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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates



Release Note


NM_US3YEARS Data Collection on the Misc Tab

The NM_US3YEARS field on the Misc tab is now updated to have the same field description (Years in U.S. Schools) and options set (values 0-5) as the same field on the Bilingual tab.


  • This field was a Y/N field. Districts must update this field for any student with a Current FEP Status of 1.

  • Per PED, Years in US Schools is measured in school years and must be consecutive.


Student and Student Snapshot Template - Remove Extra Columns

Student: Version 5.9
Student Snapshot: Version 5.2

The Student and Student Snapshot Template reports are updated to remove an extra NotUsed column that caused elements after BEPLanguageCode to be in the wrong order.


Student Summary Attendance - Attendance for Previous School Enrollments Update

NM Student Summary Attendance Template: Version 2.1

The Student Summary Attendance report is updated and a new report runtime parameter is available to Include Attendance from Previous School Enrollments. Setting this parameter to Yes will cause the report to include attendance data for a student's previous school enrollments in the report output.

The report will still return a single row per student with a Location Code value that reflects the building the student was in as of the Snapshot Date. This was done so that the Location Code in the Student Summary Attendance matches the Location Code of the Student Snapshot template. If this new parameter is set to include attendance from previous school enrollments, the attendance data will reflect the attendance across all their school enrollments for the specified attendance period.

If the parameter is not selected, the report will behave as it always has, and the attendance data will reflect that of the student's current school enrollment.

Note: PED has not yet provided guidance on whether attendance from previous school enrollments should be included or excluded. This update was made to cover both possible outcomes and, once PED confirms how the report should behave, the parameter and report logic will be updated again.

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