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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-266189AZ CTE Enrollment Report: Credits Not Pulling for Some Records

CTE Enrollment Report: Version 1.3

The CTE Enrollment report is updated with the following additional changes:

  • Updated the 'Minutes of instruction per Week' field to report according to the following logic: The value is first pulled from the section page. If the value is blank on the section page, then the value is pulled from the course page, and if both are blank, then it is calculated based on the Bell Schedule.
  • Updated the report's excel format. The data is now delimited into columns as expected.
  • Added a new report parameter for Store Code. Enter the store code used to store earned credit hours for 40th and 100th-day enrollments.
PSSR-261589AzEDS CTED Enrollment Publishing Update: Tuition Payer Code

The student Current, Previous and Concurrent Enrollment screens are updated to have a new field:
JTED Satellite Tuition Payer, having the below drop-down values

  • Blank
  • (1) State Funded
  • (2) Privately Paid, No Tuition or Not Eligible for State Funding

AzEDS Enrollment Publishing is updated to have the below logic for reporting CTED (JTED) enrollment Tuition Payer codes:

  • When publishing JTED Enrollments, if "JTED Satellite Tuition Payer" is not blank, then report the value
  • When publishing JTED Enrollments, if "JTED Satellite Tuition Payer" is blank, and student's grade is 9 then report "JTED Satellite Tuition Payer" as 2
  • When publishing JTED Enrollments, if "JTED Satellite Tuition Payer" is blank, and student's grade in (10,11,12) then default JTED/CTED Tuition Payer according to the below logic:
    • When Transfer Info TP = 1, then report JTED TP = 1
    • When Transfer Info TP = 2, then report JTED TP = 2
    • When Transfer Info TP = 3, then report JTED TP = 2
    • When Transfer Info TP = 4, then report JTED TP = 1
    • When Transfer Info TP = 5, then report JTED TP = 5
    • When Transfer Info TP = 6, then report JTED TP = 1
    • When Transfer Info TP = 7, then report JTED TP = 1
PSSR-265368Ed-Fi Framework: Publish Half Day Attendance With Daily Time To Day Conversion

The Ed-Fi Framework now publishes half-day default attendance with Daily mode and time to day conversion setup if only half-day attendance is provided.

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