End of Course Test Score Data Entry
New Mexico End of Course Test Score data entry can be used to create StoredGrades records for a student's end of course test results. Once these scores exist as StoredGrade records, they will be pulled into the Assessment Fact extract.
To find this functionality, navigate to the following page:
Start Page > Special Functions > New Mexico End of Course Test Grade Data Entry
The following setup MUST be completed before this data entry can be done:
- At the District level, define a store code for the EOC StoredGrade records. District Start Page> District Setup> District Info
- Ensure all High School courses have a valid End of Course Test Subject value selected.
Once the above setup is complete, enter End of Course Test grades by selecting the desired teacher, then the desired section, and then enter the score the student achieved.
Data Source for End of Course Test StoreGrade record
StoredGrades Field | Data Source |
Absences | Always 0 |
AB_Course_Cmp_Ext_Crd | Null |
AB_Course_Cmp_Fun_Flg | Null |
AB_Course_Cmp_Fun_Sch | Null |
AB_Course_Cmp_Met_Cd | Null |
AB_Course_Cmp_Sta_Cd | Null |
AB_Course_Eva_Pro_Cd | Null |
AB_Dipl_Exam_Mark | Null |
AB_Final_Mark | Null |
AB_Lng_Cd | Null |
AB_Pri_Del_Met_Cd | Null |
Behavior | Null |
Comment | Null |
Course_Equiv | Null |
Course_Name | [Courses]Course_Name to which the selected section is tied to. |
Course_Number | [Courses]Course_Number to which the selected section is tied to. |
Credit_Type | [Courses]CreditType to which the selected section is tied to. |
Custom: | Null |
DateStored | The current date. |
EarnedCrHrs | Always 0 |
ExcludeFromClassRank | Always 1 |
ExcludeFromGPA | Always 1 |
ExcludeFromGradeSuppression | Always True |
ExcludeFromGraduation | Always True |
ExcludeFromHonorRoll | Always 1 |
ExcludeFromTranscripts | [Courses]Sched_Do_Not_Print to which the selected section is tied to. |
GPA_AddedValue | Null |
GPA_Custom1 | Null |
GPA_Custom2 | Null |
GPA_Points | Null |
Grade | User Entered EOC Test Score value |
GradeScale_Name | If [Sections]GradeScaleID = 0, then [Courses]GradeScaleID |
Grade_Level | [Students/ReEnrollments]GradeLevel |
IsEarnedCrHrsFromGB | Always False |
IsPotentialCrHrsFromGB | Always False |
Log |
Percent | Always Null |
PotentialCrHrs | Always 0 |
Replaced_DCID | Always Null or 0 |
Replaced_Grade | Always Null |
SchoolID | [Sections]SchoolID |
SchoolName | [Schools]SchoolName to which the section belongs to. |
SectionID | [Sections]ID |
StoreCode | User defined value from the district level field. |
StudentID | [Students]ID |
Tardies | Always Null |
Teacher_Name | Always Null |
TermBinsName | Always Null |
TermID | [Sections]TermID |