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Initial CTE Reporting Setup in PowerSchool

On this page:

This page is designed to help districts new to PowerSchool setup and configure CTE reporting. The page discusses setup items needed for CTE Enrollment reporting, as well as CTED (JTED) Satellite reporting either directly to a CTDC Main organization, or through AzEDS on behalf of the CTED Main. The page assumes the new district is working with their implementation specialist (or with PowerSchool Support), who can provide clarifying details. This page is a reference guide, not a step-by-step walkthrough.

CTE Enrollment Data Prep

  • Validate CTDS Number for each school on the server: District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Name] > School CTDS Number
  • Validate that required Course Information is populated for CTED / JTED Courses (District Setup > Courses > [Course Number]):
    • Verify the CTE Course Name is correct ([Courses]Course_Name)
    • Alternate Course Number field is populated with a valid AZ Course Code ([Courses]Alt_Course_Number)
    • Verify Course Credit Hours ([Courses]Credit_Hours)
    • Enter the CTE CIP Code ([Courses]Code) for the course and check the Vocational Course ([Courses]Vocational) box
    • Enter the CIP Program Number ([S_AZ_CRS_X]CIPProgramNumber)
    • Enter the CTE Course's Minutes Per Week ([S_AZ_CRS_X]MinutesPerWeek)
      • Note: Minutes per week can be overridden as the section level.
      • If Section and Course values are blank, Minutes Per Week is calculated based on the school's Bell Schedule.
  • Validate Staff CTE required fields (Start Page > Staff > (select a staff) > Information):
    • Enter the teacher's Email Address ([Teachers]Email_Addr)
    • Enter the Teacher's Educator ID EIN Number ([S_AZ_USR_X]Teacher_EIN)
  • Validate Student CTE required fields:
    • SAIS Student Number ([Students]State_StudentNumber): Start Page > Student > State/Province - AZ > State Enrollment Information
    • Date of Birth ([Students]DOB): Start Page > Student > State/Province - AZ > State Demographic Information
  • Enroll Students in CTE Courses: Start Page > Student > Modify Schedule
  • Before submission: Verify Earned Credit Hours: Start Page > Student > Historical Grades

CTED (JTED) Satellite Reporting Setup

  • Validate Entity ID for District: District Setup > District Info > District Entity ID
    • Note: For multi-LEA servers, it will be necessary to have either Support or your Implementation Manager enable Sub-District functionality for your server. Sub-District functionality allows a single PowerSchool server to publish data for multiple LEAs, each having their own AzEDS publishing Key and Secret.
    • After Sub-District functionality is enabled, navigate to District Setup > Sub-District Configuration to create new sub-districts. (Each sub-district represents a single LEA). For more information on creating sub-districts, see the Sub-District Configuration section of the District Setup document.
  • Validate Entity ID for each school on the server: District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Name] > School Entity ID
    • Note: AzEDS Publishing uses LEA and School Entity IDs, not CTDS numbers. Enter EntityIDs in the above fields.
  • Validate CTED (JTED) Entity ID for each school on the server having CTE classes: District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Name] > JTED School Entity ID (JTED Satellites)
  • Validate JTED Section data (Required for all JTED Sections): Start Page > School > Sections > (select a course) > click section number
    • Set JTED Section Led by a CTE Instructor field to Yes.
  • Set JTED Section Rank for all JTED sections in the school (sections having JTED Section Led by a CTE Instructor = Yes)
    • Click the Set Ranking link on the section setup screen or navigate to: Start Page > Special Functions > Interfaces to Other Systems > JTED > JTED - Joint Technical Education District Section Ranking
    • Note: Each section is required to have a unique section ranking. The ranking is used to determine which enrollment to use for 'JTED Membership' if a student is enrolled in multiple JTED classes at the same time (lowest number = highest rank)
  • Set Student JTED Indicators: Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > edit enrollment
    • Set JTED Student Indicator = Yes ([Students]JTED_Indicator / [ReEnrollments]JTED_Indicator)
    • Set JTED Satellite Tuition Payer for students with non-standard JTED Tuition Payer Codes.
    • Set JTED School CTDS/EntityID if JTED Entity ID is not populated at the school level (JTED Concurrent CTDS is no longer used)

If your Entity submits JTED Enrollments through AzEDS:

  • Navigate to Start Page > District > District Info:
    • Check the box to 'Report JTED Enrollments and Attendance Through AzEDS (Ed-Fi)

A note on JTED Memberships:

  • A student must have both the school enrollment JTED indicator flag set to Yes and be enrolled in at least one section flagged as Led by a JTED CTE Instructor to be included in a JTED Membership report (AzEDS or CSV)
    • It is safe to flag ALL students in a school as JTED at the Student Enrollment level if desired. Students will only be included in a JTED Membership report (or AzEDS transaction) if also enrolled in a JTED section.
  • JTED Membership information is determined as follows:
    • JTED CTDS/EntityID - As set at the school or school enrollment level as described above
    • Membership Start Date: Earliest entrydate into a JTED Section
    • Membership Exit Date: Latest unbroken exitdate in a JTED Section
    • Membership FTE: Defaults to 0.25 for all grade 10-12 JTED enrollments
    • Tuition Payer: Defaults to 1 unless overridden at the Student Enrollment (Transfer Info) level.
    • Entry Code: Defaults to E3
    • Exit Reason: Defaults to W1 for exits and P or C for students ending the year in JTED.

Publish / Report Data

CTE Enrollment Data:

JTED Satellite Enrollment Data (non-AzEDS):

JTED Satellite Enrollment Data (AzEDS):

  • Navigate to Start Page > AzEDS 2021-22 under Data Exchange (or the applicable profile)
    • Click Run Now > Publish Changes for Calendars
    • Click Run Now > Publish Changes for Terms
    • Click Run Now > Publish Changes for Student Enrollments
    • Click Run Now > Publish Changes for Student Demographics
    • Click Run Now > Publish Changes for Student Attendance

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