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Staff Setup


The following data elements are required for staff setup. The first three pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member].

  1. On the Start Page, click Staff.

  2. Select a staff member or New Staff Entry.

    1. For existing staff members, select Information.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports

Editing Staff Information

Edit Information

Name (Last, First MI)

Enter the staff member's name.

Note: Use the format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName





Course Instructor


Preferred Name

Enter the staff member's preferred name (if any).


Email Address

Enter the preferred email address for the staff member.




Enter the staff member's title.




Choose the staff member’s gender from the pop-up menu.




Choose Yes or No for the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.

Note: Decline to State is not a valid option for New Mexico.

[Users]FedEthnicity = 1



Select one or more of the checkboxes to indicate the staff member’s race.

Note: Decline to State is not a valid option for New Mexico.

Note: The values displayed on the page are the District ethnicity/race codes, however each should be mapped to a Federal ethnicity/race category.  See the District Setup section for more information.

[TeacherRace]RaceCd = C, B, H, A, I, P


Reporting Ethnicity

Choose the staff member’s primary race/ethnicity from the pop-up menu.

[Users]Ethnicity = C, B, H, A, I


Home Language Code

Choose the home language code. 

See the Appendix for valid values.

S_NM_USR_X. HomeLangCode


Enter the staff member’s ID.


Required Setup


If the staff member is a teacher, enter her/his homeroom number.



Home School

The staff member's home school.



Lunch ID

Enter the staff member's lunch ID.



Home Phone #

Enter the staff member's home phone number.



School Phone #

Enter the staff member's school phone number.




City, State, Zip

Enter the staff member's address.







Enter the staff member's social security number.




Enter the staff member’s date of birth.



Staff Type

Select the staff member's role in the district.



Staff Assignment

Staff Development Fact

Enter the Staff Activity Hours for the selected staff.

    • 40D

    • 80D

    • 120D

    • EOY





Staff Development Fact Report


Indicates that the staff member is active. Selected by default.

Note: This checkbox must be selected for the staff member to be included in the Staff and Staff Assignment extract.



Staff Assignment

Exclude from State Reporting

Select if the staff member should not be included in state reporting.

Note: This field can also be updated via the Staff Education, Salary, Misc. Information link.



Staff Assignment

Staff Unique ID

Enter the PED assigned, unique ID value to be used for NOVA reporting. Previously, the PED assigned, unique ID values were entered in the State PrID field. The State PrID field is removed. The values from the State PrID field have been transferred to this (Staff Unique ID) field through a reposchema update.

Note: Enter a numeric value that does not exceed 12 digits.



Staff Assignment

License Number

The license number of the staff. The maximum length of this field is eight characters, and only numeric values are allowed.



Staff Assignment

Exit Code

If the staff member has left, choose an exit code from the pop-up menu.



Exit Date

If the staff member has left, enter the date he/she left.

Note: The exit date must occur after the previous 120D date and before the current 120D, in order for the record to be included in the EOY submission for the Staff extract.



National Certified

Indicates whether the staff is national certified.

Valid values:

  • Blank

  • Yes

  • No



Staff Snapshot

Summer School Location Code

Select the building code that this staff member should be reported under for the summer submission.

This can be set on the staff record tied to the summer school or the staff record marked as the primary record.

Note: This is not needed if the staff member is not teaching summer school.



Course Instructor

Student Course Enrollment

Student Grades


Staff Snapshot

Staff Assignment

Staff Absent Time Used

Enter the staff member's number of absences

Note: Entered values can be out to the hundredths place and may not be greater than 365.


Staff Attendance

Digital Equity 

Digital Resources of the staff

Primary Device Type

Select the device the staff uses most often to complete teaching activities away from school? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the staff is most often using to complete their work.



Primary Device Access

Is the device (identified in field 6) shared with anyone else in the household?



Internet Access in Residence

Is there Internet Access in Residence?




Internet Access Type

Select the internet access type 



Internet Performance

Select the quality of internet performance 



Entering Miscellaneous State Information

Staff Education, Salary, Misc. Information Link

NM State Staff Status

Choose the staff member's status from the pop-up menu.

Staff Assignment: For the record to be included in the Staff Assignment extract, the staff member’s NM Staff Status must equal C, N, S, or R.



Staff Assignment

Original Hire Date

Enter the date the staff member started with the district.

Note: This value will never change.



Staff Snapshot

Staff Contract Start Date

Enter the date the staff member’s contract started.



Staff Snapshot

Employment Eligibility Verification

Choose the staff member's method of verifying employment eligibility from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Blank

  • J1VISA - J1 Visa

  • TEMPVISA - Temporary Work Visa


Baccalaureate Degree Institution

Choose the baccalaureate degree institution from the pop-up menu.



Highest Degree Earned

Choose the highest degree earned by the staff member from the pop-up menu.



Highest Degree Institution

Choose the institution at which the staff member earned her/his highest degree.



Bilingually Endorsed Language Taught

Choose the language the staff member has been endorsed to teach.



Teacher Received ESL or Bilingual Education In-Service or Pre-Service Training

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the staff member received training in English as a second language or in bilingual education.



Years of experience as Teacher or Principal in district

Enter the number of years of experience the staff member has in the current district.



Total years of experience as Teacher or Principal outside the district.

Enter the number of years of experience the staff member has in any district other than the current district.



Social Security Number of First Educational Assistant

Enter the SSN for the first educational assistant



Social Security Number of Second Educational Assistant

Enter the SSN for the second educational assistant



Annual Base Salary

Enter the staff member's base salary



The primary tribe in which the staff member is enrolled

Choose the appropriate tribe from the pop-up menu.



Teacher Receives High Quality Mentoring Support

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Teacher Completed High Quality Mentoring Support

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Administrator Receives High Quality Professional Development

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Teacher Receives High Quality Professional Development

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


The Educational Assistant has Instructional Duties in a title 1, Part A Program

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Creating a Staff Master Record

Staff Master Record/Position Details Link > New

Master Record

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.



Entering Staff Assignments

Staff Master Record/Position Details > Enter New Assignment

Assignment Number

Select the number that is applicable to this assignment.

[S_NM_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C] AssignmentNumber

Staff Assignment

Staff Snapshot


Position Code

Choose the staff member's position from the pop-up menu.


Staff Assignment

Staff Snapshot


Start Date

Enter the date this assignment became active.


Staff Assignment

Staff Snapshot


End Date

Enter the date this assignment will end.

Note: Only required if the assignment has been terminated.


Staff Assignment

Staff Snapshot


Full Time Equivalence (FTE)

Enter the FTE for the staff member's position.

Note: To be included in the EOY submission of the Staff extract, the staff member must have an FTE greater than 0 for one or more of the following position codes: 00, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 73, 74, 75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103, 104, 106, 110, 110S.


Staff Assignment

Staff Snapshot



Select the location under which this assignment should be reported.

Note: If this is left blank, the assignment will report under the staff member’s home school.


Staff Assignment

Staff Development Fact

Select a staff, and then click Information on the left panel. Click Staff Development Fact displayed at the end of the staff information and then click New.   

Activity Code

Select the relevant activity code from the drop-down list.

Valid values:

  • Extended Learning Time Program 

  • Mentor

  • Mentee


Staff Development Fact Report

Mentor Training

Indicates if the mentor requires training. If you select the activity code as Mentor, this field is visible. Select a value from the drop-down list.

Valid values:

  • Blank 

  • Yes

  • No


Staff Development Fact Report

Mentor ID

If you select the activity code as Mentee, this field is visible. Enter the name of a staff member. The corresponding staff DCID is stored in the database.


Staff Development Fact Report

Activity Hours

Enter the number of hours the staff will be active for the selected activity code.


Staff Development Fact Report

Staff Credits Earned 

Enter credits earned by the staff.


Staff Development Fact Report

Purpose Code

Select the relevant purpose code from the drop-down list. For more information, refer to Purpose Codes.


Staff Development Fact Report

Activity Year

The year in which the activity will be performed. Select the relevant year from the drop-down list.


Staff Development Fact Report

Reporting Period

Select the relevant reporting period from the drop-down list.

Valid values:

  • 40D

  • 80D

  • 120D

  • EOY


Staff Development Fact Report

Deprecated Fields

Percent of Title 1A Full Time Equivalent

Compensation Override

Enter the percent of Title 1A Full Time Equivalent.



Percent of Title II Full Time Equivalent

Compensation Override

Enter the percent of Title 1A Full Time Equivalent.



Percent of Title 1C Full Migrant Programs

Compensation Override

Enter the percent of Title 1C Full Migrant Programs.



Percent of Salary from State Operational Funding

Compensation Override

Enter the appropriate value.




Percent of Salary from Federal Funding (Excluding Title IA FTE and Title II FTE)

Compensation Override

Enter the appropriate value.




Percent of Salary from Medicaid in the Schools Funding

Compensation Override

Enter the appropriate value.




Percent of Salary from Private Funding

Compensation Override

Enter the appropriate value.




Percent of Salary from Public Funding

Compensation Override

Enter the appropriate value.





Licensed to receive BEP funding?

Select Yes or No if the staff member is licensed to receive BEP funding.


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