Graduation Cohort Import Functionality
The New Mexico Cohort Import functionality can be used to import files containing the student's cohorts into PowerSchool to update the student's graduation cohort field ([S_NM_STU_X]GradCohort). This functionality will update the cohort field value for all students in the file.
Use the following steps to search for Student Program enrollments.
On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
Scroll to NM Special Functions.
Click New Mexico Cohort Import functionality.
This function uses the state student ID number in the cohort file from NMPED to link to the student record that is to be updated.
In order to utilize this import function, you must download the High School Cohort – by School file from NMPED. The file MUST be a csv file and in its original format. Headers, columns, the number of columns cannot be modified or altered.
Errors will result if the file selected to be imported doesn't meet the criteria noted above. Errors will also result if a record in the NMPED file references a student that is not in PowerSchool.