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SAIS Process Overview

The following steps are necessary to capture data in real-time and transfer the data to ADE.

Note: PowerSchool performs many of these steps automatically. Details for each step are provided in later sections of this document.

  1. Activate SAIS at the beginning of each school year. A file is built for upload to SAIS with initial school enrollments for students in the current school year.
  2. Throughout the school year, PowerSchool automatically saves SAIS event records (in the StateEventQueue table) when a change is made to the following types of student data:
    • School enrollments (new enrollments, re-enrollments and withdrawals)
    • Demographics
    • Needs information
    • Absent attendance
    • End-of-Year process
    • Community College Entries

3. To report data, build a SAIS upload file that includes all unprocessed SAIS events. During the build process, PowerSchool validates the records as follows:

      • Events with errors remain in the StateEventQueue table. Correct these errors in order to include the records in the next SAIS upload file.
      • Events without errors are transferred to the StateTransactionQueue table and built into the SAIS upload file. Each transaction included in the file is flagged as processed.

4. Upload the SAIS file to ADE.

5. ADE processes the SAIS file and creates a status file as feedback on the transactions uploaded from PowerSchool. Download the status file from ADE and import the data into PowerSchool.

6. View the status file and correct any transaction errors from ADE.

7. Resend any enrollments, as necessary, and/or build a new SAIS upload file.


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