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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Attendance Change History Report Updates

Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.2

Additional Reference: PSSR_309600

The following updates have been made to the Attendance Change history report:

  • The “Changed by” column is now updated to show the correct information when changes are made via the plugin.

  • The Change Date/Time column and the current timestamp at the bottom of the report output will now display the time the attendance was modified, based on the time zone of the app server.


All States/Provinces: Compliance Package Encryption Key Security Updates

Additional References: PSSR-309549, PSSR-309548, and PSSR 309547

Common (Compliance) packages have been updated and hard-coded encryption keys have been removed from the database for security reasons.


All States/Provinces: Import ID Look-Up Functionality

The Import ID Look-Up functionality will no longer fail if the file contains an ID number that is not in PowerSchool. In this scenario, the result file (with the selected ID’s appended) will return the following verbiage:

  • Not Found


District-Level Contact Logic Preference Update for Ed-Fi/Student & Student Snapshot Reports

NM Student Template: Version 7.0

NM Student Snapshot Template: Version 6.2

Ed-Fi: parents resource

Additional Reference: PSSR-313356

The logic surrounding a student’s guardian/contact data has been updated and will now report/publish the STARS elements below based on the district-level pref that was released in SR

Student & Student Snapshot Templates:

  • 22 - Primary Guardian Name

  • 24 - Guardian Daytime Phone

  • 192 - Guardian Email Address

    • Note: Guardian Email Address will only be reported if element 38 (Special Education) is Y.

Parents Resource:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Electronic Email Address

  • Telephone Number

This new district level setting allows districts to determine the order of field sets the Student, Student Snapshot, and Ed-Fi look at when pulling the guardian elements.

The field sets, which can be given a rank of 1 through 3 (1 indicates that field set will be checked first), are as follows:

  • NM Specific Fields

    • Primary Guardian Name(First)

      • S_NM_STU_X.GuardianFirstName

    • Primary Guardian Name(Last)

      • S_NM_STU_X.GuardianLastName

    • Primary Guardian Email

      • S_NM_STU_X.GuardianEmail

    • Primary Guardian Phone

      • S_NM_STU_X.GuardianPhone

  • Legacy Guardian Fields

    • Guardian Name (First)

      • StudentCoreFields.GuardianFN

    • Guardian Name (Last)

      • StudentCoreFields.GuardianLN

    • Guardian Daytime Phone

      • StudentCoreFields.GuardianDayPhone

    • Guardian Email

      • Students.GuardianEmail

  • Unlimited (Student) Contacts


NM Specific Fields has been given a rank of 1

Legacy Guardian Fields has been given a rank of 2

Contacts has been given a rank of 3

If the NM Specific Fields field set has a rank of 1, the reports and Ed-Fi will first look at those fields for the presence of a guardian first and last name. If a name is found, the name, phone, and email will come from this set of fields.

If no guardian name is found in the NM Specific Fields fields, the reports and Ed-Fi will then check the field set which has been given the rank of 2 (the Legacy Guardian Fields in this example). If the Legacy Guardian Field set does contain a guardian first and last name, the reports and Ed-Fi will pull the guardian elements from this set of fields.

If no guardian name is found in the Legacy Guardian Fields fields, the reports and Ed-Fi will then check the field set which has been given the rank of 3 (the Contacts fields in this example). If the guardian data comes from Contacts, the elements will pull from the highest ranking contact where “Lives With” and “Has Custody” are checked.

Note: In order for the Student template, Student Snapshot template, and Ed-Fi to pull the guardian elements from a certain field set, the guardian name (first and last) MUST be entered in the respective fields for that field set. If no name is found, none of the guardian elements will report from that specific field set and the reports and Ed-Fi will check the next field set (based on rank).

It is critical that districts assign each of the 3 field set options (at the district level) a rank prior to running the Student template or Student Snapshot template or publishing contact data via Ed-Fi.


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - nmped.studentProgramAssociations Resource Updates for BEP Records

The following element will now be published as part of the nmped.studentProgramAssociations resource when a student has a BEP studentProgramAssociations record:

  • BEPProgramLanguageDescriptorId


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - Sections Update - Dependency on Locations Resource Removed

The Sections resource can now be published successfully without publishing a Locations reference.


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - Staff Excluded from State Reporting Update

The Ed-Fi logic has been updated and now all resources under the following dashboard categories will honor the staff-level Exclude from State Reporting flag.

  • Staff Demographics

  • Staff Associations

  • Teacher Sections


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - Students Excluded from State Reporting Update

Additional References: PSSR-315397

The Ed-Fi logic has been updated and now all resources under the following dashboard categories will honor the student-level Exclude from State Reporting flag.

  • Student Programs

  • Student Sections

  • Attendance


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - studentSchoolAttendanceEvents Updates

The StudentSchoolAttendanceEvents resource has been updated and the following attendance events will no longer be published:

  • Tardy

  • Early Departure


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - studentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociation Resource Update

The following elements will now be published as part of the studentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociation> SchoolFoodServiceProgramService resource:

  • serviceBeginDate

    • Source field: students.entrydate or RenEnrollments.EntryDate

  • serviceEndDate

    • Source field: students.exitdate or RenEnrollments.ExitDate


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - StudentSectionAssociation Update for Courses/Sections Excluded from State Reporting

The logic for the StudentSectionAssociation resource has been updated and student course enrollment records will no longer be published if the course or section is set to be excluded from state reporting.


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation & StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationEvent Updates

The following updates have been made to the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation logic:

  • StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation (student special ed program) records will now report for the school enrollment record(s) a student’s Special Education Start Date (IEP Start Date) falls within. Additionally, if the student switches schools prior to the Special Education End Date (IEP End Date), or if the student doesn’t have a Special Education End Date value, a studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation record will report for each school enrollment. This means that students with high mobility could (and will) have multiple studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation records; One for each school they’ve been enrolled in while they’re in special education.

    • The BeginDate for the studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation will be the School Entry Date for that particular school enrollment

    • The EndDate for the studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation is not required and will not be published.

The following updates have been made to the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationEvent (sped events) logic:

  • StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationEvent (sped event) records will now be published with a BeginDate that equals the student’s school entry date of the school enrollment record the event date falls within.


Staff Position Code Update

The Staff Position Code seeding script has been updated and now codes 143-146 will be available.

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