How to Add Actions
Use the steps below to add actions to the incident. See the Appendix for code values.
Click the Plus
button next to Incident Elements.
Choose Add Action from the pop-up menu. At least one action must be defined per offender in the incident.
Choose the appropriate action code from the pop-up menu. If no action was taken, choose "Other/Unknown."
Populate the Action Date Range for reference. This field is optional.
Choose the appropriate Duration Code for the duration of the disciplinary action from the pop-up menu.
Populate the Assigned Duration field regarding the duration of the disciplinary action. This field is reported if Actual Duration is blank.
Populate the Actual Duration field regarding the actual duration of the action (if different than the Assigned Duration).
Click Add Action. The action appears under the Incident Elements heading.
Click and drag the action to the appropriate behavior, which should be listed under the name of an offender. The action appears under the behavior and is no longer listed under the Incident Elements heading.
Note: The Action must be dragged to the Behavior, just as the Behavior was dragged to the participant to link the elements correctly. If the Action appears to be associated with the Participant, delete the action, recreate it, and associate it to the behavior.Click Submit Incident to save the changes.