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AZ Contact Setup

The following data elements are available for contact setup. AZ Contacts are used to collect and report Responsible Party information to AzEDS in the Parent and StudentParentAssociation interchanges. AZ Contacts are managed using the AZ Contacts tab on the Start Page, and are associated with students from either the AZ Contacts > Edit Contact screen or the Contacts Student screen.

Note: Functionality has been added to automatically create contact records for students that do not already have at least one contact record defined. This functionality will be invoked each time a school or district uses the Ed-Fi dashboard to publish student contacts (Schedule > Publish All or Publish Missing).

The logic will automatically parse the mother and father fields defined in the Students table and create separate contact records for each, but only when a student doesn't already have at least one student contact and relationship defined. If the field cannot be successfully parsed, then no contact record will be automatically created and the district/school will have to manually create a contact record as needed. For more information about the automatic creation of Student Contacts, refer to AzEDS Reference > Student Contacts.

To create a new or edit an existing Contact:

  1. On the Start Page, click AZ Contacts.
  2. Select a contact or Add New Contact. The Edit Contact or Add Contact screen appears.
  3. After a Contact is created (New Contact page submitted), click Add Student Relationship to associate the contact with a student or students.

Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Start Page > AZ Contacts Search > Edit Contact or New Contact


All Demographics information is used in AzEDS reporting. Some fields are optional.

Contact ID

Unique ID generated on submit of a new Contact.



State Contact Number

Unique ID assigned to the contact by ADE.

This number is automatically assigned when submitted to AzEDS.

  • Required for AzEDS reporting.



Last, First Middle Name

Enter the contact's last, first, and middle name (if available).

  • Last and First Name are required for AzEDS reporting.




AzEDS: Parent

Name Suffix

Enter the contact's suffix.

  • Optional for AzEDS reporting.




Enter the contact's gender.

  • Optional for AzEDS reporting.



Exclude From State Reporting

Check the box to exclude the contact from AzEDS.

  • Optional for AzEDS reporting.



Home Address

Home Address information is not used in AzEDS reporting, but is available for District use.

Address (Line 1)

Enter the contact's home street address.



Address (Line 2)

Additional address line.



City, State, Postal Code

Enter the contact's home city, state, and postal code.





Mailing Address

Click the 'Copy From Home Address' link to copy from Home Address.

Mailing Address information is not used in AzEDS reporting, but is available for District use.

Address (Line 1)

Enter the contact's mailing street address.



Address (Line 2)

Additional address line.



City, State, Postal Code

Enter the contact's mailing city, state, and postal code.






Phone information is not used in AzEDS reporting, but is available for District use.


Enter the contact's home phone.




Enter the contact's work phone.




Enter the contact's cell phone.




Email information is not used in AzEDS reporting, but is available for District use.


Enter the contact's personal email.




Enter the contact's work email.



Student Relationships

To add a student relationship from the Edit Contact page, click Add Student Relationship

Note: Only active students (enroll_status=0) can be associated to a Contact from the Contacts setup page. To associate an inactive student to a Contact, the association will need to be initiated from the Student Contacts page.


Enter the name of the student to associate with the contact.

Student Name associated with the contact is displayed, but the value stored in the field is the student's DCID

  • Required for AzEDS reporting.




Enter the contact's relationship to the student.

  • Optional for AzEDS reporting.



Primary Contact

Indicates whether the associated contact is the primary contact.

  • Optional for AzEDS reporting.



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