Student Infraction Response Extract
This extract generates a comma-delimited file containing one record per student discipline log entry. If a discipline infraction could be categorized into multiple infraction codes, include only the most serious of the potential infraction codes.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
Student Selection
The report selects student records from the [Students] or [ReEnrollments] table based on the following criteria:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.
The student’s school enrollment Exit Date must occur on or after the report start date.
The student’s school enrollment Entry Date must occur on or before the report end date.
The student is HSDA-flagged.
Log Entry Selection
The report selects log entry records from the [Log] table with an incident date that occurs on or after the report start date and on or before the report end date.
Incident Management Entry Selection
The report selects Incidents that were entered via Incident management that have an incident date that’s after the report start date and before the report end date. The incident type must also be “NM State Reporting^”.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Select Students | Choose one of the following:
Method of discipline incident tracking | Choose one of the following:
Incident Management (your state reportable discipline data has been entered in Incident management) |
Log Type to be extracted | If state reportable discipline data is being tracked using Log Entries, select the Log Type that is to be exported. |
Report Output (Log Entries)
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Begin / End Position |
1 | District Code | PED assigned three-digit district number. | [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber [Prefs]Value | 1/8 |
2 | Location Code | The alternate school number is extracted, if populated. Use the following Location Codes for special education students not enrolled at an actual district location: 993 – Students who are hospitalized 997 – Students who are enrolled in a private school 998 – Students who are homebound 999 – Students who are home schooled (cannot be used for Special Ed students) | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number = [Log]SchoolID The Location Code logic for summer schools is as follows: [S_NM_STU_X]LocationCode [ReEnrollments]SchoolID [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | 9/14 |
3 | School Year Date | This value is automatically extracted as June 30th. The report determines the year by referencing the school year associated with the term selected when the report is run. To change terms, click Terms at the top of the page and choose a term from the list. The value is extracted in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | [Terms]LastDay | 15/24 |
4 | Student ID | The state issued student identification number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 25/36 |
5 | Response Date | The date that the infraction response occurred. The value is extracted in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | [Log]Discipline_ActionDate | 37/46 |
6 | Infraction Number | Not collected. | N/A | 47/49 |
7 | Response Code | Indicates the type of action taken in response to the infraction. If there are multiple responses, select the most serious Response Code. | [Log]Discipline_ActionTaken | 50/53 |
8 | Administrator ID | Not collected. | N/A | 54/65 |
9 | Disposition Start Date | Not collected. | N/A | 66/75 |
10 | Disposition End Date | Not collected. | N/A | 76/85 |
11 | Event Identifier | A unique identifier used to associate one event with multiple students and possibly multiple infractions. Note: This identifier is critical to relating responses to infractions in the Student Infraction extract. | [Log]NM_EventID | 86/95 |
12 | Response Comment | Indicates the student's response taken to the infraction. | [S_NM_LOG_X]RespComment | 96/350 |
13 | Response Duration | The length, in school days, of the discipline response. If the response is a fraction of the school day use a decimal representation, such as 0.25 for a removal of 2 periods from an 8 period day. | [Log]Disipline_DurationActual | 351/356 |
14 | Case Number | Not collected. | N/A | 357/368 |
15 | Behavior Intervention Plan | Not collected. | N/A | 369/371 |
16 | Summer School | Not collected. | N/A | 372/374 |
17 | Special Education Flag | Not collected. | N/A | 375/377 |
18 | Regular Education Flag | Not collected. | N/A | 378/380 |
19 | Intervention Assistance Team | Not collected. | N/A | 381/383 |
20 | Testing Referral | Not collected. | N/A | 384/386 |
21 | Plan 504 Flag | Not collected. | N/A | 387/389 |
22 | Attorney Name | Not collected. | N/A | 390/409 |
23 | Hearing Date | Not collected. | N/A | 410/419 |
24 | Alternate Program Status | Not collected. | N/A | 420/439 |
25 | Compliance Completed | Not collected. | N/A | 440/442 |
26 | Appeal Type | Not collected. | N/A | 443/454 |
27 | Appeal Status | Not collected. | N/A | 455/474 |
28 | Review Status | Not collected. | N/A | 475/494 |
29 | Security Transaction Type | Not collected. | N/A | 495/506 |
30 | Duration Shortened | Not collected. | N/A | 507/509 |
31 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 510/515 |
32 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 516/520 |
33 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 521/525 |
Report Output (Incident Management)
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Begin / End Position |
1 | District Code | PED assigned three-digit district number. | [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber [Prefs]Value | 1/8 |
2 | Location Code | The alternate school number is extracted, if populated. Use the following Location Codes for special education students not enrolled at an actual district location: 993 – Students who are hospitalized 997 – Students who are enrolled in a private school 998 – Students who are homebound 999 – Students who are home schooled (cannot be used for Special Ed students) | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number = [Log]SchoolID The Location Code logic for summer schools is as follows: For PowerSchool 10.1.4 and higher, if [S_NM_STU_X]LocationCode is blank, it will look at the latest current enrollment location code for the student. [S_NM_STU_X]LocationCode [ReEnrollments]SchoolID [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | 9/14 |
3 | School Year Date | This value is automatically extracted as June 30th. The report determines the year by referencing the school year associated with the term selected when the report is run. To change terms, click Terms at the top of the page and choose a term from the list. The value is extracted in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | [Terms]LastDay | 15/24 |
4 | Student ID | The state issued student identification number. If an unknown participant has been defined, 825881329 will be reported. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 25/36 |
5 | Response Date | The date that the infraction response occurred. The value is extracted in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | [PSRW_IncidentAction]Action_Plan_Begin_DT | 37/46 |
6 | Infraction Number | Not collected. | N/A | 47/49 |
7 | Response Code | Indicates the type of action taken in response to the infraction. If there are multiple responses, select the most serious Response Code. | [PSRW_IncidentAction]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code | 50/53 |
8 | Administrator ID | Not collected. | N/A | 54/65 |
9 | Disposition Start Date | Not collected. | N/A | 66/75 |
10 | Disposition End Date | Not collected. | N/A | 76/85 |
11 | Event Identifier | A unique identifier used to associate one event with multiple students and possibly multiple infractions. Note: This identifier is critical to relating responses to infractions in the Student Infraction extract. | [PSRW_Incident]Incident_ID | 86/95 |
12 | Response Comment | Indicates the student's response taken to the infraction. | [S_NM_LOG_X]RespComment | 96/350 |
13 | Response Duration | The length, in school days, of the discipline response. If the response is a fraction of the school day use a decimal representation, such as 0.25 for a removal of 2 periods from an 8 period day. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehActDur]Duration_Actual [PSRW_ParticipantBehActDur]Duration_Assigned | 351/356 |
14 | Case Number | Not collected. | N/A | 357/368 |
15 | Behavior Intervention Plan | Not collected. | N/A | 369/371 |
16 | Summer School | Not collected. | N/A | 372/374 |
17 | Special Education Flag | Not collected. | N/A | 375/377 |
18 | Regular Education Flag | Not collected. | N/A | 378/380 |
19 | Intervention Assistance Team | Not collected. | N/A | 381/383 |
20 | Testing Referral | Not collected. | N/A | 384/386 |
21 | Plan 504 Flag | Not collected. | N/A | 387/389 |
22 | Attorney Name | Not collected. | N/A | 390/409 |
23 | Hearing Date | Not collected. | N/A | 410/419 |
24 | Alternate Program Status | Not collected. | N/A | 420/439 |
25 | Compliance Completed | Not collected. | N/A | 440/442 |
26 | Appeal Type | Not collected. | N/A | 443/454 |
27 | Appeal Status | Not collected. | N/A | 455/474 |
28 | Review Status | Not collected. | N/A | 475/494 |
29 | Security Transaction Type | Not collected. | N/A | 495/506 |
30 | Duration Shortened | Not collected. | N/A | 507/509 |
31 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 510/515 |
32 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 516/520 |
33 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 521/525 |