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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-226923AzEDS - Courses and Sections Publishing Optimization

AzEDS publishing for the Schedule resources (courseOfferings and sections) are updated to improve performance.
Along with restructuring the queries to be more performant, the database calls were updated to pull directly from the migrated custom field locations instead of using the custom field remaps.

PSSR-226921AzEDS - Session Publishing Updated for Remote Sections

AzEDS publishing is updated so that if a student is taking a class in a remote school of different term abbreviations than that of his home school, the AzEDS publishes these sessions in Home school. This allows the Remote Section records to publish from the Home school and not show a dependency error.

PSSR-228780AzEDS - Student Unique ID Modification Update

When a student's UniqueID is changed, AzEDS now submits delete transactions for Program and Need records with the old UniqueID. It then generates a new Program and Need records for the new UniqueID.

PSSR-186465AzEDS - Student Transcript Publishing Update

AzEDS Student Transcript publishing is updated to publish the most recent grade in a comma-delimited list on the school's Final Grade mapping page at District Office.
For instance, if 'Q4,Y1' is entered, and the student does not have a Y1 grade for the class, the Q4 grade is published.
If more than one grade needs to be published for a term length class, the different store codes should be placed in different fields on the page. If more than three grades need to be published for a class, additional mappings can be set up.

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