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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States: CRDC - School PDF Report Update

The APIB and PENR sections of the School PDF report are updated to match the latest CRDC requirements.


All States: CRDC Add New/Edit Existing Fields for Preschool Discipline Questions - School CSV Changes

All the CSV columns for DISC fields are now added in CRDC_Summary_School_2022_2.ftl file.


All States: CRDC Report 2021-22 (New)

CRDC Report 2021-2022: Version 1.0

This is a common CRDC report for 2021-2022 school year data. This report can be used by any state using the common CRDC data model with no state customization required. The report is displayed under the System report tab/section.

Navigation: Start Page, Reports, Reports (System).


All States: CRDC 2021-2022: Disaggregate Data Groups by Non-Binary Sex Value on School Template/Report

CRDC Report (2021-2022) Version: 1.0

The 2021-2022 CRDC school report will now have a third value of Non-Binary, identified with a gender value of “X” for the many data categories that were disaggregated by Male and Female counts. These data categories will now have a third row for Non-Binary (value of “X”) which will appear below the “Female” row if the LEA has indicated on the CRDC LEA page that they report Non-Binary genders.

If the LEA has indicated that they do not report Non-Binary genders, then the data categories will be disaggregated by sex into Male and Female counts only.


All States/Provinces: CDC Hepatitis B Vaccine Logic Update

The Hepatitis B CDC vaccine compliance logic will now correctly identify the student as not compliant if their 3rd dose is given less than 6 months after their 2nd dose (taking into account the 4-day grace period).


All States/Provinces: Append Student Import Functionality Update for the Enhanced UI

The Append Student Import ID functionality is now available in the Enhanced UI at the following path:

Navigation: Start Page, Data and Reporting, Imports, Append Student Import ID.


All States/Provinces: Compliance Report link Update for the Enhanced UI

Compliance Report link will display as expected on the left navigation menu within the Enhanced UI.


NM - Ed-Fi - End Date not publishing for closed staff position records

The logic for the staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation (Staff Assignments) resource has been updated in the following ways:

  • endDate - Staff assignment records with an end date that is greater than the first day of school and less than the current (system) date will now publish as expected.


NOVA - Special Education Logic Update

The following updates have been made to the Special Education (studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation) logic:

  • Special Education records will now be reported by school enrollment.

  • Students that have exited sped will no longer have their Special Education record deleted. When a student exits, their Special Education record will be updated and their Special Education Exit Date will be published as their iepEndDate and the record endDate.

    • Note: The Special Education Exit Date must remain in PS (on the Special Ed tab) for this to occur.

  • The following elements will now also publish as expected:

    • serviceProviders

    • plannedPostGraduateActivityDescriptor

    • childCountEducationOrganizationReference

    • multiplyDisabled


NOVA - Student Program Child Table Record Updates

The Student Programs (studentProgramAssociation) logic has been updated and now, Programs Fact child table records will report by school enrollment.

The updated logic will now also correctly report program data if the program start/end dates fall outside of the current term.

If the program start date occurs prior to the start of the school year, the student’s school entry date will be reported as the student program beginDate. If the program end date is blank or falls beyond the end of the current year, the student’s school exit date will be reported as the student program endDate.


NOVA - studentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociations Update

The Food Service program (studentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociations) logic is updated and now all students will have a Free, Reduced, or Not Participating record published, whichever is applicable.


NOVA - Transportation Page Updates

The following updates have been made to the new/edit vehicle page (at the district level)

  • Odometer Mileage & Odometer Reading Date fields are now editable for both new and existing vehicle records.

  • Users can submit the page with blank values for the following fields:

    • Paved - Live Route Daily Mileage,Paved

    • Essential Dead Head Daily Mileage,Unpaved

    • Live Route Daily Mileage,Unpaved

    • Essential Dead Head Daily Mileage,Unimproved

    • Live Route Daily Mileage,Unimproved

    • Essential Dead Head Daily Mileage

  • The K5P option for the Vehicle in use on Reporting Period field has been retired (grayed out) and a new K12P option has been added.


NOVA - nmped_localEducationAgencyTransportation & nmped_vehicleMileage Updates

The following updates have been made to the following transportation related resources:

  • nmped_localEducationAgencyTransportation

    • Count values will now correctly publish if the saved value is 0 or blank.

      • In order to correctly report these records, the pref records the counts are stored in must exist. To ensure this happens, a reposchema update has been released as part of this fix that will create the applicable pref records if they don’t already exist (for example, if the LEA has not gone to the District Fact data entry page, entered values, and hit submit).

    • nmped_vehicleMileage

      • If the corresponding vehicle mileage field is blank in a given bus record, the logic will now report 0 for the dailyMileage element.


Exited Special Education Status Field Update

The Exited special education status field (on the Special Education tab) option set has been updated and now the retired (no longer valid) values have been moved to the bottom of the drop-down.


NOVA - Student School Enrollment - Exit Date Logic Update

The Student School Enrollment (studentSchoolAssociation) logic has been updated and now the Exit Date will publish when the end date of the student is less than or equal to the current date.

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