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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


HSDA Update Reverted

Additional References: PSSR-322438, PSSR-322439

NM Student Daily Attendance Template: Version 3.2

NM School Enrollment Template: Version 2.8

NM Student Summary Attendance Template: Version 3.1

NM Student Infraction Response Template: Version 2.8

NM Student Infraction Template: Version 2.5

NM Student Snapshot Template: Version 6.4

NM Student Digital Resources Template: Version 1.3

NM Student Grades Template: Version 3.5

NM CTE Student Industry Credentials Template: Version 1.9

NM Special Education Events Template: Version 3.7

NM Special Education Services Fact Template: Version 2.9

NM Special Education Snapshot Template: Version 2.8

NM Student Award Fact Template: Version 1.4

NM Program Services Fact Template: Version 1.9

In the SR update, an update was erroneously made that resulted in HSDA students (S_NM_STU_X.HSA = 1) being included in the reports noted above. After feedback and clarification from PED, it was established that this update should not have been made. The reports above have been updated and will now (once again) exclude HSDA-flagged Students in the report output.

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