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School Setup - Student Teacher Extract

The following data elements are required for school setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > School Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
  2. Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The school start page appears.
  3. Click School. The School Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Final Grade Entry Options > Standards-based Grading


The value entered in the Display/Enter field will be used to determine which Standards score to output.

Note: Even if a value is displayed in the field, please be sure to Submit the page when visiting the page for the first time. Once the page is submitted, it will not need to be submitted again unless the value needs to be changed.


Name = STDFGEntryType-Snnn (where nnn= the school's school number


Cycle Days

Day Letter

The day letter is view-only on this page. To edit the number of days for this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year.


Day Abbreviation

Enter the day abbreviation.


Day Name

Enter the day name.



Period Number

The period number is view-only on this page. To edit the number of periods for this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year.


Period Abbreviation

Enter the period abbreviation.


Period Name

Enter the period name.



Sections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit Section

Course Number

Enter the course number for the section.



Choose the term for the section from the pop-up menu.



Select the meeting schedule for the section.



Teacher (Pre PowerSchool 7.5)

Choose the teacher for the section from the pop-up menu.


Teacher – Section lead (PowerSchool 7.5 and higher)

Teachers/Staff – Additional (PowerSchool 7.5 and higher) > Edit Section > Click Add

Note: PowerSchool allows a single teacher at a time to be designated as the Section Lead teacher, with all additional staff members entered into the Teachers/Staff Additional section.


Select the teacher from the pop-up menu.

Course Section Report

Student Section Enrollment Report


Section Lead:

All Section Lead teachers are currently required to have the Role of Lead Teacher (renamed to Regular Class in the Co-Teaching Roles Setup section above). Use the Actions Note field to override a teacher's Role Code.

Additional Teachers/Staff:

Select a role from the pop-up menu.

Course Section Report

% Allocation

Enter the teacher's Contribution Percent.

Used by the state to weight the educator's assigned responsibility for student learning in a class.

Defaults to default allocation percent of the role selected.

Course Section Report

Start Date

Enter the date the teacher begins being associated with this section.

Defaults to Term start date.

Course Section Report

End Date

Enter the date upon which the teacher is no longer associated with the section.
Defaults to Term end date.

Course Section Report

Actions - Note Field

(Paper Icon)

Use the Actions column Note field to override the teacher's Role Code for Lead or Additional Teachers.

The Note can only contain valid Role Code values (See the Appendix for a list of valid Role Codes.)

Course Section Report

Section Number

Enter the section number.


Grade Level

Enter the grade level associated with this section.


Instructional Setting

Enter the instructional setting for the course

Note: Defaults to course level setting if blank.

Drop down values:

  • Regular Departmentalized Classroom
  • Resource Room
  • Self-Contained Classroom
  • Co Taught
  • Structured English Immersion
  • Distance Learning (All Students)
  • Distance Learning (tome Students)
  • Virtual


Course Level Characteristics

An indication of the level of rigor in a course

Note: Defaults to course level setting if blank.

Valid values:

  • Students with Disabilities
  • Basic
  • General or Regular
  • Enriched or Advanced
  • Honors
  • Gifted or Talented
  • College level
  • English Language Learners
  • High School Equivalent
  • Untracked


Low Grade Level

Select the lowest grade level of students either enrolled in the course or for which the course is targeted.

Note: Defaults to course level setting if blank.


High Grade Level

Select the highest grade level of students either enrolled in the course or for which the course is targeted.

Note: Defaults to course level setting if blank.


Standards Grades Identifier (Populate if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for course)

Enter Standard Identifier if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for course.

Ex: LA.11.3.12

Note: Defaults to course level setting if blank.

If no value is present in any Standards Grades Identifier field, Traditional grades are reported (StoredGrades).

(For information about Standards setup, please see the Standards User Guide for PowerSchool 7.x located on PowerSource.


Exclude from AZ Student-Teacher –Course Connection Reports

Click the checkmark to exclude From AZ Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports.

Note: Defaults to course level setting if blank.


Course Identifier

Enter the state course code, ex. AZ10100 if applicable.

If the field is blank, the value will be pulled from the associated course.

Use this field if you have multiple state course sections tied to a single generic course in PowerSchool. For example, if you have First Grade Math and Second Grade Math sections all associated to a single course called Math in PowerSchool.


Course Name

Enter the course name, if applicable.

If the field is blank, the value will be pulled from the associated course.

Use this field if you have multiple state course sections tied to a single generic course in PowerSchool. For example, if you have First Grade Math and Second Grade Math sections all associated to a single course called Math in PowerSchool.


Is Dual Credit (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if students enrolled in the course are concurrently enrolled in a post-secondary institution and receiving credit at both levels.

Defaults to course level setting if blank.

Note: High School Course Only.


Concurrent Enrollment (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if the section is a college course attended by students prior to high school graduation for which they are not receiving high school credit. Reporting these sections is optional.

Defaults to course level setting if blank.

Note: High School Course Only.


Is CTE Certificate (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if the course is part of a career or technical education program leading to a specific technical certification.

Defaults to course level setting if blank.

Note: High School Course Only.


Is Required for Graduation (HS Only)

Click the checkmark if the course is one of the required courses a student must take to meet graduation requirements.

Note: Defaults to course level setting if blank.

Note: High School Course Only


External Provider Name

If the course is being provided by an external organization, e.g. a distance education or virtual course, the name of that providing organization.


Provider Teacher 1 Last Name

Enter the last name for the teacher.

Note: When Provider 1 Teacher Last and First Name are entered, the teacher(s) associated with the section will not be reported unless the 'Include both External Provider and Internal Teacher' box is checked.


Provider Teacher 1 First Name

Enter the first name for the teacher.


Provider Teacher 1 Role

Enter the role for the teacher.


Provider Teacher 2 Last Name

Enter the last name for the teacher.


Provider Teacher 2 First Name

Enter the first name for the teacher.


Provider Teacher 2 Role

Enter the role for the teacher.


Include both External Provider and Internal Teacher information in STC reports

Check the box to report both External Provider information as well as Internal Teacher information in STC reports.

    • Check this box if both the external provider and the internal PowerSchool teacher(s) both provide instruction to the students



Any clarifying information for this course section.


Course Duration (Total Instructional Minutes)

The total number of minutes of instructional time for the course.

  • Used by the MCESA Student Teacher Course Report.
    If blank, course level settings will be used. If course and section settings are blank, value will be calculated based on Bell Schedule minutes for the section.


Years & Terms > New

Years & Terms > Edit Terms

Name of Term

Enter the name of the term.



Enter an abbreviation for the term.


First Day of Term

Enter the first day of the term.


Last Day of Term

Enter the last day of the term.


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