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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: New Office Visit Details Report

Office Visit Details: Version 1.0

A new Office Visit Details report is now available on the System Reports tab and can be run for a specific school and for a specific time frame based on user defined Start and End Date parameters.

The report can be run to include any (or all) of the various data groupings (listed below) within an Office Visit record.

Visit Details

This data grouping displays:

  •   Visit Reason

  •   Vital Signs

  •   Accident Info

  •   Assessment

  •   Outcome & Actions

  •  Change Reason

The report can also be configured to return Office Visit data by student or by date.

Note: At this time, the report will return the results in an HTML format but a PDF output option is being developed and will be released in a future release.


Course Instructor - Reported Teacher Update

NM Course Instructor Report: Version: 4.4

The Course Instructor Template is updated and will no longer pull additional records (in the output file) for any additional teachers that are assigned to the section.


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - Download of categories and resources

The following should be available for download under NM Edfi V3 profile
• Descriptors (State Codes)
• Organization Directory
• State Courses
• State Programs


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - New Retained Field For Previous School Enrollments

New field K-12 student retained or failed to be promoted field has been added to the Edit Previous School Enrollment page and will be leveraged when sending previous school enrollment data via Ed-Fi.

Note: This field was previously only available on the student’s record. This field at the ReEnrollments level will ONLY be utilized for Ed-Fi


Ed-Fi - Project Nova Pilot - Student Enrollment

The New Mexico Ed-Fi profile (EDFI_NM_3) is now available for pilot districts and the following resources can be published.

  • StudentschoolAssociation


HSDA Report Updates

Additional References:

  • PSSR-289875: NM - HSDA Flagged Students Appearing In Various Reports And Shouldn't - Part 2,

  • PSSR-289876: NM - HSDA Flagged Students Appearing In Various Reports And Shouldn't - Part 3,

  • PSSR-289877: NM - HSDA Flagged Students Appearing In Various Reports And Shouldn't - Part 4,

  • PSSR-289878: NM - HSDA Flagged Students Appearing In Various Reports And Shouldn't - Part 5

NM Student Daily Attendance Template: Version 2.8

NM School Enrollment Template: Version 2.6

NM Student Summary Attendance Template: Version 2.8

NM Student Infraction Response Template: Version 2.5

NM Student Infraction Template: Version 2.2

NM Student Snapshot Template: Version 5.9

NM Student Digital Resources Template: Version 1.1

NM Student Grades Template: Version 3.3

NM CTE Student Industry Credentials Template: Version 1.6

NM Special Education Events Template: Version 3.5

NM Special Education Services Fact Template: Version 2.7

NM Special Education Snapshot Template: Version 2.4

NM Student Award Fact Template: Version 1.2

NM Program Services Fact Template: Version 1.5

The reports above have been updated and will now exclude HSDA Flagged Students from the report output.


New - District level Language Spoken in Home or Native Language Default Field

Additional Reference:

NM Student Template: Version 6.7

NM Student Snapshot Template: Version 6.0

A new District level field (On the District Info page) is available which will allow districts to set their own default value for the Language Spoken in Home or Native Language Student field. If a specific language value is set, the student level field and the report will default to this value if the student level source field is blank.

Summary of Changes & Behavior:

  • A new Language Spoken in Home or Native Language Default field is now available on the District Info page

    • Path: Start Page> District Setup> District Info

    • This field can be utilized to force the reports (noted above) to return any language value when the Student level Language Spoken in Home or Native Language field is blank.

      • Note: If a default value of 00 (English) is desired, the (District level) field does NOT need to be set. a value of 00 will already be returned by the Student & Student Snapshot templates when the Student level Language Spoken in Home or Native Language field is blank.

  • Both the new District level default field and the existing Student level Language Spoken in Home or Native Language field both now have blank options in the option set. A blank will be displayed when no value has been previously selected and saved.

  • The following verbiage has been added underneath the Student level Language Spoken in Home or Native Language:

    • If this field is blank and no District level default value has been set, 00 will be returned by the reports. Otherwise, the specified District level default will be returned

  • Student & Student Snapshot reports:

    • If the Student level Language Spoken in Home or Native Language field is not blank, the saved value will be returned.

    • If the Student level Language Spoken in Home or Native Language field is blank and a District level default value has been specified using this new field, the District level default value will be returned.

    • If the Student level Language Spoken in Home or Native Language field is blank and the District level default value field is blank, 00 will be returned.


Student Summary Attendance Template - ScheduledPeriodsExcused Update

NM Student Summary Attendance Template: Version 2.8

The logic for ScheduledPeriodsExcused column is updated to consider Section-level Exclude from Attendance flag and Bell Schedule Items Count for ADA Flag for calculation.


Student Template - HomeSchooledIndicator Update

NM Student Template: Version 6.6

The Student Template report logic has been modified and the HomeSchooledIndicator element will now report a Y if either of the following are true:

  • If the Location Code override field is set to 999

  • If the Home Schooled & Taking Classes in District field is checked

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