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StoredGrade Table Extension Fields and Source

StoredGrade Extension Field






Note: This field only becomes visible if a course is flagged as both Reading & Writing.


EOC Test Score Tracking functionality (Test Administration date)


EOC Test Score Tracking functionality

Note: This field only becomes visible if a course is flagged as both Reading & Writing.

End of Course Test Score records can be imported as well. If this method is preferred, import the records in using the store code that is designated on the District Info page. It is also important to note that the End of Course Test Subject Area value must be imported into the [StoredGrades.S_NM_SGR_X]ECOTextSub and EOCTestSub2 fields. As of the October 10th 2014 State Reporting Update (14.9.3), a numeric code that is associated with the desired EOC Test Subject is saved, rather than the full EOC Test Subject text string.

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