participation

When the Need record is saved, the School field automatically displays based on the value entered in [S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C]SchoolID.

Note: All students who participate in programs or services related to Needs require a SAIS ID. With the exception of Needs-only students, all students must be enrolled in school and be included in SAIS Membership.

SPED Need Code

Choose the appropriate Need Code.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C ]NeedCode

Student Needs Extract

SPED Service Code

Choose the appropriate service code.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C ]ServiceCode

Student Needs Extract

SPED Service Entry Date

Enter the day the student entered the SPED Service.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C ]EntryDate

Student Needs Extract

SPED Service Exit Date

If applicable, enter the day after the student’s last day in the SPED Service. The exit date must occur within the year term dates and after the entry date.

Note: PowerSchool recommends leaving the Exit Date blank or 0/0/0 until the student actually exits the Need. A student is automatically exited from Needs when transferred out of school and by the SAIS End of Year Function.

[S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C ]ExitDate

Student Needs Extract

SPED Exit Reason Code

Choose the appropriate SPED Exit Reason, if applicable.

[S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C ]ExitReason

Student Needs Extract

Federal Primary Need Indicator

Choose Yes or No.

Note: The student can only have one current “True” Federal Primary Need Indicator for all of their Student SPED Service Participation records for a particular date range.

[S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C ] FederalPrimaryNeedIndicator

Student Needs Extract

SPED School Concurrency

Choose the appropriate value if the student has two concurrent SPED Service Participation records during the same school year.

Valid values:

  • P – Primary

  • S – Secondary

[S_AZ_STU_SPED_Service_C ] ConcurrencyType

Pre-School Assessment Outcomes

Student Selection, State/Province, Compliance, Needs

Assessment Category

Choose one or more assessment catergories:

  • (SPC01) Positive social-emotional skills

  • (SPC02) Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills

  • (SPC03) Use of appropriate behavior to meet their needs


Assessment Period

Choose the assessment period:

  • (SPSE01) Entry

  • (SPSE02) Exit


Assessment Outcome

Choose the applicable option that describe the outcome of the assessment:

Overall not age appropriate:

  • (SPSOC01) Shows no expected function in any function

  • (SPSOC02) Uses skills in diverse situations

  • (SPSOC03) Skills used consistently in all situations

  • (SPSOC04) Occasional age-appropriate functioning

  • (SPSOC05) Some age-appropriate functioning

Age appropriate:

  • (SPSOC06) Age-appropriate with concerns

  • (SPSOC07) Achieve age-appropriate functioning


Progress Made

Select if there is progress in the assessment.


Defining Support Program Participation (015)

State/Province – AZ > SAIS Needs > New/Edit 015 – Student Support Program Participation

When the Need record is saved, the School field automatically displays based on the value entered in [S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C]SchoolID.

Note: All students who participate in programs or services related to Needs require a SAIS ID. With the exception of Needs-only students, all students must be enrolled in school and be included in SAIS Membership.

Support Need Code

Choose the appropriate Need Code.

If one of the following support program codes is selected, this field defaults to (NOND) No Need: Cont-Yr2, Cont-Yr3, Cont-Yr4, Cont-Yr5, Cycle14, CE-RE, CE-MA, CE-BE, or CE-OT.


  • To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

  • A student should not have an Immigrant Need in three or more fiscal years.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] SupportNeedCode

Student Needs Extract

Support Program Code

Choose the appropriate Support Program Code.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] SupportProgramCode

Student Needs Extract

Support Entry Date

Enter the day the student entered the support program.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ]EntryDate

Student Needs Extract

Support Exit Date

If applicable, enter the day after the student’s last day in the support program. The exit date must occur within the year term dates and after the entry date.

Note: It is recommended to leave Exit Date blank or 0/0/0 until the student actually exits the Need. A student is automatically exited from Needs when transferred out of school and by the SAIS End of Year Function.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ]ExitDate

Student Needs Extract

Exit Reason

This field is only available if the Support Program Code is set to a 21st Century program. Choose the reason the student left the support program.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - N/A

  • CCLC01 - Reached 30 days of attendance and services no longer needed

  • CCLC02 - Dropped from program due to lack of attendance

[ S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] ExitReason

Receiving CTDS

Enter the receiving school CTDS. This field is required when reporting a transportation/school choice support program.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] Receiving_CTDS

Student Needs Extract

Defining SAIS Lunch Programs

Defining Lunch Program Eligibility (011)

State/Province – AZ > SAIS Needs – Lunch > New/Edit 011 – Student Needs

From the ADE’s ‘Transaction Requirements: Needs’ document: While this transaction may be used to report a need from any need group, it's only necessary for reporting a Need for a student who is not also receiving a Program or Service for that Need. For the needs associated with a program or service the student is receiving, it's far more efficient to simply use the 014 SPED Service Participation, the 013 Language Program Participation, or the 015 Support Program Participation transactions to add the need to SAIS.

When the Need record is saved, the School field automatically displays based on the value entered in [ S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] SchoolID.

Note: All students who participate in programs or services related to Needs require a SAIS ID. With the exception of Needs-only students, all students must be enrolled in school and be included in SAIS Membership.

Need Code

Choose the appropriate Need code.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

Valid values:

  • 28 – Income Eligibility 1 (Free Lunch)

  • 29 – Income Eligibility 2 (Reduced Lunch)

[S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C ]NeedCode

Student Needs Extract

Need Entry Date

Enter the day the student entered the support program.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C ]EntryDate

Student Needs Extract

Need Exit Date

If applicable, enter the day after the student’s last day in the Need program. The exit date must occur within the year term dates and after the entry date.

Note: It is recommended to leave Exit Date blank or 0/0/0 until the student actually exits the Need. A student is automatically exited from Needs when transferred out of school and by the SAIS End of Year Function.

[S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C ]ExitDate

Student Needs Extract

Defining Lunch Support Program Participation (015)

State/Province – AZ > SAIS Needs – Lunch > New/Edit 015 – Student Support Program Participation

When the Need record is saved, the School field automatically displays based on the value entered in [S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C]SchoolID.

Note: All students who participate in programs or services related to Needs require a SAIS ID. With the exception of Needs-only students, all students must be enrolled in school and be included in SAIS Membership.

The same records appear on the SAIS Needs and SAIS Needs – Lunch page. The SAIS Needs – Lunch page can be made accessible to lunch personnel.

Support Need Code

Choose the appropriate Support Need code.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

Valid values:

  • 28 – Income Eligibility 1 (Free Lunch)

  • 29 – Income Eligibility 2 (Reduced Lunch)

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] SupportNeedCode

Student Needs Extract

Support Program Code

Choose the appropriate Support Program Code.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] SupportProgramCode

Student Needs Extract

Support Entry Date

Enter the day the student entered the support program.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ]EntryDate

Student Needs Extract

Support Exit Date

If applicable, enter the day after the student’s last day in the Need program. The exit date must occur within the year term dates and after the entry date.

Note: It is recommended to leave Exit Date blank or 0/0/0 until the student actually exits the Need. A student is automatically exited from Needs when transferred out of school and by the SAIS End of Year Function.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ]ExitDate

Student Needs Extract

Receiving CTDS

Enter the receiving school CTDS. This field is required when reporting a transportation/school choice support program.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C ] Receiving_CTDS

Student Needs Extract

Entering Community College Records

State/Province – AZ > Community College

Note: Community college records are not associated with a school enrollment, although the Resend Enrollment option on the SAIS page resends community college records as well as school enrollment records.

School Name

Choose the school supporting the student’s community college enrollment.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.



Community College Extract

College Entity ID

Enter the Community College Entity ID.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_CommunityCollege_C ] CollegeEntityID

Community College Extract

College Entry Date

Enter the date the student began attending the community college (for the given fiscal year). For community college, the entry date may be outside of the current school year term dates.

Note: To change the selection, you must delete the existing record and create a new record.

[S_AZ_STU_CommunityCollege_C ]EntryDate

Community College Extract

College Exit Date

Enter the date the student quit attending the community college (for the given fiscal year). For community college, the exit date may be outside of the current school year term dates. This field is not required.

[S_AZ_STU_CommunityCollege_C ]ExitDate

Community College Extract

College Classes (Number)

Enter the number of classes the student is attending.

[S_AZ_STU_CommunityCollege_C ] NumberOfClasses

Community College Extract

Defining AIM Group Participation

State/Province – AZ > Aims Labels > New/Edit AIMS Labels

Group Name

Enter the student’s group name for Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) labels. Typically, this is the teacher’s name or room number.

The testing group, if provided, is used to sort the test labels within the grade level.

See for more information.

[S_AZ_STU_AIMS_Labels_C ]GroupName

Entering Early Childhood Education Information

Defining Early Childhood Education Participation (023)

State/Province – AZ > Early Childhood > 023 – Early Childhood Participation

Note: All students who participate in programs or services related to Early Childhood require a SAIS ID.

Preschool Program Type

Choose the student’s preschool program type.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Early Childhood Block Grant

  • 2 – State Family Literacy

  • 3 – Title I Even Start

  • 4 – Migrant Education Even Start

  • 5 – Title I Preschool

  • 6 – Tuition-Based Preschool or Early Childhood

  • 7 – Other Preschool or Early Childhood Program

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] PreschoolProgramType

Early Childhood Extract

Program Entry Date

Enter the date the student entered the early childhood program for the given fiscal year.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] ProgramEntryDate

Early Childhood Extract

Program Exit Date

Enter the date the student exited the early childhood program for the given fiscal year.

Note: This field is not required.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] ProgramExitDate

Early Childhood Extract

Program Partner ID

Enter the CTDS number of the school where the program is provided.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] ProgramPartnerID

Early Childhood Extract

Family Income Indicator

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student’s family is at or below the poverty level.

Note: This field is required for the Title I Even Start program and State Family Literacy program.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] FamilyIncomeIndicator

Early Childhood Extract

Living in Household Indicator

Choose a value to indicate which parents live in the student’s household.

Valid values:

  • Mother

  • Father

  • Both

  • Neither

Note: This field is required for the Early Childhood Block Grant program.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] LivingInHouseholdIndicator

Early Childhood Extract

Mother Employment Status

Choose Yes or No to indicate the mother’s employment status.

Note: This field is required if the Living in Household Indicator is Mother or Both.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] MotherEmploymentStatus

Early Childhood Extract

Father Employment Status

Choose Yes or No to indicate the father’s employment status.

Note: This field is required if the Living in Household Indicator is Father or Both.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] FatherEmploymentStatus

Early Childhood Extract

Adult Education ID

Enter the ADE-generated Adult Education identifier.

Note: This field is required if Preschool Program Type is Title I Even Start (3) or State Family Literacy (2).

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ] AdultEducationID

Early Childhood Extract

Exempt from PPVT III or PALS-PreK

Choose the reason the student is exempt from taking PPVT III or PALS-PreK assessments, if applicable.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Hearing Impairment

  • 2 – Vision Impairment

  • 3 – Language Barrier

  • 4 – Age Exemption

  • 5 – Less than 6 Months of Instruction

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Participation_C ]ExemptPPVT

Early Childhood Extract

Entering Preschool Assessment Information

State/Province – AZ > Early Childhood > 024 – Early Childhood Preschool Assessment

Note: In order to create a 024 – Early Childhood Preschool Assessment record, the student must have a current 014 or 023 record.

Preschool Assessment Type

Choose the appropriate preschool assessment type.

Valid values:

  • Work Sampling

  • Creative Curriculum

  • Child Observation Record (COR)

  • Galileo Plus

  • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III (PPVT-III)

  • Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening Pre-K (PALS Pre-K)

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ] PreschoolAssessmentType

Early Childhood Extract

Preschool Assessment Date

Enter the date the student took the assessment.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ] PreschoolAssessmentDate

Early Childhood Extract

Responsible Entity ID

Enter the Responsible District or Charter Holder CTD Number.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ] ResponsibleEntityID

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 1

Enter the test score.

Note: The number of Test Scores required by SAIS depends on the Assessment Type.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore1

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 2

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore2

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 3

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore3

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 4

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore4

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 5

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore5

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 6

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore6

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 7

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore7

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 8

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore8

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 9

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore9

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 10

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore10

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 11

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore11

Early Childhood Extract

Test Score 12

Enter the test score.

[S_AZ_STU_EC_Assessment_C ]TestScore12

Early Childhood Extract

Defining Grand Canyon Diploma Enrollment

State/Province – AZ > Grand Canyon Diploma

Click New to create a Grand Canyon Program enrollment.

Program Code

Defaults to Grand Canyon Diploma (GCD).



Student Program

Program School

Select the school where the student is participating in the Program.

Defaults to current school.



Student Program

Program Entry Date

Enter the day the student entered the GCD Program.



Student Program

Program Exit Date

If applicable, enter the day after the student’s last day in the GCD Program. The exit date must occur within the year term dates and after the entry date.

Note: It is recommended to leave Exit Date blank or 0/0/0 until the student actually exits the Program. A student is automatically exited from Needs and Programs when transferred out of school and by the SAIS End of Year Function.



Student Program


Choose the appropriate exit reason, if applicable.



Student Program

Defining Dropout Recovery Program Enrollment

State/Province – AZ > Dropout Recovery Program

Click New Dropout Recovery Program to create a Dropout Recovery Program enrollment.

Program Code

Defaults to Dropout Recovery Program (DRP).



Student Program

Program School

Select the school where the student is participating in the Program.

Defaults to the current school.



Student Program

Program Entry Date

Enter the day the student entered the DRP Program.



Student Program

Approved Written Learning Plan Date

The date the Written Learning Plan was approved.



Student Program

Student Program Associations

Program Exit Date

If applicable, enter the day after the student’s last day in the DRP Program. The exit date must occur within the year term dates and after the entry date.

Note: It is recommended to leave Exit Date blank or 0/0/0 until the student actually exits the Program. A student is automatically exited from Needs and Programs when transferred out of school and by the SAIS End of Year Function.



Student Program

Exit Reason

Choose the appropriate Dropout Recovery Program Exit Reason, if applicable.



Student Program

State/Province – AZ > Dropout Recovery Program

After a Dropout Recovery Program enrollment is created, click Add Progress Record from the Dropout Recovery Program list page to create a Dropout Recovery Program Progress Record enrollment.

Note: A new progress record will need to be created for each month a student is participating in the DRP program.

Learning Plan Date

Initial or Modified Learning Plan Date.

If the student is given a new written learning plan, enter the new date, otherwise the initial learning plan date is displayed.

Note: A new Written Learning Plan date indicating preparation of a new plan must be submitted each academic (fiscal) year.



Student Program


The month in which the LEA is reporting student enrollment in the DRP.

This transaction must be submitted each month that the student is enrolled in the DRP regardless of the student’s progress.



Student Program

Satisfactory Progress

Indicates whether student maintained satisfactory progress during the month prior to this transaction (“Y” or “N”).

[S_AZ_DRP_Progress_C] SatisfactoryProgress


Student Program

State/Province – AZ > Homeless Program

Program Entry Date

Enter the day the student was enrolled in the Homeless Program.


Program Exit Date

Enter the day the last date the student was in the Homeless Program.


Primary Nightime Residence

Choose where the student resides.

Valid values:

  • Blank (default)

  • (1) Sheltered

  • (2) Doubled Up

  • (3) Unsheltered

  • (4) Hotels/motels


Unaccompanied Youth

Select to indicate if the student is an unaccompanied youth.


Program School

Select the school where the student is participating in the Homeless Program.

Defaults to current school.


State/Province – AZ > Food Service Program

Program Entry Date

Enter the day the student was enrolled in the Homeless Program.


Program Exit Date

Enter the day the last date the student was in the Homeless Program.


Eligibility Source

Choose the student’s eligibility for the Food Service Program.

Valid values:

  • Blank

  • (1) Direct Certification

  • (2) USDA Income Application

  • (3) Other Source Categorically Eligible


Eligibility Status

Choose the type of eligility approved for the student.

Valid values:

  • Blank

  • (F)Free

  • (R) Reduced-Price

  • (FP) Full Pay


Program School

The name of the school.


Defining Student Contacts


The Student Contacts page is used to associate a student with a Contact. Student Contacts are used to collect and report Responsible Party information to AzEDS in the Parent and StudentParentAssociation interchanges. Contacts are managed using the Contacts tab on the Start Page, and are associated with students from either the Contacts > Edit Contact screen or the Contacts Student screen.

Note: Functionality has been added to automatically create contact records for students that don't already have at least one contact record defined. This functionality will be invoked each time a school or district uses the AzEDS dashboard to publish student contacts (Schedule > Publish All or Publish Missing).

The logic will automatically parse the mother and father fields defined in the Students table and create separate contact records for each, but only when a student doesn't already have at least one student contact and relationship defined. If the field cannot be successfully parsed, then no contact record will be created automatically and the district/school will have to manually create a contact record as needed. For more information about the automatic creation of Student Contacts, see AzEDS Reference.

Click Add Contact Relationship to associate a student with a contact.


Enter the name of the contact to associate with the student.

Contact Name associated with the student is displayed, but the value stored in the field is the contact’s ID.

* Required for AzEDS reporting.





Enter the contact’s relationship to the student.

* Optional for AzEDS reporting.




Primary Contact

Indicates whether the associated contact is the primary contact.

* Optional for AzEDS reporting.




IEP Access

Select to publish the Contact record and to reflect in the IDEA Parent drop-down list.


Verifying Attendance Records



Verify that attendance data is entered for the student.

PowerSchool tracks absence attendance records for students (one record maximum per day). If the student is associated with a Homebound SAIS Need, PowerSchool tracks all attendance for that student.

Note: Beginning in fiscal year 2007, students cannot have a full day absence on the first or last day of a school enrollment unless the absence falls on the first day of the calendar track to which the student is assigned. The student must attend school during the first ten days of the calendar track.

Note: As of the 2008-2009 school year, SAIS only accepts Time-to-Day attendance conversions for PK and homebound students.





Entering Clock In/Clock Out Times

Attendance > Meeting > Clock In / Clock Out

Meeting Clock In / Clock out times are used to designate partial period attendance for a section. When a student is either clocked in or clocked out within the time frame of a particular section, the student will receive the appropriate number of minutes attended for just the section in which the Clock-in or Clock-out occurred. If there is no clock in or clock out time within the time frame of a section enrollment, the attendance code for the class will determine absence / presence status.

When using Clock In / Clock Out functionality, attendance should be taken for each class in the bell schedule to ensure accurate attendance reporting. Clock In / Clock Out records do not determine presence/absence status for a class. They are used to determine how many minutes of a class the student attended if the Clock In or Clock out time-stamp bisects a class.

For instance, when clocking a student out of school at 10:30am, the student would need to be given an absence mark in each of his remaining classes for the day.

Meeting Clock In / Clock Out times will be used in the following Arizona-specific attendance methods:

  • Percent of Day Present (K-8 schools)

  • Method 2: Minutes Attended (High schools)

  • Minutes of Attendance (Alternative schools)


The student's name is displayed.



Attendance Date

The date of attendance is displayed.




Clock In and Clock Out Times

Click the green Plus icon to generate a new Clock In / Clock Out line.

Enter the desired clock in or clock out time. (blank values will default to the start or end of the student's day).



  • The red minus icon is used to remove a Clock In / Clock Out line.

  • The Clock In / Clock Out time considers sections that take attendance once across multiple periods to be one block of time. Any overlapping Clock In / Clock Out time span affects the Present Minute calculations of the whole section.



Note: Start_Time and End_Time are stored as 'seconds after midnight' in the database.




In the Clock In / Clock Out entry box, click the speech bubble icon next to the clock in/clock out time.

A row for comment-entry appears beneath the times. If applicable, enter/edit any clock in / clock out comments.


A blue icon indicates comments are currently present. A gray icon indicates no comments are currently present.

[S_STU_Attendance_MeetingTime_C] ClockInComment

[S_ STU _Attendance_MeetingTime_C] ClockOutComment

Edit Clock In / Clock Out Comments

To edit comments after initial time submission, on the Edit Meeting Attendance page, click the speach bubble icon next to the clock in / clock out time. The Edit Clock In / Clock Out Comments box appears.

Enter/edit any clock in / clock out comments.


[S_STU_Attendance_MeetingTime_C] ClockInComment

[S_STU_Attendance_MeetingTime_C] ClockOutComment

Viewing Meeting Minutes Summary

Attendance > Meeting > Clock In / Clock Out > Meeting Time Summary

Note: This field is read-only and is only visible when per-minute meeting attendance is enabled at the school level. Enable at [Select School] > School > Attendance Preferences.


The period number.


Course Name

The name of the course.


Section Number

The section number.


Present Minutes

The total minutes the student was present during the given period.

Calculated based on:



Potential Minutes

The total minutes in the period.

ADA Calculated

Indicates whether or not the record is ADA calculated.

JTED Exclusion

Indicates whether or not the record is a JTED exclusion.

Verifying AOI Attendance

Attendance > AOI Attendance

For information on how to import AOI attendance, see the Student AOI Import.

Attendance Code

The attendance code associated with the record. – Not required


Ed-Fi: Student Attendance

Student SDADMS72 Audit

Attendance Minutes

The amount of instructional minutes in the reported session – Required


Ed-Fi: Student Attendance

Student SDADMS72 Audit

Start Time

The start time of the instructional period. – Not Required


Ed-Fi: Student Attendance

Student SDADMS72 Audit

End Time

The end time of the instructional period. – Not required


Ed-Fi: Student Attendance

Student SDADMS72 Audit


The unique ID of the attendance record from the Learning Management System (LMS) where the attendance was recorded. – Not required


Ed-Fi: Student Attendance

Student SDADMS72 Audit

Section Id

The PowerSchool sectionid of the instructional minutes (if collected). – Not required


Ed-Fi: Student Attendance

Student SDADMS72 Audit

Transferring the Student Out

Functions > Transfer Out of School

When a student is Transferred Out of School using this function, the student is automatically exited from any open 011, 013, 014, or 015 Needs. An open Need is a Need record with an exit date greater than the Date of Transfer or 0/0/0). SPED students (14 Needs) are exited with a SPED exit reason corresponding to the withdrawal reason selected (according to the state's SPED Exit Validation Matrix).

If the student has any open Concurrent School enrollments, the records will be listed. Check the box next to the open Concurrent Enrollment to exit the student from the Concurrent School also. The exit date, exit code, and withdrawal reason selected will be applied to the Concurrent Enrollment.

The Homeless records will be transferred along with the enrollment record.

Transfer comment

Enter a comment for the student transfer.



Not Required

Date of transfer

Enter the date of the transfer, the exit date for the enrollment. Enter the day after the student’s last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend.

For example, if the student’s last day at the school is 4/23/2010, enter 4/24/2010 as the exit date. This logic is required because PowerSchool does not calculate attendance for the exit date, so do not enter a date on which the student could potentially have attended school.

For no-show students, enter the same day as the entry date.



Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment.

NS is a PowerSchool-specific exit code used to exit no-show students (a student who enrolled but never showed up at the school). A delete enrollment transaction is created instead of an add withdrawal transaction when the NS exit code is selected.

W7 applies only to grade levels 11 and 12 for fiscal year 2007 and forward.

“S” exit codes are used for summer school withdrawals.

The PS exit code would not be used in this case because PS is only used to track a change to a school enrollment, not to transfer the student to another school.



Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Also transfer out of select programs

If the student is currently enrolled in any special programs, select the checkboxes for the programs that the student is exiting.


Not Required

Withdrawal Reason

Choose a withdrawal reason code for regular withdrawals (W exit code) and summer withdrawals (S exit code).

This code does not apply to students who withdraw from school prior to the last day of the school year.

Valid values:

  • School Labeled Underperforming

  • School Labeled persistently dangerous

  • Individual Transfer Option (victim of a violent crime or criminal act)

  • Pregnancy/Biological Parent of a Child




AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Also transfer out of selected concurrent schools:

If the student is currently enrolled in any concurrent schools, select the checkboxes for the schools that the student is exiting.

Note: This field only displays if the student has open (exit date in the future) concurrent enrollments.




Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Intention to enroll next year

Select the checkbox to save scheduling information for the student if they intend to enroll in school next year.


Not Required

Re-Enrolling the Student in School

Functions > Re-Enroll in School

  • This function allows for re-enrolling a student in Needs when Re-Enrolling in School. Needs records are listed for re-enrollment where the Need Exit Date equals the student’s previous school enrollment Exit Date.

  • Districts can re-enroll the students in the Homeless program records while re-enrolling them.

Date of re-enrollment

Enter the entry date for the school enrollment.

Note: The date is the first day of school enrollment.


Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

Entry Code

Choose the entry code for the school enrollment.

Each student should have only one E (entry) code per school, per school year.

An R (re-enrollment) entry code should be used for each readmission into a school for a given year, unless the new enrollment is to document a track change.

The R code must match the W (withdrawal) code from the previous enrollment for the current year.

The PS exit code is used to track a change to a school enrollment that does not require an R entry code. For example, if the student is promoted from 3rd to 4th grade, a new school enrollment must be created to track the grade level change. The PS code triggers PowerSchool to include the old enrollment with an update (end) transaction (PS exit code) and the new enrollment with an add transaction (PS entry code) in the next SAIS upload file.


Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment.



Required Setup

Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment.

  • PK3 = PS

  • PK4 = PS

  • KG = KG


Ungraded Elementary

Displays when grade level KG is selected.

Check the box if applicable:

  • Per A.R.S. § 15-901(A)(5)(a)(i): Student must be 5 years old but less than 6 by September 1st and must have a Group B SPED service for each day of UE membership (A, EDP, HI, MD, MDSSI, MOID, OI, PSD, SID, and VI).



Student School Association


Choose the track for the school enrollment.


Not Required

District of Residence

Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment.

The district of residence is used as the District of Funding. Funding is provided to the district for each student whose school enrollment is associated with the district. The district of residence must be a nine-digit value that does not include dashes.


Restore Class Enrollments?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether to re-enroll the student in their previous class enrollments at the school.



Tuition Payer

Choose the student’s tuition payer status.

Valid values:

  • 1 – State Funded

  • 2 – Privately Paid or No Tuition

  • 3 – Foreign Exchange Student

  • 4 – NSE Students in Residential Treatment Centers

  • 5 – JTED/Non-Resident Charter (concurrent)

  • 6 – ISEP Student

  • 7 – Other State Funded Formula


Special Enrollment Code

The student’s special enrollment code.

Valid values:

  • 1 – CECA

  • 2 – CECB

  • 3 – Open Enrollment

  • 4 – 976-State Assistance (AzEDS Only)

  • 5 – 823-Interstate Compact (AzEDS Only)


Enrollment Type

The student’s Enrollment (Membership) Type Codes, entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.

The T enrollment type should be used with all AOI (Online) school enrollments.

The P enrollment type is used for Needs Only (program only) students. This code is only applicable to AzEDS reporting.

  • For Program Only students, ADE is expecting a School Enrollment (StudentSchoolAssociation) with entry and exit dates covering the dates of the program, with an enrollment type of P.


School Entity ID Override

Use this field to populate a School Entity ID for Tuitioned Out students.

To be used only with Tuitioned-Out students at a Tuitioned-Out School.

A Tuitioned-Out School is a PowerSchool School with an EntityID = 00000 on the Edit School page at the District Office (Schools/School Info screen).



All interchanges reporting EntityID.

Student Needs

A list of Student Needs records where the Need Exit Date equals the student’s previous school enrollment Exit Date is displayed.

Check the box to re-enroll the student in the Need when re-enrolling in school.


Student Language Program Participation

A list of Student Language Program Participation records where the Need Exit Date equals the student’s previous school enrollment Exit Date is displayed.

Check the box to re-enroll the student in the Need when re-enrolling in school.

[S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C] ProgramNeedCode

[S_AZ_STU_LanguageProgram_C] ProgramCode

Student SPED Service Participation


A list of Student SPED Service Participation records where the Need Exit Date equals the student’s previous school enrollment Exit Date is displayed.

Check the box to re-enroll the student in the Need when re-enrolling in school.

The exit date and the exit reason for the reenrolled SPED record are updated for the respective year ID in the Student Needs page.



Student Support Program Participation

A list of Student Support Program Participation records where the Need Exit Date equals the student’s previous school enrollment Exit Date is displayed.

Check the box to re-enroll the student in the Need when re-enrolling in school.

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C] SupportNeedCode

[S_AZ_STU_SupportProgram_C] SupportProgramCode

Food Service

The eligibility source and eligibility status entered in the Food Service program page displays.



The selected Primary Nighttime Residence displays.

Select to re-enroll the student in the Homeless program when re-enrolling in the school.

[S_AZ_STU_StudentNeed_C] PrimaryNighttimeResidence

Grand Canyon Diploma Participation

A list of Grand Canyon Program Participation records where the Program Exit Date equals the student’s previous school enrollment Exit Date is displayed.

Check the box to re-enroll the student in the Program when re-enrolling in school.

Note: The student’s previous GCD enrollments dates are displayed.



Creating a New Concurrent Enrollment

Functions > Create New Concurrent Enrollment

This function allows for creating concurrent school enrollments for state reporting purposes. Records created using this function are reported through AzEDS publishing and are included in State Reporting Enrollment and Attendance reports (System Reports link), but are NOT included in SAIS reporting. Enrollment records created using this function are stored in the S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C table.

When creating a new Concurrent Enrollment record, the term at the top of the page must match the term year for the enrollment dates.

If importing into the S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C table, it is recommended to create one concurrent enrollment record manually, then export the data using the Page and Data Management > Data Export Manager function, then use the exported data as a template for importing additional enrollments. Please note that FTEID is specific to a school and term year.

Note: To enroll students in classes at the concurrently enrolled school, use the Functions > Enroll In A Class At Another School function.

Important: Due to a limitation with Time Attendance, a student cannot be concurrently enrolled in two AOI schools at the same time.

Concurrent School

Select the school for the concurrent enrollment.

Note: The list includes all schools not excluded from state reporting.


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the concurrent enrollment.

Note: Defaults to today’s date.


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Entry Code

Choose the entry code for the school enrollment.

Each student should have only one E (entry) code per school, per school year.

An R (re-enrollment) entry code should be used for each readmission into a school for a given year.

The R code must match the W (withdrawal) code from the previous enrollment for the current year.

See below for details regarding use of the PS entry and exit codes.


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

The PS entry and exit codes are used to track a change to a school enrollment that does not require the student to be withdrawn and enrolled. For example, if the student is promoted from 3rd to 4th grade.

To track these types of changes, exit the student from his current enrollment with an exit date the day after his enrollment change (day after his last day in 3rd grade for example) and an exit code of PS. Then create a new Concurrent Enrollment record with an entry date equal to the first day of his enrollment change (the first day in 4th grade) and an entry code of PS.

Use PS codes to track changes to the following:

  • Grade Level

  • District of Residence

  • Full-Time Equivalency

  • Tuition Payer

  • Special Enrollment Code

Entry Comment

Enter an entry comment.



Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the school enrollment. Enter the day after the student’s last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend.

For example, if the student’s last day at the school is 4/23/2010, enter 4/24/2010 as the exit date. This logic is required because PowerSchool does not calculate attendance for the exit date, so do not enter a date on which the student could potentially have attended school.

For no-show students, enter the same day as the entry date.


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment.

NS is a PowerSchool-specific exit code used to exit no-show students (a student who enrolled but never showed up at the school).

See above for information regarding use of the PS exit code.


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Exit Comment

Enter an exit comment.


Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the concurrent school enrollment.

Note: The values displayed are determined by the School selected and the Entry Date entered.



Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment.

  • PK3 = PS

  • PK4 = PS

  • KG = KG


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Ungraded Elementary

Displays when grade level KG is selected.

Check the box if applicable:

  • Per A.R.S. § 15-901(A)(5)(a)(i): Student must be 5 years old but less than 6 by September 1st and must have a Group B SPED service for each day of UE membership (A, EDP, HI, MD, MDSSI, MOID, OI, PSD, SID, and VI).



Student School Association


Choose the track for the school enrollment.


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

District of Residence

Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment.

District of residence (DOR) receives funding for the student’s membership.


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Tuition Payer

Choose the student’s tuition payer status.

Valid values:

  • 1 – State Funded

  • 2 – Privately Paid or No Tuition

  • 3 – Foreign Exchange Student

  • 4 – NSE Students in Residential Treatment Centers

  • 5 – JTED/Non-Resident Charter (concurrent)

  • 6 – ISEP Student

  • 7 – Other State Funded Formula


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Special Enrollment Code

The student’s special enrollment code.

Valid values:

  • 1 – CECA

  • 2 – CECB

  • 3 – Open Enrollment

  • 4 – 976-State Assistance (AzEDS Only)

  • 5 – 823-Interstate Compact (AzEDS Only)


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Enrollment Type

The student’s Enrollment (Membership) Type Codes, entered on the Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment page.

The T enrollment type should be used with all AOI (Online) school enrollments.

The P enrollment type is used for Needs Only (program only) students. This code is only applicable to AzEDS reporting.

For Program Only students, ADE is expecting a School Enrollment (StudentSchoolAssociation) with entry and exit dates covering the dates of the program, with an enrollment type of P.


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Withdrawal Reason

Choose a withdrawal reason code for regular withdrawals (W exit code) and summer withdrawals (S exit code).

This code does not apply to students who withdraw from school prior to the last day of the school year.

Valid values:

  • School Labeled Underperforming

  • School Labeled persistently dangerous

  • Individual Transfer Option (victim of a violent crime or criminal act)

  • Pregnancy/Biological Parent of a Child


Arizona Enrollment and Attendance Reports

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Previous LEA

Enter the name of the district or Charter School the student attended in the previous school year OR the ISEP / Non-ISEP data if applicable.

Note: If a student completed the school year in your district the previous school year, there is no need to enter a Previous LEA. The report will pull a student’s previous school automatically.

Populate either ISEP or Non-ISEP for each student if your Charter School is receiving Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) funds.

Use the Student Field Value function to mass populate ISEP / Non-ISEP values for all students.

Valid Values:

  • ISEP

  • Non-ISEP


Charter Estimated Counts

School Entity ID Override

Use this field to populate a School Entity ID for Tuitioned Out students.

To be used only with Tuitioned-Out students at a Tuitioned-Out School.

A Tuitioned-Out School is a PowerSchool School with an EntityID = 00000 on the Edit School page at the District Office (Schools/School Info screen).



All interchanges reporting EntityID.

JTED Student Indicator

Choose Yes to include the student in JTED reports.

Choosing Yes indicates that the student attends an alternate enrollment scenario – the student is concurrently enrolled in a career and technical education courses offered at another campus.







JTED Satellite Tuition Payer

Choose the student’s tuition payer status.

Valid values:

  • 1 – State Funded

  • 2 – Privately Paid or No Tuition

Note: If blank, a default value will be published to AzEDS based on the student's non-JTED Tuition Payer code.





Enter the County Code-Type Code-District Code-Site Number (CTDS) of the student’s school.







JTED Concurrent CTDS

Enter the CTDS of the student’s concurrent school, i.e. the school that the student attends during the same time period as the current school.







Editing a Current/Previous Enrollment

Transfer Information > Edit/New

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the school enrollment.

Note: The date is the first day of school enrollment.




Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract

AzEDS: StudentSchoolAssociation

Entry Code

Choose the entry code for the school enrollment.

Each student should have only one E (entry) code per school, per school year.

An R (re-enrollment) entry code should be used for each readmission into a school for a given year, unless the new enrollment is to document a track change.

The R code must match the W (withdrawal) code from the previous enrollment for the current year.

The PS exit code is used to track a change to a school enrollment that does not require the student to be withdrawn and enrolled. For example, if the student is promoted from 3rd to 4th grade, a new school enrollment must be created to track the grade level change. The PS code triggers PowerSchool to include the old enrollment with an update (end) transaction (PS exit code) and the new enrollment with an add transaction (PS entry code) in the next SAIS upload file. Use PS codes to track changes to the following:

  • Grade Level

  • District of Residence

  • Full-Time Equivalency

  • Tuition Payer

  • Special Enrollment Code

Enter changes to these elements via Start Page > Student > State/Province – AZ > Change Enrollment.

The new enrollment will appear on the Transfer Info page, where you can enter the appropriate entry code.





Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the school enrollment. Enter the day after the student’s last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend.

For example, if the student’s last day at the school is 4/23/2010, enter 4/24/2010 as the exit date. This logic is required because PowerSchool does not calculate attendance for the exit date, so do not enter a date on which the student could potentially have attended school.

For no-show students, enter the same day as the entry date.




Student Needs Extract

Community College Extract


Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment.

Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past.

NS is a PowerSchool-specific exit code used to exit no-show students (a student who enrolled but never showed up at the school).
A delete enrollment transaction is created instead of an add withdrawal transaction when the NS exit code is selected.

W7 applies only to grade levels 11 and 12 for fiscal year 2007 and forward.

The PS exit code is used to track a change to a school enrollment that does not require the student to be withdrawn and reenrolled. For example, if the student is promoted from 3rd to 4th grade, a new school enrollment must be created to track the grade level change. The PS code triggers PowerSchool to include the old enrollment with an update (end) transaction (PS exit code) and the new enrollment with an add transaction (PS entry code) in the next SAIS upload file. Use PS codes to track changes to the following:

  • Grade Level

  • District of Residence

  • Full-Time Equivalency

  • Tuition Payer

  • Special Enrollment Code





Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment.





Required Setup

Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment.

  • PK3 = PS

  • PK4 = PS

  • KG = KG





Ungraded Elementary

Displays when grade level KG is selected.

Check the box if applicable:

  • Per A.R.S. § 15-901(A)(5)(a)(i): Student must be 5 years old but less than 6 by September 1st and must have a Group B SPED service for each day of UE membership (A, EDP, HI, MD, MDSSI, MOID, OI, PSD, SID, and VI).





Student School Association


Choose the track for the school enrollment.




Required Setup if applicable

District of Residence

Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment.

District of residence (DOR) receives funding for the student’s membership.






Tuition Payer

Choose the student’s tuition payer status.

Valid values:

  • 1 – State Funded

  • 2 – Privately Paid or No Tuition

  • 3 – Foreign Exchange Student

  • 4 – NSE Students in Residential Treatment Centers

  • 5 – JTED/Non-Resident Charter (concurrent)

  • 6 – ISEP Student

  • 7 – Other State Funded Formula




Required Setup

Special Enrollment Code

The student’s special enrollment code.

Valid values:

  • 1 – CECA

  • 2 – CECB

  • 3 – Open Enrollment

  • 4 – 976-State Assistance (AzEDS Only)

  • 5 – 823-Interstate Compact (AzEDS Only)




Required Setup

Enrollment Type

Choose the student’s Enrollment (Membership) Type Codes.

The T enrollment type should be used with all AOI (Online) school enrollments.

The P enrollment type is used for Needs Only (program only) students. This code is only applicable to AzEDS reporting.

  • For Program Only students, ADE is expecting a School Enrollment (StudentSchoolAssociation) with entry and exit dates covering the dates of the program, with an enrollment type of P.




Required Setup

Withdrawal Reason

Choose a withdrawal reason code for regular withdrawals (W exit code) and summer withdrawals (S exit code).

This code does not apply to students who withdraw from school prior to the last day of the school year.

Valid values:

  • School Labeled Underperforming

  • School Labeled persistently dangerous

  • Individual Transfer Option (victim of a violent crime or criminal act)

  • Pregnancy/Biological Parent of a Child




Required, if applicable

Previous LEA

Enter the name of the district or Charter School the student attended in the previous school year OR the ISEP / Non-ISEP data if applicable.

Note: If a student completed the school year in your district the previous school year, there is no need to enter a Previous LEA. The report will pull a student’s previous school automatically.

Populate either ISEP or Non-ISEP for each student if your Charter School is receiving Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) funds.

Use the Student Field Value function to mass populate ISEP / Non-ISEP values for all students.

Valid Values:

  • ISEP

  • Non-ISEP




Charter Estimated Counts

School Entity ID Override

Use this field to populate a School Entity ID for Tuitioned Out students.

To be used only with Tuitioned-Out students at a Tuitioned-Out School.

A Tuitioned-Out School is a PowerSchool School with an EntityID = 00000 on the Edit School page at the District Office (Schools/School Info screen).





All interchanges reporting EntityID.

Career and Technical Educational District Information (CTED)

CTED Student Indicator

Choose Yes to include the student in JTED reports.

Note: The JTED Student Indicator value is set to No for all active students during the PowerSchool End of Year process.

Use the ‘SAIS and JTED FTE Validation Tool’ Function to set JTED Student Indicators en masse for the upcoming school year.

For More information about this Function, see the SAIS and JTED FTE Validation Tool.



Student Information

Student Attendance Information

Attendance Audit Information


Student Enrollment

Student Attendance

CTED Satellite Tuition Payer

Choose the student’s tuition payer status.

Valid values:

  • 1 – State Funded

  • 2 – Privately Paid or No Tuition

Note: If blank, a default value will be published to AzEDS based on the student's non-JTED Tuition Payer code.






Enter the County Code-Type Code-District Code-Site Number (CTDS) of the student’s school.

If reporting JTED Enrollments through AzEDS, enter the JTED school EntityID (not CTDS).

Note: The JTED Concurrent CTDS field is not used in AzEDS Reporting.



Student Information


Student Enrollment

Student Attendance

Editing Stored Grade Records

Historical Grades > Edit/New Stored Grade

School Name

Enter or view the school at which the course was completed.



School year (Term)

Enter the TermID associated with this historical grade.



Store Code

Store Code of the historical grade must match the Store Code value entered on the Student Course Enrollment / Final Grade Mapping screen on the School Setup screen at the District Office.


AzEDS: CourseTranscript

Historical Grade Level

Enter or view the grade level the student was enrolled in when the grade was awarded.



Associated Section (Edit Stored Grade page)

View the section associated with the stored grade.

Historical grade must be associated with a PowerSchool section.


Required Setup

Course number – Section number (New Stored Grade page)

Enter or view the course and section number associated with the stored grade.




Course Number (Edit Stored Grade page)

Enter or view the course number associated with the stored grade.



Course Name

Enter or view the name of the course associated with the stored grade.




Enter the grade awarded for this historical grade.



GPA Points

Enter or view the grade points.




Enter or view the numeric grade.



Earned Credit Hours

Enter the earned credit hours awarded for this historical grade.



Potential Credit Hours

Enter or view the number of credits available to be awarded for the course.



GPA Calculation

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from GPA calculations.



Class Rank Calculation

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from class rank calculations.



Honor Roll Calculation

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from honor roll calculations.




Graduation Calculation

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from graduation calculations.



Graduation Plan

Display on Transcript

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from the transcript.




Teacher Comment

Enter or view the teacher comment.



Verifying Enrollment Records

All Enrollments > Edit Enrollment Record


Information about the class of enrollment.

Format: CourseName (CourseNumber.SectionNumber)






Enroll Date

Date the student enrolled in the section.




Exit Date

Date the student exited the section.




Course Entry Type

Enter a Course Entry Type override value if applicable.

* Leave blank to let the report calculate Course Entry Type.


Course Exit Type

Enter a Course Exit Type override value if applicable.

* Leave blank to let the report calculate Course Exit Type.

[S_AZ_CC_X ]ExitType

Earning Dual Credits

Indicate if this student is earning Dual Credit in a Dual Credit course.

Note: Populate “N” if a student is enrolled in a Dual Credit class, but is not earning dual credit.

[S_AZ_CC_X ]DualCredit

Concurrently Enrolled

Indicate if the student is concurrently enrolled in a course that offers concurrent enrollment.

Note: Use “N” when the course does not offer concurrent enrollment.

[S_AZ_CC_X ]ConcurrentlyEnrolled


Enter any clarifying information for this course section.

[S_AZ_CC_X ]Notes

Standards Grades Identifier

(Populate if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for course)

Enter Standard Identifier if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for course.

Ex: LA.11.3.12

Note: Defaults to Section level setting if blank, then to course level if CC and Section are blank.

If no value is present in any Standards Grades Identifier field, Traditional grades are reported (StoredGrades).

[S_AZ_CC_X ]StandardID

Exclude from AZ Student-Teacher –Course Connection Reports

Click the checkmark to exclude From AZ Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports.

Note: Defaults to section, then course level setting if blank.

[S_AZ_CC_X ]ExcludeSTC

CTE Federal/State Indicator

Choose a CTE Federal/State Indicator code.

Valid values:

  • Blank (If blank, State will be reported)

  • (F) Federal

  • (S) State

[ S_AZ_CC_X ] CTEIndicator

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