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Search by Concurrent Enrollment

Use this function to search concurrent enrollments by date range filtering of concurrent enrollment records, selecting individual concurrent enrollment records, adding students of selected records to current student selection, and exporting selected concurrent enrollment records to a CSV file.

How to Search by Concurrent Enrollment

  1. On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  2. Click the Search by Concurrent Enrollments. The Search by Concurrent Enrollments page will appear.
  3. If concurrent enrollments exist, they will appear under the Concurrent Enrollments header.
  4. The Date Range window will reflect the Start Date and End Date of the Term for the records listed. It can be modified by changing the dates and clicking on Filter Results. The dates are inclusive and will pull records with at least a start or end date within those date parameters. It will only pull records for one school year at a time.
  5. The students with concurrent enrollments can be selected individually or as a group, and then a report can be generated by clicking on Export Selected Records.
  6. Under the Selection Controls header, the selected students with concurrent enrollment records may become the current selection of students by clicking on Make Current Selection. Additionally, the selected students may be added to a current selection of student by clicking on Add to Current Selection.

Note: The student's name is a link to the student's setup page.

Report Output

Data Element




The student's concurrent enrollment ID.





The student's district of residence[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]DISTRICTOFRESIDENCE

The student's enrollment code for the concurrent enrollment.

See the Appendix for valid values.


The student's enrollment type for the concurrent enrollment.

Valid Values.

  • M – Main
  • A – Ancillary
  • T – Online
  • P – Program Only (AzEDS Only)
  • G – Grand Canyon Diploma
  • D – Dropout Recovery Program

The student's entry code for the concurrent enrollment.

See the Appendix for valid values.

ENTRYCOMMENTThe comments on the student's entry for the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]ENTRYCOMMENT

The start date of the student’s concurrent enrollment.

EXITCODEThe student's exit code for the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]EXITCODE
EXITCOMMENTThe comments on the student's exit from the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]EXITCOMMENT

The end date of the student’s concurrent enrollment.

FTE_VALUEThe full-time equivalency value of the concurrent enrollment.




The student’s grade level.

MEMBERSHIPSHAREThe membership share of the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]MEMBERSHIPSHARE
PREVIOUSLEAThe previous LEA of the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]PREVIOUSLEA
CONCURRENTSCHOOLIDThe ID of the school where the concurrent enrollment is located.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]SCHOOLID
TRACKThe track for the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]TRACK
TUITIONPAYERThe entity that pays tuition for the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]TUITIONPAYER
WITHDRAWALREASONThe reason the student was withdrawn from the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]WITHDRAWALREASON
WHOCREATEDThe person who created the concurrent enrollment.N/A
WHENCREATEDThe date the concurrent enrollment was created.N/A
ENTITYID_OVRThe entity override ID for the concurrent enrollment.[S_AZ_STU_CONENR_C]ENTITIYID_OVR
STUDENT_NUMBERThe student's state-assigned number.[Students]State_StudentNumber
LASTFIRSTThe student's last and first name.[Students]LastFirst
STUDENTHOMESCHOOLIDThe ID of the student's home school.[Students]SchoolID
HOMESCHOOL_FTE_VALUEThe student's home school full-time equivalency value.







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