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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-256031AzEDS Student Contacts: Implement Additional Data Collection and Publishing

The AZ Contacts page is updated to include two new Contact Relationship fields:

  •  Contact Priority
  •  Lives With

The AZ Contacts screen is also updated to not automatically flag new contact relationships as 'Primary' and 'Lives With'.

PSSR-247607All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Functionality Updates

The following updates have been made to the Learning Preferences functionality:

  • Learning Preferences Code creation link is moved to District Setup page under the Code Sets link.
  • The Code Start Date & Code End Date are now editable.
  • The Learning Preferences link at Student-Level is renamed to Digital Equity & Learning Preferences.
  • When creating a new record, field values from the last record with the greatest Effective Date carry forward if present.
    • Fields that copy to a new record:
      • Internet In Residence
      • Internet Access
      • Internet Performance
      • Device Access
      • Device Type
      • Device Serial number
      • Paper Learning Packets
PSSR-256001AZ - Pupil Withdrawal Form Improvements

Pupil Withdrawal Form: Version 1.2

The Pupil Withdrawal Form is updated to include the following new improvements:

  • Updated 11a box to pull the name of person who transferred the student out of school.
  • Updated 11b box to pull the date the student was transferred out of school.
  • Updated 11c box to pull the Last Day of Attendance or Summer Withdrawal Date if applicable.
  • Updated the students selection run time start and end dates parameters.
    • Start and End Dates are only required if running for all students
  • Removed the CTD and the S run time parameters and updated the Schools/School Info Edit School screen to display the School CTDS Number field for all districts (previously this field only displayed for sub-district enabled servers).
    • The report is updated to pull CTDS number from the above location ([S_AZ_SCH_X]CTDSOverride)
PSSR-230669AzEDS - Student Programs SchoolID Field Change Detection Correction

When the schoolID is updated for a student program, AzEDS record staging is updated to trigger a publish and delete for new records and old record respectively.
Before this fix, the Data Change Framework didn't trigger a delete for the existing record having the old schoolID.

This fix applies to the Language, Support and Sped Service Participation Programs.

Note: It is recommended to run an 'Initiate Reconciliation' for Student Programs after installing this release, checking the Reconciliation Data page at District Office and submitting delete requests for orphaned data.

PSSR-258413AzEDS - Student Special Ed Responsibility Association: Incorrect End Date is Published

AzEDS Student Programs publishing is updated to publish the correct exit date for the Student Special Ed Responsibility Association resource. Previous to this change it was reporting the day after the last day in the program.

PSSR-256185AzEDS Descriptors Download Error Corrected

The AzEDS Descriptors Download is updated to no longer attempt to download EDUCATIONLEVELDESCRIPTORS, since they are not used in Arizona Ed-Fi and were causing an error to display on the dashboard.

PSSR-252195AzEDS Performance Improvement for the Students Resource

AzEDS Publishing is updated to improve performance when processing Students resource records (Identification).

PSSR-240482AzEDS Staff Section Records Dependency on Demographics and/or School Association

AzEDS Staff Sections publishing is updated to no longer attempt to publish staff section records from remote schools when no students are enrolled in the sections at the remote school.
Staff Section Records Dependency on Demographics and/or School Association is resolved for staff section resources for term 19-20 as well as for 20-21 term.

After this fix, Publishing Changes or All for Staff Sections will remove the erroneous records and the dependencies will disappear.

PSSR-258077Common Snapshot Report Failure

The Snapshot reports are fixed now and the reports are running and showing the completed successfully status as expected.

PSSR-258722Digital Equity & Learning Preferences Functionality Updates

The following updates have been made to the Learning Preferences functionality:

  • Learning Preferences Code creation link is moved to District Setup page under the Code Sets link.
    • If a state has code sets disabled then the Learning Preferences Code creation link can be found at the last section under the Code Setup Header
  • The Code Start Date & Code End Date are now editable.
  • The Learning Preferences link at Student-Level is renamed to Digital Equity & Learning Preferences.
  • When creating a new record, field values from the last record with the greatest Effective Date carry forward if present.
    • Fields that copy to a new record:
      • Internet In Residence
      • Internet Access
      • Internet Performance
      • Device Access
      • Device Type
      • Device Serial number
      • Paper Learning Packets
  • Access to the Digital Equity & Learning Preferences link, at the student level, is now governed by a check box in the "Edit Security Group" page (path below).
    Path: Start page> System> Groups>[ select group ]
    Upon receiving the update, administrators must go into security groups and give the appropriate groups access to this page.
    Note: This security group setting is suppressed for ND and TX.
PSSR-254670Ed Fi Framework: Dashboard Counts Updated

It was found that the Ed-Fi Dashboard at times would show inconsistent counts with the data compared to what is in the database. This has been corrected so that the counts are accurate when refreshed.

PSSR-195084Ed-Fi Framework: Update to "Reset Publish Records" Special Operation

Updated "Reset Publish Records" special operation to handle "Error" records published to the state's operational data store (ODS). This operation clears the erroneous records from the dashboard which has been already published successfully.

The operation now includes three new parameters:

  • Param 1: Profile Name - indicates the Ed-Fi profile to process. Enter the exact profile name as shown on the dashboard or type "ALL" for all profiles.
  • Param 2: School Year - indicates the school year to process. Enter the school year or type "ALL" for all school years.
  • Param 3: Resource Name - indicates the resource to process. Enter resource name or type "ALL" for all resources.
PSSR-226793Enroll New Student: Language Fields Added For Student Enrollment Page

The state-specific new student enrollment page is updated to include two additional demographic fields: Spoken Language and First Acquired Language.

PSSR-256954Health Vaccine RepoSchema Failing due to Integrity Constraint Issue

When inserting Vaccine Codes used for state reporting into the Vaccine configuration tables for new districts, the insertion script will detect if the vaccine already exists in the database, performing the required updates to the existing Vaccine Codes so that doses will pull into state reports.

PSSR-255418Need Code Updates for Support Programs

On the Student Supports new/edit screens, the '21st Century Community Learning Centers Cycle 15 - New' drop-down is updated to display as: '21st Century Community Learning Centers Year 1 - New' and the following Support Program codes are removed for 20-21 school year forward:

  • (IM) Immigrant Need Program
  • (34) Transportation/School Choice
  • (33) Transportation/Migrant
  • (26) Neglected or Delinquent Program Services
  • (22) Homeless
PSSR-257345AzEDS Sections: New Element ' Available Credits' Publish Update

A new field is added to the Sections page to collect Available Credits for a section, to be used as an override for the Course Credit Hours field. Available Credits at the section level should be populated when the section's credit hours are different than the associated course's credit hours.

AzEDS Courses and Sections publishing is updated to include a new element, Available Credits, when publishing Section records. When Available Credits is blank at the Section level, the associated Course Credit Hours will be reported.

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