Student CTE Programs
This view captures details about students' participation in the CTE Program.
This association is an extension of the StudentProgramAssociation specific for CTE programs.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
- [S_NM_STU_IndustryCred_C]
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
- The student was published in the Student category.
- The student has enrolled in the CTE Program.
- The begin date of the program is within the current school year.
- StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
Resource Output
- A single record is published for each student and each enrollment period in each of the program associations included in the resource.
- The studentCTEProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the Student resource.
- LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real-time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
educationOrganizationReference | ||||
educationOrganizationId | The identifier assigned to the Education Organization that is delivering the CTE program. | String | Always an 8 digit value:
Note: If the student is a mid transfer (Enrollment_SchoolID != SchoolID and Enroll_Status = 2), the building number will be the Alt School Number or School Number that corresponds with the Enrollment_SchoolID building (assuming the sx.LocationCode field is null. If the sx.LocationCode field is not null, the building number will be the not null value.) | M |
programReference | ||||
educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | String | M | |
ProgramTypeDescriptor | The type of the program. | String | Career and Technical Education | M |
ProgramName | The formal name of the CTE program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | Career and Technical Education | |
studentReference | ||||
StudentUniqueId | A unique number assigned to the student by the state. | String | StudentUniqueId downloaded from State Derived from: [s]State_StudentNumber | M |
BeginDate | The earliest date the student is involved with the program. This will be the student's latest school entry date. | Datetime | [Student]EntryDate | |
cteProgram | ||||
careerPathwayDescriptor | A set of courses within an area of interest. These courses form the education roadmap aligned to the career path selected by the student. | String | The value is always "Other". | M |
CIPCode | The number and description of the CIP code associated with the student's CTE program. | String | The value is always 0. | M |
CTEProgramCompletionIndicator | A flag to indicate that the student has completed the program. | Boolean | M |