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ESS Discipline Data Collection Validation Report

This report validates incident data included in the ESS Discipline Data Collection Report (formerly called the AZ Safe and Drug Free report). The report results include messages regarding inaccurate or missing data. Use the messages to correct data before running the report.

File name: "AZ_ESS_Discipline_Validation.html"

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.

  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Start Date

First day of the reporting period used for the report.

End Date

Last day of the reporting period used for the report.

Hide students with no validation violations?

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Yes – Choose this option to exclude students from the report if they do not have any validation errors.

  • No – Choose this option to include all students in the report output, both students with validation errors and students without validation errors.

Report Only SPED Students

Check to only include SPED students in the report output.

Starting in the 2018-19 school year, only incidents for SPED students are required to be reported.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

If an incident returned in the Validation report should be included in the ESS Discipline Data report, verify that the incident meets the criteria

Error Message


Incident is missing a state reportable behavior.

Each offender in an incident must be assigned a behavior (e.g. violation).

Incident is missing a state reportable behavior sub-code.

Each offender in an incident must be assigned a behavior (e.g. violation). The following behaviors require a behavior sub-code:

  • Aggression

  • Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs

  • Arson

  • Attendance Policy Violation

  • Harassment, Threat and Intimidation

  • Lying, Cheating, Forgery or Plagiarism

  • Other Violations of School Policies

  • School Threat

  • Sexual Offenses

  • Technology, Improper use of

  • Theft

  • Vandalism

  • Weapons and Dangerous Items

Incident is missing a reporter.

Each incident must be associated with at least one reporter.

Element incident has invalid child element statestudentid.

Each incident must include incident reporter information (reffname and reflname) when populated for an incident in all scenarios.

Incident is missing an offender.

Each incident must be associated with at least one offender.

Incident is missing a state reportable action.

Each incident must be associated with at least one state reportable action. The action is assigned to a behavior, and the behavior is assigned to an offender.

Participant assigned to incident is not assigned a role (offender, reporter, etc.).

Each participant associated with an incident must be assigned a role: reporter, offender, witness, or victim.

Incident has a state reportable behavior that is not assigned. The behavior must be assigned to an offender.

Each incident must have a behavior assigned to an offender. The behavior cannot be assigned to the incident itself.

Incident has a state reportable action that is not assigned. The action must be assigned to a behavior.

Each incident must have an action assigned to a behavior. Actions cannot be assigned to offenders, or to the incident itself.

Incident has a state reportable action that is assigned to an offender. The action must be assigned to a behavior.

Each incident must have an action assigned to a behavior. Actions cannot be assigned to offenders, or to the incident itself.

Two behavior codes have the same code and the same first subcode.

One or more behaviors contain an invalid data condition. Verify each behavior's data is correct, then update the record by clicking 'Update Behavior'. After the behavior(s) are updated, the incident will need to be resubmitted by clicking the 'Submit Incident' button.

Student assigned to incident is missing SAIS Student Number.

Each student assigned to an incident must be assigned a SAIS Student ID.

Student assigned to incident is missing ethnicity.

Each student assigned to an incident must have Ethnicity defined and at least one race specified.

Student assigned to incident is missing gender.

Each student assigned to an incident must be assigned a gender.

Other/unknown participant is missing first name.

Each non-student participant assigned to an incident must be assigned a first name.

Other/unknown participant is missing last name.

Each non-student participant assigned to an incident must be assigned a last name.

Other/unknown participant assigned to incident is missing gender.

Each non-student participant assigned to an incident must be assigned a gender. Edit the participant on the incident and choose Male or Female from the Gender pop-up menu.

Other/unknown person assigned to incident is missing position info.

Each non-student participant assigned to an incident must be assigned a Position. Edit the participant on the incident and enter a value in the Position text box.

Non-student witness is missing relationship to school.

Each non-student witness assigned to an incident must be assigned a relationship to school.

Offender is missing state student number.

Each offender in an incident must be assigned a 'StateStudentID'.

Offender is missing state reportable behavior.

Each offender in an incident must be assigned a behavior (e.g. violation).

Offender is missing state reportable behavior sub-code.

Each offender in an incident must be assigned a behavior (e.g. violation). The following behaviors require a behavior sub-code:

  • Aggression

  • Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs

  • Arson

  • Attendance Policy Violation

  • Harassment, Threat and Intimidation

  • Lying, Cheating, Forgery or Plagiarism

  • Other Violations of School Policies

  • School Threat

  • Sexual Offenses

  • Technology, Improper use of

  • Theft

  • Vandalism

  • Weapons and Dangerous Items

Offender’s behavior is missing state reportable action.

Each behavior assigned to an offender must be assigned a state reportable action.

Offender is missing relationship to school.

Each offender assigned to an incident must be assigned a relationship to school.

Action is missing an Actual Resolution Date.

The following actions must be assigned a Date Action Decided:

  • No Action

  • Actions Completed In One Day

  • Actions Completed In One Or More Days

  • Actions within Due Process

  • Removal

  • Other Action

  • Victim Related Actions

Action is missing Assigned Duration.

Each action Assigned Duration field must not be null.

Action start date does not fall within the current fiscal year.

Each action start date must fall within the current fiscal year.

Action end date does not fall within the current fiscal year.

Each action end date must fall within the current fiscal year.

Action is missing the Action Completion (yes/no).

The following actions must be assigned Action Completion:

  • Actions Completed In One Day

  • Actions Completed In One Or More Days

  • Actions within Due Process

  • Removal

  • Other Action

  • Victim Related Actions

Action is missing Action Taken Detail (comments).

The following actions must have comments entered for Action Taken Detail:

  • No Action

  • Actions Completed In One Day

  • Actions Completed In One Or More Days

  • Actions within Due Process

  • Removal

  • Other Action

  • Victim Related Actions

Action is missing the Action Begin Date (assigned start date).

The following actions must have an Action Begin Date:

  • Actions Completed In One Or More Days

  • Removal

  • Other Action

Action is missing the Action End Date (assigned end date).

The following actions must have an Action End Date:

  • Actions Completed In One Or More Days

  • Removal

  • Other Action

Action is missing the Scheduled Hearing/Review Date.

The following action must be assigned a Scheduled Hearing/Review Date: Actions within Due Process.

Action is missing the Removal/reassignment # of days.

The following action must be assigned a value for Removal/Reassignment # of days: Removal.

Action is missing an Action subcode (other action description).

The following action must be assigned an Action Code Comment:

  • Actions Completed In One Or More Days (Action Subcode 97 only)

  • Other Action.

Action is missing the Name of Place Moved To.

The following actions must be assigned a value for Name of Place Moved To:

  • Actions Completed In One Day (Action Code 84 only)

  • Removal (Action Subcodes 89, 92, and 94 only)

Action is missing the Police Report #.

The following action must be assigned a value for Police Report #: Actions Completed In One Day (Action Subcode 83 only).

Action is missing the Results of Referral to Law Enforcement.

The following action must be assigned a value for Police Report #: Actions Completed In One Day (Action Subcode 83 only).

Missing Services Declined (yes/no)

The Services Declined field must be assigned a value if the Action Code is 105, 103, or 101.

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