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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


NOVA - Student Program (studentProgramAssociation) Record Auto Generation Updates

Additional references: PSSR- 335229, PSSR- 335079

The following updates have been made to the Student Program logic surrounding the auto generation of records for the following record types:

  • NMPreK Record Auto Generation Logic Update

    • These records will now be auto generated as expected if the following conditions are true:

      • The S_NM_STU_X.NMPreK field contains a valid value of 450HR or 900HR

    • The records will not be auto generated if any of the following conditions are true:

      • The school is excluded from state reporting.

      • The student is excluded from state reporting.

      • The student is a no-show.

      • The student has a current NMPreK record in the S_NM_STU_ProgramFact_C table

        • In this scenario, the child table record will be reported.

      • The [S_NM_STU_X]HomeSchooledClasses field is checked.

      • The [S_NM_STU_X]LocationCode contains a value

  • 3Y/4Y Record Auto Generation Logic Update

    • These records will now be auto generated as expected if the following conditions are true:

      • The [S_NM_SCH_X]FLAG_3Y4Y field must be checked

      • Student's grade level must be -2 for a 3Y record and -1 for a 4Y record

      • The [S_NM_STU_X]sped38 = Y and special education exit date is blank or the special education exit date field is >= the student’s latest school entry date. Or, the [S_NM_STU_X]sped38 = N and special education exit date >= student's latest school entry date.

Note: If the Special Education Exit Date is blanked out, a delete for any 3Y/4Y records will be sent. The Special Education Exit Date must remain in place to preserve the records. If a student exits special education, the latest 3Y/4Y record will be updated so the endDate reflects the Special Education Exit Date.

  • BUS/BUSA/BSCE Auto Generation Logic Update

    • Based on new guidance from PED, these records will be auto generated in the following manner (for 80D & 120D only)

      • BUS

        • The [S_NM_STU_X]EligibleBusSvc_YN field is Y

        • Either the S_NM_STU_X.RodeBus80D or S_NM_STU_X.RodeBus120D fields are checked.

      • BUSA

        • The [S_NM_STU_X]BUSA field is Y

        • Either the S_NM_STU_X.RodeBus80D or S_NM_STU_X.RodeBus120D fields are checked.

      • BSCE

        • The [S_NM_STU_X] EligibleBusSvcVocEd_YN field is Y

        • Either the S_NM_STU_X.RodeBus80D or S_NM_STU_X.RodeBus120D fields are checked

      • Critical: For these record types, PED requires the Student Program beginDate and endDate record to both reflect the 80D or 120D reporting date. These Student Program dates reflecting the reporting period date is how they will differentiate between an 80D record and a 120D record.

      • For auto generated records, both dates ( Student Program beginDate & endDate) will come from the 80D and 120D dates entered on the STARS Reporting Dates page at the district level.

  • All Auto Generated Record Types:

    • All auto generated Student Program records will now be generated by school enrollment. This means that students with multiple school enrollments will have multiple Student Program records published.

      • The record beginDate and endDate will reflect the school enrollment entry and exit dates and the EdOrgID will reflect the school that school enrollment is tied to.

      • Note: This same logic is being applied to Programs Fact child table records and that update will be released as soon as possible. This will ensure both data entry methods (auto generation and Programs Fact child table records) report Student Program data the same way for 80D.


NOVA - Student Enrollment (studentSchoolAssociation) exitdate Update

The extWithdrawDate logic has been updated and the resulting date that’s published will be the student’s school exit date (it will no longer be the exit date - 1).


NOVA - studentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociation resource update

The Food Service program logic has received the following updates:

  • The particpationStatus subresource elements will now publish based on the student’s eligibility.

  • The schoolFoodServiceProgramServices subresource elements will publish based on the student’s participation.

  • All Students (with the exception of no-show students) will get one of the following three records published:

    • Free

    • Reduced

    • Not Participating

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