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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282493All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Multi-Day Attendance Page "No Blank Attendance" Update for Future Attendance

Multi-Day Attendance page has been updated and will no longer require attendance be entered for future dates for the page to be submitted when "No Blank Attendance" setting is enabled.

PSSR-226999AzEDS Courses and Sections - Improve Performance for Staging / Processing Records

AzEDS Courses and Sections publishing is updated to improve performance when staging and processing records for publishing.

PSSR-287178AzEDS Updated to Resolve Publishing Issue for PowerSchool Version 21.4.1 and Before

AzEDS Student Contact publishing logic is updated to account for an Oracle database package compilation issue on PowerSchool SIS versions 21.4.1 and before.

For PowerSchool versions below 21.4.2 and if the Student Contact Adoption Status Flag is set to ‘Yes’ then core contact publishing will follow the below logic:

Core Contacts:

AzEDS will only publish the following Core Contacts and Contact Relationships:

  • Contacts / Contact Relationships where the relationship type is Guardian (or CourtAppointedGuardian)
  • Contacts / Contact Relationships where the relationship type is Mother
  • Contacts / Contact Relationships where the relationship type is Father
  • Contacts / Contact Relationships where the contact Custody field is flagged, regardless of relationship type

For Contact Relationships:

  • Lives With information is always included (default to No if blank)
  • Primary Contact information is always included and it will be calculated based on Custody field (default to No if blank)
  • Emergency Contact Status information is always included (default to No if blank)
  • Contact Priority will be based on order on core contact screen
PSSR-285899CDRC Report (2020–2021) Update

The CDRC Report (2020-2021) now completes successfully even when multiple schools have the same SCH ID.

PSSR-286657Distance Learning Attendance Report - Performance Improvement

Distance Learning Attendance Report: Version 1.2

The Distance Learning Attendance Report is updated to improve performance when running for large amounts of data.

PSSR-287822Ed-Fi Framework: Records Publishing Incorrectly When Using Subdistricts

An issue was found in the Ed-Fi Framework when creating publishing batches for subdistricts where the system was getting records incorrectly thus creating errors. Typically, republishing would clear the errors and allow the records to publish. The system has been corrected to prevent these errors and allow data to flow correctly.

Note: It is recommended for systems setup using sub districts to republish all data from their Ed-Fi Dashboard after installing this update.

PSSR-285032Student Demographics: American Sign Language Added

The language options on the State Student Demographics screens are updated to include American Sign Language on all three student language fields: home language, spoken language and first acquired language.


CRDC Report (2020-2021) - Passed Algebra I Not Including All Students

CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.2.2

The CRDC Report (2020-2021) is updated to account for students who changed schools within the collection year in the passed Algebra I counts.


AzEDS JTED Enrollment Exit Code Update

AzEDS Student Enrollment publishing is updated to report end of year status code 'C' for grade 12 JTED Enrollments when the regular enrollment record has an exit code of 'G' populated.
PSSR-284182ESS Discipline Data Collection: Implement 21-22 Changes

ESS Discipline Data Collection: Version 2.8

The ESS Discipline Data Collection report is updated with following changes for 2021-22 school year reporting:

Data Collection updates:

  • Two new Behavior codes are added to incident management:

    • Serious Bodily Injury (no sub-codes) (Code 119)

    • Other Offense (no sub-codes) (Code 124)

Report updates:

  • Updated violation codes (behavior codes) reporting logic as follows:

    • Drugs category:

      • Alcohol - report as: 120

      • Tobacco - report as: 121

      • All others in the drug category - report as: 117

    • Weapons Category:

      • Pocket knife blade less than 2.5 inches - report as: 122

      • All others in weapons category - report as: 123

    • Serious Bodily Injury - report as: 119

    • All other behavior codes - report as: 124 (Other Offense)

  • Removal Hours is changed to Removal Days.

    • The report is updated to no longer convert Removal Days to Removal Hours in the output.

  • For Expulsion actions (action code in: 52,53), if end date is not populated, default to the last day of the term year (last in-session day).

  • The following data elements are no longer collected and removed from the extract:

    • element name="primaryviolationind"

    • element name="violationtypefreeformtext"

    • element name="subdrugcategory"

    • element name="drugintent"

    • element name="actioncomments"

PSSR-253191AZ ADA/ADM Report - 'Days Not Enrolled' Update

AZ ADA/ADM by Student: Version 2.8

The AZ ADA/ADM Report is updated to pull correct ‘Days not Enrolled’ data for previous enrollments.

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