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How to Add Behaviors

Use the steps below to add behaviors to the incident. See the Appendix for code values.

  1. On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you'd like to edit.

  2. Click the Plus (plus) button next to Incident Elements.

  3. Choose Add Behavior from the pop-up menu.

  4. Choose the behavior performed by the offender from the pop-up menu.

  5. Select the Primary Behavior checkbox to indicate if this is the primary behavior for the incident.
    Note: Flagging a behavior as the primary does not mean it will automatically be reported if there are multiple behaviors. Each behavior has an assigned severity value, and it is the behavior with the lowest severity value (the most severe) that will be reported.

  6. Click Add Behavior. The behavior appears under the Incident Elements heading.

  7. Click and drag the behavior to the appropriate offender. The behavior appears under the name of the offender and also remains listed under Incident Elements.
    Note: The behavior MUST be dragged to the appropriate offender to link the two elements correctly.

  8. Click Submit Incident to save the changes.

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