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Staff Vacancy

This is a new data entry page at the district level where districts can enter Staff Vacancy data. This data is stored in the S_NM_StaffVacancy_S table and there is one record, per reporting period, per year with respect to the number of available vacant positions by category.

Path to Access the Page

Start page, District Management, Compliance, Staff Vacancy

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter values for the fields listed in the following table:


User Action


Reporting Period

Select a reporting period from the drop-down-list. This is mandatory field.

Valid values:

  • 40D

  • 80D

  • 120D

  • EOY

A user can create only one record per reporting period. For example, if a record is created for reporting 40D, then the next time user wants to create a record, the value 40D is not available as part of the drop-down list.


General Education

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Elementary Education

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Special Education

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Bilingual Education

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Secondary Mathematics

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Secondary Science

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Elementary Principals

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Secondary Principals

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.



Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Social Workers

Enter a numeric value. Decimals are not allowed but blank values are accepted.


Click Submit.

  • The record is saved and appears on the landing page. On the landing page, records are displayed based on the reporting period - (40D, 80D, 120, EOY).

  • The landing page displays records that exist for the selected school year.

  • To edit a record, click the record highlighted through the reporting period. You can update values and click Submit. You can also click Delete to delete the record.

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