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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-247226AzEDS Student Contact Unique Id Search Update

When requesting a new UniqueID for Student Contacts, the unique id request will return a list of matched records, allowing users to select a matched record, or generate a new ID, not from the list.

PSSR-251812AzEDS Student Programs Automatic Publishing Update

AzEDS Student Program publishing is updated to automatically publish when new records are created, or changes are made to existing records. Some districts experienced an issue with student program changes automatically publishing. This issue is resolved.

PSSR-253278Ed-Fi Framework: Ed-Fi Code Mapping Modified to Handle Long Code Values

The Ed-Fi framework code mapping is modified for code values longer than 30 characters.
Additional Reference:
Code values longer than 30 characters can now be mapped for Ed-Fi publishing:
• Long code values from the log entry codes are displayed on the Ed-Fi Code Set Mapping page
• Long code values that have been mapped publish the mapped value

PSSR-251164Student State Demographics Page: Tribal Affiliation Update

The Tribal Affiliation field on the State Demographics page is updated to display Tribal Affiliation values for all districts. Previous to this fix, Tribal Affiliation values were displaying for some districts, but not others.

PSSR-248914Clock In/Clock Out Report Update

Clock In/Clock Out Report: Version: 1.1
The Clock In/Clock Out Report has been updated and will report multiple Time In and Time Out values, on a single day, if they exist.

PSSR-244300Contact Tracing Report Update - Incident Management Data Grouping

Contact Tracing Report Version: 1.3
The Contract Tracing report has been updated and can now pull data from Incident Management. When this data grouping is selected, the following points will be extracted:

  • Name
  • Student/Staff Indicator
  • Student Number
  • Grade Level
  • School Abr
  • Incident Date
  • Incident ID
  • Incident Title
  • Incident School Abr
  • Contact Name
  • Phone Number

The parameter has been brought in a single row which says "Include" and the user can check the option "Class", "Busing" and "Incident"

Note: Description has been updated for report

PSSR-243873Student Birthday List Report Update

The list of students will now be returned if the user enters a start and end date that span multiple years.


AzEDS Dashboard Loading Update

The AzEDS Dashboard is updated to improve efficiency when querying displayed data. The changes are aimed at reducing the multiple database calls when retrieving the counts/status of the various headers on the dashboard. After this update, districts should see a performance improvement when refreshing or loading the page.
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