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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-224385AOI Attendance Import Updated to Import Attendance Codes

The Arizona AOI Attendance Import is updated to now import Attendance Codes if the data is populated in the import file.

PSSR-2739AZ - Pupil Withdrawal Form

The Pupil Withdrawal Form is now available on the state report tab. This form is a single-page PDF containing demographic, school enrollment, and program data for students who are withdrawn from school.
Note: The report includes data currently reported to AzEDS. A future update is planned that will include additional data elements (like AZELLA information).

PSSR-254182AzEDS - JTED Enrollment Exit Code Update

AzEDS JTED enrollments are updated to publish the correct exit codes for 12th-grade students on tracks other than A Track. When publishing a default exit code for students on tracks B-F, the JTED Enrollment for Grade 12 students defaults to C, and the regular enrollment defaults to G.

PSSR-244104AzEDS Attendance Submission Error With New Implementations Corrected

For districts new to PowerSchool, AzEDS Attendance publishing no longer displays a 'Failed to prepare report parameters' error when submitted from the AzEDS Dashboard.

PSSR-253177AzEDS Student Attendance: JTED Attendance Publishing Update

AzEDS Student Attendance publishing is updated to no longer hold JTED attendance records in dependency when the JTED Term (Session) has published successfully.
Note: Districts experiencing this issue will are required to re-publish Student Attendance (Publish All) for impacted schools after upgrading to this release.

PSSR-254545AzEDS Student Programs: Report Last In-Session Day of a Student's Track When Publishing Default Exit Reasons and Dates

AzEDS Student Programs publishing is updated to calculate the correct exit date for students on tracks other than A. It will publish the exit date as the last in-session day for the specified track according to the school calendar instead of defaulting to the A track last in session day.

PSSR-224196AzEDS Update to Foster Care Publishing

AzEDS Student Demographics publishing is updated to publish foster care information for the applicable school's demographic record, where the foster care needs school id matches a student's school enrollment.

PSSR-253800AZEDS: Display Additional Columns of Returned Data On Unique Id Candidate List Page

The student and staff identity search is updated to display additional columns of returned data when displaying a candidate list. For students, three new columns are added: cohort, prior schools, and other names and for staff, two new columns are added: prior schools and other names.

PSSR-254705Ed-Fi Framework - Attendance Code Mapping Updates

The following Attendance Event Types are now supported for Ed-Fi:

  • Absent Attendance
  • Present Attendance
  • Exempt, Suspended, Expelled
PSSR-253235Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal

A district-level pref is now available to enable the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry in the Public Portal. The pref is disabled by default.

This pref can be found on the following page for all states/provinces.
Path: Start Page> District Info > Miscellaneous.

PSSR-253137Security Update - Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Public Portal Data Collection

A security update has been made to the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data collection functionality in the public portal and now records can only be seen and modified for the student tied to the guardian that is logged in.

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