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District Setup


The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.

  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.

  3. Click District. The District Setup page appears.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Defining District Courses

Courses > Edit Course District Information

Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.



Course Number

The course number.



Course Instructor

Student Course Enrollment

Student Grades

Alternate Course Number

Enter the alternate course number.



Course Instructor

Student Course Enrollment

Student Grades

Course Delivery Model Code

Select from the dropdown menu the course delivery model code that best describes the mode of instruction for the class.


Student Course Enrollment

Course Content Code

Choose the course content code from the pop-up menu to indicate a BLB or ONLINE course.

Note: Setting this value will cause all sections under this course to report with the selected value. The corresponding section level field can be used to override this value.


Student Course Enrollment

Special Program Code

Select the applicable Special Program Code.

Valid Values:

  • Blank (default)

  • D - Dual Credit Course

  • C - Concurrent Enrollment Course

  • P - PEER

Note: Setting this value will cause all sections under this course to report with the selected value. The corresponding section level field can be used to override this value.



For Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment:

  • If [S_NM_CC_X]SpecialProgramCode is not null, then [S_NM_CC_X]SpecialProgramCode

  • If [S_NM_CC_X]SpecialProgramCode is null, then [S_NM_SEC_X]SpecialProgramCode if [S_NM_SEC_X]SpecialProgramCode is not null.

  • If [S_NM_SEC_X]SpecialProgramCode is null, then [S_NM_SEC_X]SpecialProgramCode.

For Peer:
Report should return P if either of the following are true:

CC level override field = P


If the student's grade_level < 0 AND the student is enrolled in a course where the first 4 digits are 0033 or 0044 AND the SpEdExitDate < the date that represents the reporting period that's selected when the report is run.

Note: CC level field should be checked for a value of P before the logic is executed

Student Course Enrollment

End of Course Test Subject

Select the applicable End of Course Test Subject Area. The options in this pop-up menu are generated from the EOC Test Subject records.

Note: Start typing to populate the list of options.


Assessment Fact

End of Course Test Score Functionality

End of Course Test Subject 2

Select the applicable End of Course Test Subject Area. The options in this pop-up menu are generated from the EOC Test Subject records.

This secondary Test Subject field becomes visible if the field noted above is set to “Reading” or “Writing”. If your district plans on administering both Reading and Writing EOC tests from your English courses, set this field value to the second EOC Test Subject value. For example, if Writing is selected in the primary EOC Test Subject field, select Reading for this field.

Note: Start typing to populate the list of options.


Assessment Fact

End of Course Test Score Functionality

Honors Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is an honors course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Advanced Placement Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is an advanced placement course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Pre-Advanced Placement Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is an pre-advanced placement course.


Career and Technical Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is a career and technical course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Gifted Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is a gifted course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Remedial Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is a remedial course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Basic/General Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is a basic course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Special Education Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is a special education course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

International Baccalaureate Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is an international baccalaureate course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Elective Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is an elective course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Lab Component Indicator

Select Yes or No if this course has a lab component.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Advanced Indicator

Select Yes or No if this is an advanced course.

Note: This is a secondary indicator to be used in cases where the class contains multiple definitions. The Primary Indicator will still be defined in the 5th digit of the Course Code Long field.


Course Instructor

Class Period

Select the applicable Class Period Value.

Note: Setting this Course-level field will make the value apply to any sections underneath the course. Setting the Section-level field can be used to override the Course-level value.

Use this field, or the Section-level equivalent, for Prek Values of FD, AM, or PM.


Course Instructor

Entering District Info

District Information

District Number

Enter the district number.



All Reports

End of Course Test Score Store Code

Enter the Store Code that will be used for the End of Course Stored Grade records.

Note: This must be a letter and a number. For example, X1.


Assessment Fact

Enable PowerTeacher 40D Bus Rider tracking

Select this checkbox to give teachers the ability to track which students rode the bus on 40D through PowerTeacher.

[Prefs]Value where

[Prefs]Name = rodebus40DTeacherPortal


District Office Days in Session

Enter the number of Days in Session for the District Office.

Note: Enter whole numbers only.

[Prefs]Value where

[Prefs]Name = DaysInSes

Language Spoken in Home or Native Language

Select the relevant language from the drop-down list.


Ed-Fi Settings and Configuration

State Course Code Field

Select the relevant option from the drop-down list.

Valid values:

  • Course Number

  • Alternate Course Number

Users need to define code sets with the required values for the two options. The values are stored in the pref table. Ed-Fi will publish the State Course Code and Local Course Code value corresponding to the option you select for this field.


Load Codes/Subcodes

District Information > Load Codes/Subcodes for version [1.0] > New Mexico-Discipline Codes and Subcodes Load Information

Note: The documentation in this setup are specific to Incident Management on PowerSchool versions 6.0.1 and later.

Load Codes/Subcodes for v[1.0]

Select the checkbox and click Submit to load the NM Incident Management configuration file.

The configuration file loads during the Hourly Process, either on the hour, or when PowerSchool is launched.

Only the PowerSchool application that is the task master is updated. If there is more than one PowerSchool application in a server array, review additional information about changing task master node designation.


Student Infraction

Student Infraction Response

Defining Race and Ethnicity Settings

Ethnicity Codes > [New/Edit] Ethnicity Code


Enter the ethnicity code.






Enter the ethnicity description.




Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Federal race and ethnicity “decline to specify” settings are not required for New Mexico.





Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > Edit/New Federal Race Category


Enter the race code.

Review import templates and instructions for the initial setup of the ethnicity/race code.






Enter a description of the race.

Review import templates and instructions for the initial setup of the ethnicity/race code.



Required Setup

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > Edit/New District Race Code

Note: The district race values appear on the Demographics student page and the Edit Information staff page.


Enter the ethnicity/race code.

Review import templates and instructions for the initial setup of the ethnicity/race code.






Enter a description of the ethnicity/race.

Review import templates and instructions for the initial setup of the ethnicity/race code.



Required Setup

Federal Category

Choose the associated federal category from the pop-up menu.

Note: When a District ethnicity/race code is selected on the student or staff page, the Federal Category associates the appropriate federal ethnicity/race code.





Alt Race Code

Enter an alternate race code. This field can be used to associate SIF ethnicity/race codes, or additional equivalent district ethnicity/race codes.




Setting Up Incident Management

Code & Subcode Setup

Incident Management > Code & Subcode Setup

For more information about New Mexico discipline incidents, see Discipline Incidents Setup.

Note: The codes necessary for New Mexico state reporting can be automatically loaded into PowerSchool by using the Load Codes/Subcodes link on the District Information page. This script can only be run once, and will state the codes have already been loaded if it has already been run.

Action Codes

Verify that New Mexico specific Action codes exist.



Student Infraction

Attribute Code

Verify that New Mexico specific Attribute codes exist.



Student Infraction

Behavior Codes

Verify that New Mexico specific Behavior codes exist.



Student Infraction

Participant Attribute Codes

There are no New Mexico specific Participant Attribute codes.


Not Required

Location Codes

There are no New Mexico specific Location codes.


Not Required

Object Codes

There are no New Mexico specific Object codes.

Note: Objects are not required. If object codes are used, they must be associated with each offender.



Not Required

Participant Role Codes

Verify that New Mexico specific Participant Role codes for Victim exist.

The following codes are available by default: Offender, Victim, Witness, Reporter.



Student Infraction

Time Code

There are no New Mexico specific Time codes.


Not Required

Duration Codes

Verify that New Mexico specific Duration codes exist.



Student Infraction

Action Change Codes

There are no New Mexico specific Action Change codes.


Not Required

Action Attributes

There are no New Mexico specific Action Attribute codes.


Not Required

Defining Incident Types

Incident Management > Incident Types

For more information about New Mexico discipline incidents, see Discipline Incidents Setup.


Verify that the incident type NM State Reporting is set up. This incident type must not be removed.

Note: The Local Use Only incident type can be modified for non-NM reporting. Do not modify any code or subcode with an “^” at the end.



Student Infraction

Creating Discipline Log Entries

Log Entry Setup > Edit Log Entry Field

Infraction Date

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_IncidentDate.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Infraction Date

  • Input Type: Data Entry

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field: N/A (blank)


Student Infraction

Infraction Type

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_IncidentType.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Infraction Type

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:


Student Infraction

Weapon Related Flag

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_WeaponRelatedFlag.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Weapon Related Flag

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:

;Please Select;*




Student Infraction

First Victim Type

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_VictimType.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: First Victim Type

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:

;Please Select;*




13;Other School Employee

14;Other – Unknown

15;Other – Non-school Personnel


Student Infraction

Criminal Charges Flag

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_PoliceInvolvedFlag.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Criminal Charges Flag

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:

Please Select;*




Student Infraction

Infraction Cost

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_MoneyLossValue.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Infraction Cost

  • Input Type: Entry Field

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field: N/A (blank)


Student Infraction

Drug Related Indicator

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_DrugRelatedFlag.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Drug Related Indicator

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:

Please Select;*




Student Infraction

Alcohol Related Indicator

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_AlcoholRelatedFlag.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Alcohol Related Indicator

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:

Please Select;*




Student Infraction

Gang Related Indicator

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_GangRelatedFlag.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Gang Related Indicator

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:

Please Select;*




Student Infraction

Hate Crime Related Indicator

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_HateCrimeRelatedFlag.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Hate Crime Related Indicator

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:

Please Select;*




Student Infraction

Serious Bodily Injury

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_LikelyInjuryFlag.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Serious Bodily Injury

  • Input Type: Popup Menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:

Please Select;*




Student Infraction

Response Date

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_ActionDate.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Response Date

  • Input Type: Data Entry

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field: N/A


Student Infraction Response

Response Code

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_ActionTaken.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Response Code

  • Input Type: Popup menu

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field:


Student Infraction Response

Response Duration

Choose a sort order for the field Discipline_DurationActual.

Click on the field name to edit the field properties:

  • Field Label: Response Duration

  • Input Type: Data Entry

  • Width and Height: 0

  • Data for Popup or Radio Buttons field: N/A (blank)


Student Infraction Response

Defining Log Types and Subtypes

Log Types > [New/Edit] Log Type

Note: PowerSchool requires that the user select a log type when creating a log entry for a student.

Log Type

Enter the name for an infraction log type.


where [Gen]Cat=logtype


Publish to NOVA?

The logs of the selected log type are published to Ed-Fi if this checkbox is checked.


Log Types > [New/Edit] Log SubType

Note: At least one subtype must exist in order for the log type to appear in the pop-up menu on the log entries page for the student.

Log Code

Enter the subtype code.


where [Gen]Cat=subtype

and [Gen]Name=logtype



Enter the subtype description.


where [Gen]Cat=subtype

and [Gen]Name=logtype


Publish to NOVA>

The logs of the selected log subtype are published to Ed-Fi if this checkbox is checked.


Defining District Schools

Schools/School Info > Edit School

School Name

Enter the school name.



School Number

Enter the school number.


All Reports

Alternate School Number

Enter the alternate school number.


All Reports

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.


All Reports


Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.




In District Charter School

Select this checkbox to indicate that this school is a charter school within the district.


PED Recognized Off-Site Building

Select this checkbox to indicate that this school building is an Off-Site building recognized by PED.

All Reports

Building Default Course Delivery Model Code

Select the default Course Delivery Model Code to be used for this building.

Note: This will only be reported if the Section & Course level fields are blank.


Student Course Enrollment

Building Default Class Period

Select the default Period to be used for this building.

Note: This will only be reported if the Section & Course level fields are blank.


T1A Flag

Select Yes or No if this is a T1A school and students enrolled in this school, in the specified grades, should have T1A records auto-generated.

Note: This field is used for the auto-generation of T1A records Programs Fact records.


Programs Fact

Auto Generate 3Y/4Y Records for Applicable Students?

Select Yes or No if this school auto generates Program Fact records when the criteria for generation is met.

Note: This field is used for the auto-generation of 3Y/4Y Records Programs Fact records.


Programs Fact

Is the school receiving Title III funds?

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No (Default)

An alert displays to the right of the field value and indicates that: Setting this to Yes will result in Title III records being published instead of EL records.


Programs Fact

Mapping Final Grade Store Codes

Schools/School Info > Edit School > Final Grade / Store Code Mapping

Student Grades Final Grade Store Code

Enter the store code that will represent the final grade for sections of the selected term length.

In Edit School > Final Grade Store Codes, the Term should be the name of the Sections.TermID/StoredGrades.TermID, and the Student Grades Final Grade Store Code should be the StoredGrades.Storecode used for the actual final grade.

The Final Grade Store Codes must be set up at every school for the Student Grades Extract to report properly.Final grade mapping records only need to be created for terms that have sections assigned to them.

[S_NM_FinalGradeStoreCodes_S] FinalGradeStoreCode

Student Grades

Defining Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.



Any reports run at the district level.

Entering New Mexico State Information

Setting STARS Reporting Dates

New Mexico State Information > STARS Reporting Dates

Note: This is currently used on Courses and Grades Domain reports only.

October (40 Day)

Indicates 2nd Wednesday of October in the current school year.

Note: The End of Year process will clear the STARS reporting date fields.

[Prefs]Value where

[Prefs]Name = NM_40D_Date


Course Instructor,

Stud. Course Enrollment,

Student Grades

December (80 Day)

Indicates 2nd Wednesday of December in the current school year.

Note: The End of Year process will clear the STARS reporting date fields.

[Prefs]Value where

[Prefs]Name = NM_80D_Date


Course Instructor,

Stud. Course Enrollment,

Student Grades

February (120 Day)

Indicates 2nd Wednesday of February in the current school year.

Note: The End of Year process will clear the STARS reporting date fields.

[Prefs]Value where

[Prefs]Name = NM_120D_Date


Course Instructor,

Stud. Course Enrollment,

Student Grades

Accountability (AYP)

The Accountability reporting period start date.

Note: The End of Year process will clear the STARS reporting date fields.

Reports YYYY-04-20 when the Accountability reporting period is selected on the Program Fact Award or Student extracts.

Program Fact Award


Year End (EOY)

Indicates the last day of school in the current school year.

Note: The End of Year process will clear the STARS reporting date fields.

Calculated as the last day of the school calendar.


Course Instructor,

Stud. Course Enrollment,

Student Grades

Setting Up Transportation Domain

New Mexico State Information > Transportation Domain Setup

District Fact Information

New Mexico State Information > Transportation Domain Setup> District Fact

Eligible Students not in STARS

Enter the number of eligible students not in STARS

[Pref]Value where

[Pref]Name = Transp_NotinSTARS

District Fact

Projected Students Next Year

Enter the number of student that are projected to attend next year

[Pref]Value where

[Pref]Name = Transp_ProjectedStudents

District Fact

School Bus Assistants Employed

Enter the number of bus assistants that are employed.

[Pref]Value where

[Pref]Name = Transp_BusAssistants

District Fact

Per Capita Feeder Routes

Enter the number of per capita feeder routes.

[Pref]Value where

[Pref]Name = Transp_FeederRoutes

District Fact

Per Capita Feeder Annual Mileage

Enter the per capita feeder annual mileage.

[Pref]Value where

[Pref]Name = Transp_FeederMileage

District Fact

District School Days Count

Enter the count of district school days.

[Pref]Value where

[Pref]Name = Transp_SchoolDays

District Fact

Vehicle Information

New Mexico State Information > Transportation Domain Setup> Vehicles

Note: A vehicle record must be created for each bus that’s in use by the district

Vehicle ID (Bus Number)

Enter the vehicle ID, or bus number, of the vehicle.


Vehicle Mileage

Vehicle Snapshot

Route ID

Enter the route ID of the vehicle.


Vehicle Mileage

Vehicle in use on Reporting Period?

Select whether the vehicle was used during the reporting period.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No

Note: The existing non-blank values have been updated to Yes through a reposchema update.


Vehicle Mileage

Vehicle Type Code

Select the vehicle type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Bus

  • SUV


Vehicle Snapshot

Odometer Mileage

After the calculating the mileage based on the Odometer Reading Date, enter it here.


Vehicle Mileage

Odometer Reading Date

This date must be the actual reporting date.


Vehicle Mileage

Paved - Live Route Daily Mileage

Enter the mileage for the road/mileage type.


  • This field only becomes available if the “Vehicle in use on Reporting Period” checkbox is selected.

  • This field will accept a value out to the tenths place (x.xx)

  • The following fields are reported when running the District Fact Template for 40D

    • K5P Mileage

    • ELTP mileage


Vehicle Mileage

Paved - Essential Dead Head Daily Mileage

Enter the mileage for the road/mileage type.


  • This field only becomes available if the “Vehicle in use on Reporting Period” checkbox is selected.

  • This field will accept a value out to the tenths place (x.xx)


Vehicle Mileage

Unpaved - Live Route Daily Mileage

Enter the mileage for the road/mileage type.


  • This field only becomes available if the “Vehicle in use on Reporting Period” checkbox is selected.

  • This field will accept a value out to the tenths place (x.xx)


Vehicle Mileage

Unpaved - Essential Dead Head Daily Mileage

Enter the mileage for the road/mileage type.


  • This field only becomes available if the “Vehicle in use on Reporting Period” checkbox is selected.

  • This field will accept a value out to the tenths place (x.xx)


Vehicle Mileage

Unimproved - Live Route Daily Mileage

Enter the mileage for the road/mileage type.


  • This field only becomes available if the “Vehicle in use on Reporting Period” checkbox is selected.

  • This field will accept a value out to the tenths place (x.xx)


Vehicle Mileage

Unimproved - Essential Dead Head Daily Mileage

Enter the mileage for the road/mileage type.


  • This field only becomes available if the “Vehicle in use on Reporting Period” checkbox is selected.

  • This field will accept a value out to the tenths place (x.xx)


Vehicle Mileage

Vehicle identification Number (VIN Number)

Enter the VIN of the vehicle.


Vehicle Mileage

Vehicle Snapshot

License Plate Number

Enter the license plate number of the vehicle.


Vehicle Snapshot

Manufacturer Year

Enter the year the vehicle was manufactured.

Note: Vehicles cannot be more than 20 years old.


Vehicle Snapshot

Body Manufacturer Code

Select the body manufacturer code for the vehicle.


Vehicle Snapshot

Chassis Manufacturer Code

Select the chassis manufacturer code for the vehicle.


Vehicle Snapshot

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating

Enter the gross vehicle weight rating for the vehicle.


Vehicle Snapshot

Fuel Type Code

Select the fuel type code for the vehicle.


Vehicle Snapshot

Special Lift Equipment Indicator

Select Yes or No if the vehicle is outfitted with special lift equipment.


Vehicle Snapshot

Seating Capacity

Enter the seating capacity for the vehicle.


Vehicle Snapshot

Registered Owner

Enter the registered owner of the vehicle.


Vehicle Snapshot

Number Of Days In Use

Enter the number of days the vehicle has been in use.


Vehicle Snapshot

Exclude this bus from State Reporting

Select this checkbox to exclude the vehicle from state reporting.


Vehicle Snapshot

Defining Eligible Riders

New Mexico State Information > Transportation Domain Setup> Vehicles> Eligible Riders

On this page, students that are eligible riders can be flagged as having ridden the bus on 40D. Students appear on this page based on the student level bus eligibility flags and the bus number selected for the student.


The name of the student that’s been flagged as an eligible bus rider.


Bus Roster

School ID

The school the student is enrolled in.


Bus Roster

Rode Bus on 40D

Select this checkbox if the student did ride the bus on the 40th day.


Bus Roster

Rode Bus on 80D

Select this checkbox if the student did ride the bus on the 80th day.


Bus Roster

Rode Bus on 120D

Select this checkbox if the student did ride the bus on the 120th day.


Bus Roster

Creating Entry Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Data Element




Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the entry code.



Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the entry code description.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Creating Exit Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode

For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.

Data Element




Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the exit code.



Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the exit code meaning.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



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