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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Copyright Year Update

The copyright year has been updated to 2023 on all Compliance pages in the following portal pages

  • Admin portal pages

  • Teachers/Subs portal pages

  • Public/Student portal pages


All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences Link Accessibility

The student Digital Equity & Learning Preferences page will now be visible to users that do (and do not) have access to a student’s Functions page.


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - CourseCode and LocalCourseCode logic update

The logic behind the LocalCourseCode and CourseCode has been updated and will pull from either the Course Number or Alternate Course Number fields based on how the district-level pref is set.

State Course Code Logic:

  • If district pref is set to Course Number:

    • The first 4 digits in the Courses.Course_Number field will be pulled.

  • If district pref is set to Alternate Course Number:

    • The first 4 digits in the Courses.Alt_Course_Number field will be pulled.

  • If district pref is blank:

    • The first 4 digits in the Courses.Alt_Course_Number field will be pulled.

    • If that field is blank, the first 4 digits in the Courses.Course_Number field will be pulled.

(LocalCourseCode) Local Course Code Logic:

  • If district pref is set to Course Number:

    • The first 60 digits in the Courses.Alt_Course_Number field will be pulled.

    • Otherwise, the first 60 digits in the Courses.Course_Number field will be pulled.

  • If district pref is set to Alternate Course Number:

    • The first 60 digits in the Courses.Course_Number field will be pulled.

    • Otherwise, the first 60 digits in the Courses.Alt_Course_Number field will be pulled.

  • If district pref is blank:

    • The first 60 digits in the Courses.Course_Number field will be pulled.

    • Otherwise, the first 60 digits in the Courses.Alt_Course_Number field will be pulled.

This logic change impacts the following resources:

  • CoureOfferings

  • Sections

  • StudentSectionAssociations

  • StaffSectionAssociations

  • StudentSectionAttendanceEvents

Note: If districts have already published data, a full republish must be done once this update is applied.


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - Dashboard Update

To avoid duplicating options on the Ed-Fi Dashboard, the following verbiage will preface each category name:

  • STARS Ed-Fi


NM - Ed-Fi - Code Set & Mapping Updates

All Code Sets that are not required for NM Ed-Fi have been removed from the drop-downs on the following pages:

  • District Start Page> System> Code Set Mappings

  • District Start Page> System> Code Set Mappings (Other)

After this update is applied, only the following Code Set mappings will be displayed (both are required for publishing the gradingPeriod resource):

  • District Start Page> System> Code Set Mappings

    • Grading Period Descriptors

  • District Start Page> System> Code Set Mappings (Other)

    • Reporting Terms


Program Services Fact report updates

NM Program Services Fact Template: Version 1.7

The Program Services Fact report has been updated and will now report data from the EELTO - ELTP After-School Program Attendance data entry screen (S_NM_STU_ELTP_ASP_Att_C child table) in the following manner:

  • A student has been given ELTP After-School Program attendance (via the ELTP After-School Program Attendance data entry screen) but no EELTO Program Services Fact record has been created in the S_NM_STU_ProgServFact_C child table.

    • In this scenario, the report will auto-generate an EELTO record for the student and the sum of days the student was marked in attendance (up to the 120D date) will be reported as the Service Frequency.

  • A student has been given ELTP After-School Program attendance (via the ELTP After-School Program Attendance data entry screen) but also has an EELTO Program Services Fact record has been created in the S_NM_STU_ProgServFact_C child table (with no service frequency values).

    • In this scenario, the report will return a record based on the S_NM_STU_ProgServFact_C child table record but it will sum the attendance records from the ELTP After-School Program Attendance data entry screen and the resulting value will be reported as the Service Frequency

  • A student has been given ELTP After-School Program attendance (via the ELTP After-School Program Attendance data entry screen) but also has an EELTO Program Services Fact record has been created in the S_NM_STU_ProgServFact_C child table (with service frequency values).

    • In this scenario, the report will return a record based on the S_NM_STU_ProgServFact_C child table record, including the saved Service Frequency values. it will not report the attendance records from the ELTP After-School Program Attendance data entry screen.

Additionally, The reporting period drop-down has been updated to only display 120D.


Staff Development Fact - Mentee Validation Update

On the Staff Development Fact data entry page, the validation message stating the Staff Credits Earned field is mandatory will now be cleared when the Activity Code is Mentee (the Staff Credits Earned field does not apply to Mentee records)


Student Infraction Response Template - Duplicate Record Update

NM Student infraction Response Template: Version 2.6

The Student Infraction Response template has been updated and will no longer report duplicate records when the data is coming from Log Entries and the staff that’s entered in the Administrator ID field is tied to multiple schools.

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